For world R5, I actually saw this idea in the IWL discord that I might try to implement one day. If you get close to a positive cost Peach door, all keys except for Pure and Stone get turned into Peach keys. A negative cost Peach Door turns them back. Converted Peach keys only count for cost and are never spent, so if you have 3 White, 3 Orange, and 0 Peach keys, convert them to Peach keys, spend 3 Peach keys, and turn them back, you'll still have 3 White and Orange keys and you'll have -3 Peach keys.
Recent community posts
I've actually managed to solve every single level except Chromatic Monolith on this list at least once, and I have solved all of them except 9-E and Chromatic Monolith on my current save (I did something very dumb with the one where I solved 9-E, so I had to make a new one)
I'm at 6 puzzles before fully completing now, and my currently incomplete levels are (base64) OS1FLCBDaHJvbWF0aWMgTW9ub2xpdGgsIE9tZWdhLTUsIE9tZWdhLTE0LCBPbWVnYS0xNiwgT21lZ2EtT21lZ2E=.
My thoughts are 1-10/1-C (can't decide beween the two), 2-C, 3-C, 4-B, 5-B, 6-10, 7-B, 8-6, 9-E (solved it before but had to reset my save due to reasons, and I am dreading having to re-figure it out), 10-C (10-10 was easier than I thought, but it's definitely the more intimidating between the two), 11-4, T1-7, T2-4, T3-5 (I solved T3-6 the intended way even before the change), T4-4.
For what comes after T4, here are my thoughts in base64: MC01LCAxMi0xMCwgRVgtNCwgT21lZ2EtT21lZ2EgKGFwYXJ0IGZyb20gdGhhdCBvbmUsIHByb2JhYmx5IE9tZWdhLTU/KQ==
NaNx doors seem like an interesting concept. The way I envision them is that if you use a master key while you have NaN of them, the door gets NaNx copies, and it's either completely impossible to open, or when it's opened it stays at NaNx copies. The only problem is how you'd un-NaN the doors so you can open them again.
If it still throws an error, I’ve heard that downloading might help fix it.
Important: Choose the x86 one, that's the one that makes it work.
No ideas for puzzles yet, so for now I'll just be playing these ones.
Do I blame Windows 11 for this or is there something I'm doing wrong?
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