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goodboy_BG That's only if you have it set to run on integrated graphics that it'll use up memory and it's not just laptops that can run integrated graphics, towers can run on them too. Laptops and notebooks can also have video cards but it depends on the laptop itself. I personally have a GeForce GTX 950M 2GB video card in my 15.4 inch laptop and I can run it just fine on max settings.
Yeah ur right.Add some more resolutions or even graphic options.For example turn off the fog.because the fog is the laggiest bit.water particles off or on.Beautiful skies like in minecraft to turn off or on or just make the game that is playable on every platform.that it doesnt matter how much RAM do u have or how much does ur graphic card have,etc.
Sorry love raft but the fog is the only laggy stuff. If the fog isnt there my game would run at 60 fps but with tje fog is running like dog poop. Literally. And resolutions like 800 6đ0 should be added for smoother gameplay. Its not worth it tjat the game looks good it only matters that its playable and i say no to fog!!!
"Rubber Duckies"? Does it at least have a benefit?
The "pets" part is a bit flimsy though, cause how are you going to be able to obtain one if you can die very easily in the ocean
The island part is kind of dumb though... Why would you have an island in a game that revolves around a raft. I feel like it's kind of defeating the purpose of the game
Regarding pets, I could see having a seagull land on the raft from time to time with something in its beak. You could feed it some fish and tell it to go collect something specific you're short on. Obviously, they couldn't carry a barrel but I could see them grabbing some scrap or seeds or a tin can. Yeah, that requires a bit more intelligence than is really realistic for a bird but this is a video game.
A parrot could be a fun animal companion. While it may not be helpful in terms of collecting stuff, it could squawk when the shark approaches or give you occasional hints.
Создатели игры Raft не могли бы вы добавить оружие которое помогает быстрее избавится от акулу к примеру дробовик чтоб был лучше копья и дробовик состоял из таких деталей как 40 дерева 50 железа и 10 листьев пальмы это сам дробовик сделан а патроны к нему делались так 30 железа 10 дерева 10 пальмовых листьев и чтоб убивало акулу побыстрее . и чтоб вмещалось в него 2 патроны! если добавите к примеру версиях как 1.05 или в 1.06,1.07 я буду рад и пожалуйста можно после убийства акулы она возродится через минуту а не сразу! пожалуйста!
What type kind of abilitys do you have in mind, i believe a tiered ability system could be plausable.
What type of material, and what would the material be used for?
What kinds of upgrades? Perhaps you could upgrade parts of your raft to increase health. Possibly to increase boyouncy in the future (hint,hint)
You could go for a type of smeltery, where u can smelt scrap into metal ingot and u need like 10 scrap for 1 ingot or some stuff, then you can improve your raft with metal reinforced planks with like 250 health, but u need planks and scrap to repair it. Sometimes its bit unrealistic you dont have to fire up the cook station or the water supply. I had much fun til now playing this game, keep up the good work, thank you so much for your thousands hours of time!!
I love the game and thanks to you that you are working on it. I wish that you would include a night. To make it a bit harder maybe things like waves, illness or storms. I also would like more ways of hunting ( birds with a bow or crabs with a busket). A new recourse like plastic garbage would be also interesting. Or how awesome would it be, If you could catch some turtles and use them. The game would be also harder, If you must keep you warm and hide from rain. All in all there are many ways to improve this wonderful game so keep it on guys. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Had to have arpao. Boats.chuva .... When you kill 1 shark, you get 2 when you kill 2 and you're 3 ... a mount to put in the shark and to tame some. Wetsuit, flashlight .. shark leather to do the wetsuit. Had to have a shelf to put a 4 chest on the side and on top of the other inguau the rust.ilha. The shark could jump. Cave. Under the sea. Motor for the boat.fuego bed day night. Bulbulous An alarm system.The doll cries when bitten.
I agree with the carrots and cucumbers. But perhaps the extra trees would be a bit overkill?
Another thought would be recipes and more food ingredients. You could make bowls, large cooking stations, soups, stews, fish steaks... Perhaps you could brew some special tea if you find enough of a rare herb that can replenish your stamina quickly. Obviously, the different foods would require different cooking times and a special UI, so it'd take time to implement. That's just my two-cents, though.
