A nice Quality of Life feature that would be great to have would be if there were a notification that pops up before sending someone off if they still have parts to play in other characters' stories.
i.e. "Are you sure you want to send them off? They still have a role to play in x's story."
Another possible Quality of Life feature would be to give character stories dependencies on other stories in order to progress them.
i.e. Have Saaya's progress dependent on where you're at with Kaitlin; and/or Kara's progress dependent on Marisa's.
Both suggestions are just so we don't accidentally miss out on interactions between the characters.
Side Note: I try to keep everyone's Story numbers the same because, presumably, it'll have all of the character stories be at roughly the same place chronologically in the over-arching story.
However, not everyone has the same amount of Story numbers, so trying to keep them all the same ends up having some people get sent off too early. So have to keep some characters hanging around just so they can join in on other stories.
To combat that, maybe could add a Linear Mode that we can play where everything happens in the order it's "supposed" to and that way it'd be hard to miss any content.