To answer this tho....
Which guy did you like the most and why?
Defiantly Purba. With mysterious lizard-man as my second choice.
2. Do you play a lot of otome/visual novels? What made you choose to play Nusantara?
Let me put it this way: I have run out of Otome games remotely interesting to me on both Steam and Itch, and is scraping the bottom of the barrel for them by lowering my standards massively and reaching out to try things I otherwise wouldn't go near.
I play an unholy amount of them.
This game looked interesting, in a maybe-caveman like way. And the artwork was pretty.
The LI's may not be yandere, or in any way dark and/or evil, but I was willing to see what they might be like regardless, mainly because of the artwork and how pretty the lizard-man was. (Your plot is sadly missing from this page, and all we have to work it out with is an enigmatic poem that doesn't tell us much. I recommend adding a brief summary to catch more people's interest.)
I liked the lizard-man in the artwork on the page as well, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to romance him.
3. Which element of the game would you say was the best and which ones would you say need work? Consider story, art, characters, music etc.
I can't speak for music since I rarely have the sound on as I find it distracting.
The artwork is very pretty, however. And you are good at storytelling.
The ending was a bit...anticlimactic. It appeared to promise an epic journey, but somehow ended in five minutes.
What I HATE is the lack of choices. Especially REAL choices.
This game has ONE real choice: Which of the birds you want to date ("Non" is NOT an option), and the follow-up choice to stay with them or not, which really is just a way to ask the play if they like the choice the mc made or not.
At the beginning there is several places you could have made a choice that would end the game early --which would have been nice. (Not because the game is bad, but because it makes you feel more in control of it, and thus hate it less when you're dragged into it by that woman whom I shall not specify to avoid spoilers.)
Later you get choices for who to visit, but NOT a choice whether you want to be romantic or friendly or ignore people. And it really suck when you don't have all three of those choices --especially for a love interest.
4. Do you have any other questions, comments or constructive criticism?
If you want my advice: Add some more choices. ESPECIALLY when it comes to romance.And either add a Walktrough guide, or make it easier to romance the lizard-man.
And because of the premise of the game, PLEASE add the possibility to fail at what the godess want from you.
The whole game seems unrealistic, and any victory meaningless without the possibility to fail.
I honestly expected that the end outcome might have depended on saving that lizard-man at the first play-trough.
It's very typical for the good games and stories that you save someone from the enemy, and later they turn out to be pivotal to your success.
But in this game it doesn't matter. He has zero impact on the ending.
I'd say the same for the outsider bird with white hair.
Like maybe he'd be necessary in the fight and if you didn't help him he'd leave and that'd end badly for the village, or something.
But no. NOTHING matters.
I won't tell you to make the whole epic journey thing with the map --I realize just how much work that extra route would take.
But if you're not gonna make that big journey, then maybe drop the Chekhov's Gun with the map? Because it raises people's expectations that there WILL be an epic journey to the lizard's village, with trials to overcome and choices to make that will determine the bird-people's fate.
And, to be fair.... This may not be a critique, per se, just a personal preference, but...
I REALLY was hoping that you might have been able to change history by making the lizard people win, and then it turned out that humans would change ever-so-slightly because they'd be decedent from them instead of the bird people.
Which would change the ending so that either you started a family with one of them, and discovered that your baby looked...strangely human.... OR you went home and realized everyone (including you) suddenly looked a bit like the lizard people.
Hinting that you'd single-handedly changed the fate of humanity by accident.
(Maybe change who is president or something too for a more Chaos Theory feel, like in the classical "A Sound of Thunder".)