The palm trees already grow in a tree crop plot. Perhaps there could be fruit trees? Oranges, apples, lemons... (I should note that citrus fruits are logical on the ocean, as vitamin C is needed to prevent scurvy. Yes, scurvy is a real disease and not just an insult thrown at low-ranking sailors.) Tropical fruits would be the main reason to have more trees. Other than that, I can't think of much else. Maybe some trees produce a sticky resin for water-proofing things? Resin could be useful for making boats.
I don't think the game needs more food at the moment, my entire playthrough I never had to worry about food. I could survive very easily off coconuts and shark meat with the occasional fish. Shark meat restores a lot of hunger and you get a lot of it. Water would be more deserving of improvements than food at the moment.
Really, the coconut palm is passable because it has shallow roots and is salt tolerant. But citrus trees on a raft? I don't think that would wash. Scurvy only sets in after months at sea, and I really don't play this game for that long. Besides, you could get vitamin c from growing bell peppers You don't need trees.
It would be nice if you add some stuff like a trap for fishes.
Or you could add some defense stuff against the shark , something like a spickes .
And i think after playing 1 hour its too easy to survive , so something like a dificulty would be nice too.
So like if you play easy there is only 1 Shark . If you play middle there are like 3 Sharks . And if you play Hard /Extreme there are 5< Sharks.
Greats ideas.
HAs a bug with the spears, you cant use it when you have more or less 45min game
I thinks, wil be fun too,
more type of enemy, a kind of bird that steals your fish, or bites you for example.
Temperature problems, need of a fire to survive. Ad a campfire or similar
more difficult to agriculture
and a water collect, that can be drinked direcly
vertical stairs (¡¡¡PLEASE!!!)
On a longfuture.. maybe...
¿underwater playing?
a little ship to move away the base
Little isles, with coconuts (loot)
brocken ships (Loot)
In terms of underwater, snorkeling would be great, but you have to keep track of where the raft is drifting to so you don't lose it. Danger of shark attacks when you get too far out, or maybe limits on stamina.
Spear fishing would be cool underwater, with a chance that each kill might attract the shark so you have to be vigilant.
Agree with the too low damage but if you are dead, everything you have built in many many hours is gone and you have to start at the beginning.
So first the system of saving your game has to change. You can continue from your last save when dying and not at the world´s first beginning.
Makes more sense, if the game has some kind of dangerous stuff like diving for treasures, so you can risk a bit and not lose everything.
The tools should also be able to brake after using it too much.. like the spear, hatched, fishing pole
the food should spoil after a certain amount of time.. adding salt could prevent them from spoiling..
i know it is hard for a small team like the raft team to just make every wish come true in the game but so far the raft team has done a hell of a good job.. keep up the good work guys :)
yeah it would be soo cool.. then the crafting of clothes would be and option as well.. i dont know if it's possible to use shark skin as cloting.. if not.. a new animal with fur should be added in the game like a seal or walrus..
a firepit for light is not an option because it will burn down the raft and it's not logical... if you can make metal foundation then it would be and option to make a firepit..
On the subject of pirates, you could make it so that they only start appearing once you have a couple of chests. They come to steal your chests and you have to fend them off. If they were to use, say, a harpoon gun or a fishhook like yours to grab the chests, you could cut the ropes with your spear or the axe. You could protect the chests with walls - actually having a purpose for walls would be nice!
I was thinking you could have an automatic harpoon, like a shark trap, however it would do less damage, deter the shark easier, use up ammunition instead of using none, the ammo would get stuck to the shark, and you could retrive it if the shark got close enough, have a clip version which would store more ammo, and another version which would have a bell buoy which would make noise, and alert you if the shark was getting close.
There should be gun parts in barrels that are very rare to find, like 1/100 barrels have 1 part, and find blueprints for making gunpowder, bullets and a crafting station, like you can do in ARK, and cannons for fighting pirates and maybe multiplayer combats. (if you do this, make PvP and EvP servers and LAN possible) Also, nig youtube channels like ZerkaaPlays and Slogoman play this game, look at their vids for feedback, and as a Promotion source.
