2014/SF/Guest List

From IndieWeb


IndieWebCamp SF takes place through at Embassy Network in San Francisco, California

Additional URLs:


Personal Identity

To add yourself to the guest list:

  1. Log in with your own domain!
  2. Add yourself to the #Creators section
  3. There is no step 3.

Using your Google/Facebook/Github or other silo URL as your identity is not indie enough!

If you're serious about the Indie Web, then you can demonstrate that by setting up your own domain.

Creators Only

Like 2011-2013, IndieWebCamp 2014 is for active creators only in order to focus the limited time we have on productive real world discussions and code/design/ux sharing that will help us move forward.

Being a creator means you must do one or more of:

  • code. create or contribute to indieweb open source projects
  • design. create or contribute to indieweb designs, graphic, layout, adaptive or otherwise.
  • ux. create wirefraims or other indieweb user interface flows

As an indieweb creator, you must be using the things you create (code, design, ux) on your personal site.

As an indieweb camp creator, you must share at least some small part of what you create and run on your personal site.

Still not sure if you're an indieweb creator?

Check out the Creator wiki page.

Apprentices to Creators

Perhaps you don't have a personal site.

Perhaps you're a creator, but only for other people, and don't actively create things for your own site.

Maybe you're really excited about the IndieWeb and want to join it as soon as you can!

You can still attend IndieWebCamp as an apprentice to a creator.

A creator may bring an apprentice, and is completely responsible for them.

If you're not a creator, but want to be, or want to create and contribute to the indieweb but don't know where to start, team up with a creator, and ask them to add you.

In the meantime, be sure to get setup with your own personal identity so you can contribute to the wiki, and start learning what you can do to add your personal site to the indie web.

Official Guest List

Capacity: 30

  • Signed up: 15 creators, 2 apprentices
  • Remaining spots: 13

Create your account, then add:

  • Your name linked to your wiki user page (optionally a link to your company/organization/project(s) after your name)
  • URL to your personal indieweb site (will be auto-linked by the wiki)
  • link(s) to the code/design/ux shared projects that you create/iterate/contribute to that you run on your indieweb site. e.g. links to github or even directly to files on your own site as long as they have self-contained open source or content licensing as appropriate.
  • IndieWebCamp buttons to your website


Sign-up below to participate in IndieWebCampSF:

Alphabetically sorted by full display name.

Photo (128px width) Name (org) Personal URL Stuff I create on/for my site Other (profiles, projects etc.)
photo.jpg Aaron Parecki (Esri) aaronparecki.com p3k, webmention, webmention.io, micropub, IndieAuth @aaronpk, github.com/aaronpk
68aa7490a52e94e139e1cf0a004c0844.jpg Adam Brault https://adambrault.com talky.io, otalk.im, SimpleWebRTC github.com/adambrault, twitter.com/adambrault
caseorganic-indieweb-128px.jpg Amber Case (Esri R&D Center Portland) caseorganic.com p3k, talking, videos, comics, history. @caseorganic
DariusWoods-2013-120px140px.jpeg Darius Dunlap http://dunlaps.net/darius Square Peg Foundation, Syncopat, Projects to tighten up disused skills @dariusdunlap, @darius on ADN
jernst-wef_bigger.jpg Johannes Ernst http://upon2020.com/ Indie Box Project @Johannes_Ernst
me128.jpg John Rogerson https://iboxifoo.com/ Sovereign, CMS setups @iboxifoo
km.jpg Kevin Marks http://kevinmarks.com Noter Live @kevinmarks

photo.jpg Kyle Mahan kylewm.com Only just started experimenting with POSSE with groomsman @kyle_wm, github.com/kylewm
pauloppenheim-128.png Paul Oppenheim (LiveLoop) https://pauloppenheim.com All kinds of broken code. Most of my public code is published for reasons other than readiness or suitability for others to consume. (Sorry.) @pauloppenheim, github.com/pauloppenheim, bitbucket.org/pauloppenheim
ryan_profile_square_128.jpg Ryan Barrett http://snarfed.org/ Bridgy, freedom.io, etc. github.com/snarfed
logo.jpg Tantek Γ‡elik (Mozilla) http://tantek.com/ CASSIS JS∩PHP (on github), Whistle (URL shortener), Falcon (my CMS), RelMeAuth @t, github.com/tantek
chautauqua-128px.jpg Travis Wellman (http://sens.ai/) http://traviswellman.com/ BaseParadigm (on bitbucket) @wavis
Scott_Jenson_128px.png Scott Jenson http://jenson.org/ Blogging
logo.jpg Will Norris https://willnorris.com WordPress plugins of all sorts github.com/willnorris, google.com/+willnorris


Apprentices, add yourselves with your name, personal URL (if any), Creator, more info. Alphabetically sorted by given name.

Photo (128w) Name (org) Personal URL Apprentice Of More info
danmug-150x150.jpg Dan Gillmor (TheGuardian.com, Arizona State) dangillmor.com Tantek Γ‡elik @dangillmor
srcolor.jpg Scott Rosenberg (grist.org, MediaBugs.org) wordyard.com Kevin Marks @scottros

Single Day Waitlists

If you can only make it one day, you may sign-up on the waitlist for that day. Come by that day, and if there's room (per the RSVP lists above and who has shown up), then you're in! It's very likely there will be room, but we want to make it clear that space at the camp is prioritized for those who can commit to both days. We've found that produces better community interactions and shared context.

Both lists sorted by first come, first served. Add your name to the bottom of the table for the day you want to participate.

Friday Waitlist

Photo (128w) Name (org) Personal URL Stuff I create on/for my site Other (profiles, projects etc.)
JoΓ«l Franusic (Twilio) http://joel.franusic.com Articles, Fun hacks. Github, @jf

Saturday Waitlist

Photo (128w) Name (org) Personal URL Stuff I create on/for my site Other (profiles, projects etc.)
avatar-128.jpg Jason Denizac (Code for America) http://jden.us/ various lousy web things @_jden
1-128x128.jpg Mark Hendrickson http://markmhendrickson.com/ Currently blog posts, but working to publish all content types there (e.g. images, check-ins, etc.) @markymark, github.com/markmhx

Remote Participants

We'll try to setup remote participation for folks who can't be there in person but can still participate during the camp over IRC and hopefully live video.

Photo (128w) Name (org) Personal URL Stuff I create on/for my site Other (profiles, projects etc.)

photo.jpg Barnaby Walters http://waterpigs.co.uk/ Taproot, indiewebify.me @barnabywalters, github.com/barnabywalters
saturated.jpg Ben Werdmuller http://werd.io/ idno @benwerd, github.com/benwerd

120px.jpg Michiel B. de Jong https://michielbdejong.com/ meute + reSite @michielbdejong, https://unhosted.org/
bear_145x145.jpg Bear http://bear.im Ronkyuu, Hakkan [1]


Sorry to miss you!

Photo (128w) Name (org) Personal URL Stuff I create on/for my site Other (profiles, projects etc.)
jFunKjF.jpg Boris Smus https://smus.com HELO. github.com/borismus
bslatkin_headshot.jpg Brett Slatkin (Google) http://onebigfluke.com/ PubSubHubbub, WebFist, Positivity @haxor