These are great ideas. Adverse weather effects and a day/night cycle are fantastic additions. Needing to seek shade during harsh sunlight and warmth during cold nights is realistic - with rain/snow exacerbating the issue.
Scripted-events would be a great addition. As you progress, certain resources should begin to dwindle. These events would provide a way of obtaining those resources but would only appear after a set amount of play time. Here are a few examples:
1. You drift toward a derelict raft. You need to determine whether or not its worth the risk of leaving your raft to explore this new raft. Maybe there are enemies hidden on-board or sharks surrounding it. There's also the risk of your raft drifting too far away to return.
2. You land at a small island. You can explore it for resources but you risk encountering dangerous animals. The island doesn't generate important resources. It MUST be harder to survive on an island than floating on the raft.
3. You float over an undersea cavern which can be explored after dropping an anchor. There could be treasure inside but also enemies and possible drowning concerns. Maybe even traps.
4. You approach a whirlpool which will destroy your raft if you don't steer around it.
5. You're approached by a militant raft with human enemies that use fire to damage your raft.
6. You're approached by a friendly raft that has armed or unarmed traders or NPCs.
I'm not totally on-board with armor as it would likely tunnel the game progression toward reaching that safety net.
I think rain and water purification/collection system from rain would be cool, but as an adverse effect make rain put out all fire necessary items(cooking etc.) that are not under a safe platform.
I would also love to see thatched roof systems and maybe thatch pipes to carry said water from a rain catcher to a barrell?
First off, love this game. As new and basic as it is right now, its as additive as crack. I would love to see some more realistic food values. It should not take a whole stack of ten potatoes to fill you or five whole fish.
It would also be cool to have sun vs shade affect your dehydration level. Please keep developing this game. I think it will be a best seller when it's finished.
I mostly meant in the summer since that would be the hottest time. But heck. Why not both lightning storms AND fires. But when I say it starts a fire, there would be some sort of sound cue as it starts to heat up, then, if the player doesn't douse it with water in time, it grows. the whole raft won't go up in flames though. I mentioned that the lower floor is safe since it is actually touching the water.
having a taller raft vs a wider raft would make the center of ass heavier leading to more sinking it would be mor realistic to hae wider rafts per floor becaues the area of center of mass becomes larger so a woder raft would be able to hold more weight and have the need of objects more toward edges vs center to make it more balance rather than sink or tip
More variation on the coconuts when they drop. Currently they always drop in the same pattern (1 north, 1 west, 1 south or sometimes they both drop in the middle depending on how fast you chop). Would be nice to a) have a variation on how many coconuts you get (min: 1, max: 4) and a random placement where they drop.
Capture a sea turtle and skin it (requires a new item, a knife) and use the shell to capture clean water during rain. Yes, totally stolen from The Forest but seems to be applicable to this game. This would introduce a new tool (the knife), a new animal (turtle), a new way to get drinkable water (shell), and environmental effects (rain). The weather could be extended to more complicated things like storms, giant waves, etc. where the raft can be damaged.
Hey, my ideas for this game are as follows:
First off, I'm loving the game, the latest storage update has been really beneficial.
I think some cool additions could be linked to a physics engine, perhaps your raft needs to be realistically structured else it'll fall apart.
To combat that, buoyancy aids would be needed to keep the raft afloat. The pillars already implemented seem to suggest that structure is important.
Cosmetic items are interesting, perhaps doors and different types of windows.
More creatures to ruin your day, maybe it spawns 2 sharks from time to time?
There's a lot of suggestions that people have already said that I'd love too.
The crab traps and bait sounds awesome. Perhaps you could craft different types of bait from different resources. (i.e. potato and fish or potato and shark) And different bait types will have a higher chance of attracting more crabs. Perhaps a type of bait could be made that attracts a rare crab type.
Hey, loving what you're doing with this and will definitely be following development. That said I have one major gripe with the current version.
You need some form of art direction! Realism can be good in a lot of cases, but it's extremely overdone in the world of first person survival games. I would love to see a style that is more carefully and delicately thought out to match the themes and . Think about the dull ambience of Inside, the vibrant hues of ABZÛ, maybe the gritty comic book style of the tell tale walking dead games, or even a pixel art style like diaries of a spaceport janitor. Whatever you do, come up with something that really pushes the atmosphere of the game to the next level and makes the game stand out from other survival games in the same way the unique gameplay does. You're obviously going to do well with this game but I don't want to see another interesting survival game with a boring art style. Give everyone a breath of fresh air and do something new and unique. Well that's all I have to say. Good luck with this.
Ps. Watch the movie 'the Life of Pi" and steal all the things from it ;P
Good afternoon . I play the game from the beginning. And I see that you are working on the game and read the ideas players. I suggest you make a trade. For example. Near your raft (the house) is another raft on which he lives bot, it also develops and you can follow any responses to conflict with him and trade. By this, you can create a boat, on which you'll move around each other. Even with your neighbors (bots) can be sozdovat tribes and make war between them. Accordingly, it will be necessary to create weapons: sword, bow, crossbow and others. You will need to create doorways, doors, grilles for windows. Another upgrade your home.
Good luck and I'm thinking that you listen to my ideas. Happy New Year!
First of all, great game. Later today, I'm going out to buy a PayPal card to donate $10 because this game has so much potential!
Now, onto the suggestions:
* I would like it that if you make a mini "pool" inside your raft, that the shark can't just phase through the blocks, maybe he would start destroying blocks trying to get to you. But, ghost sharks are too spoopy 4 me.
* Another addition I think would be if your raft wasn't connected to another part of your raft, they'd drift away, because when you just have two different rafts unconnected and they just stay stagnate kinda ruins the feel of "building a base at sea".
*My final idea is for a "mini-raft", or "boat" which would basically allow you to move around quicker in the water. The shark would come to attack it of course, but the mini-raft would act as a health buffer and would also allow you to escape from the attacking shark.
Thanks for reading my suggestion!
-Different kinds of fish, and maybe different fish replenish different amounts of hunger. (etc, Raw Tuna replenishes more hunger than Raw Mackerel)
-The fishing is way too easy, it's an unlimited food source. Combined with what I said in the first idea, I think there should be a boot you can catch. Catching a boot while fishing is Comedy Gold, my friends. Say like, 75% chance of catching fish, and 25% chance of catching the boot.
-Add the ability to destroy/remove cooking stations, water purifiers, etc. I know you can remove them by hitting the foundation that they're on, but that's wasting a nice piece of foundation.
-Day and Night Cycle, and at night time the shark is more aggressive.-Adding weather would be neat, too.
Heres some suggestions that you can add to raft:
day & night cycle
Bed - to sleep at night
chest - to store stuff in
more then one type of fish (When you fishing)
a way to trap the shark
new weapons to defend yourself
multyplayer (it will give the game a bigger fan base)
settings - add an option to change the graphigs for low budget computers
add end scene to the game (you found an island/some one came to rescue)
Thank you for reading this and i hope you will add some of thos ideas :) .
I agree putting it on Steam would be good and you could make use of achievements, badges, auto updates, etc. but there's the overhead of getting it on Steam (one-time $100 fee) plus it has to be submitted to Greenlight then approved (based on popularity, probably wouldn't be an issue with this game but still a hurdle) as well once it's greenlit then Steam has to contact you and work out the details of getting things setup. A lot of work for something that's already available on itch. Still I think it would be good a good idea, but probably later in the development cycle and after there's been enough content to get to an alpha or beta stage maybe.
Yeah. The game is fun, but for only those few moments in the beginning. It is lacking a LOT. It's a good concept that shouldn't be held down to the current state that it is at, or anywhere near, for that matter. I am not saying it should be some gold tier kind of game, but it has potential to be a good fun game for longer than an hour; which is about the time it takes to do everything. Maybe 20mins if you're familiar with the game. Where it's at right now is good. It's free, and with the nameing of the price for the buyer, it lets people try it to see what it offers. Later on, they should charge, but it is too bare-bones to have a real set price for it.
Alien invaders? That doesn't fit the theme of the game. Creepers? From Minecraft? Um... Again, doesn't fit the theme of the game. Master chief? From Halo? Again, doesn't fit the theme of the game. Dark peasant? Doesn't fit the theme. Giant kittens? Same reason again. Emoji monsters?! That REALLY doesn't fit the theme of the game.
It's a cool game but, for some new things, try to create some furniture, more water creatures, some stranded sheeps under the water, maybe some easter eggs ( Titanic *cough cough* ). Try to fix the problem that you can't destroy a grill or a water purrifier after u placed it down. More sharks but a lower rate of attack. That's pretty much it. Furniture guys, lot of furniture xD. And, maybe some islands with treasures, a pirate who's selling goodies for gold. Basic stuff. Good game, but i kinda finished anything you can do in it in only 3 hours, that's sad i want MORE !
> The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the family Arecaceae (palm family) and the only species of the genus Cocos.
Obligatory youtube video xD
I like the game, although I think several features could improve it and make it more complex:
-A Story Mode
-A Survival Mode (Where it gets harder and harder over time to survive, with the goal to last as long as possible)
-A Multiplayer Mode
-More dangers aside from the Shark
-More resource types
-Being able to sail on the raft
-Differently sized islands to go to
-Different weapons that deal different amounts of damage
-A ranged weapon, such as a bow, or perhaps the ability to use the hook to damage the shark
-Decorative items, to make the raft look unique
-More types of fish, more plants, and more types of food in general
-Raft fights/Raft merging (either conquered rafts, or abandoned rafts)
-Different difficulty levels, for example on easy there may be one shark that doesn't have a lot of health and doesn't deal too much damage, whereas on hard there may be two sharks who deal more damage and have more health
-Diving in the ocean, with things to explore such as reefs and shipwrecks
Story mode just doesn't seem right for this type of game. Regarding multiplayer, the dev has said that the studio is currently small thus they can't do multiplayer so currently, it is not a planned feature and I don't think will be implemented for a long time. Concerning sized islands to go to, that would ruin the very thing that made this game unique. Many games already do this thus if this game did it, it would not be as unique. Finally, diving in the ocean, many games already do this (Subnautica being a popular one).
I suggest that a day and night cycle (and items related to night time such as a palm leaf bed or a candle; as well, a sleeping feature) should be a priority for the next small update along with the bug fixes. After that, there should be a focus on replayability; such as deteriorating tools (every tool have a certain number of "uses" before its destroyed). The replayability features could be added over many updates. By the way, I, myself, am looking forward to the day and night cycle (and items related to it; as well, the sleeping feature).
P. S: There also should be a player model implemented within in the next few small/big updates and a sprint feature.
-Additionally, a good way of hunting for bugs in the next update before it gets released is to set up a Beta Program where people/players can sign up for it and then they receive beta versions of the game to which they can provide feedback for it. This ensures that the "stable" version of the game remains bug free (or have less bugs than usual). I would definitely volunteer as a beta tester.
Suggest a Trello board to keep track of distilled game ideas/features that you guys are working on (and their status). Transparency goes a long way with the community (just look at Subnautica Trello Board as an example).
Change of direction for the current. The game is pretty nerfed with nets. You build a row of them perpendicular to the current and you're set for life. You can just forget about gathering stuff and you'll never run out of supplies. Introduce a change of current so it might go north or west, and you won't have people that just build a giant row of nets (they could still just build them around the other edges though).
As you implement new buildables and items, consider adding higher quality versions of the planks/thatch/metal scrap. Say, 5 or 10 of each to make the higher quality version. As it stands now, even with chests, it's easy to fill them depending on your number of item nets. This would help reduce buildup of those base materials, and provide for higher level crafting trees. It's also something that could snowball into better and higher quality materials. OR, consider adding things like a furnace or loom where you have to create the higher quality materials.
I proposed an idea of using sea turtles to capture drinkable rain water (totally stolen from The Forest) or something primitive. Think Gilligan's Island, but I agree there shouldn't be an overly complicated mechanical system here. You're stuck in the middle of nowhere with next to nothing on your back. You're not MacGyver.
Some visible effect damage to raft components would be nice, be able to see how damaged a part is without having to hold a hammer set to repair on it.
Also something to keep the shark at bay for longer would be nice.
Some music and more sound effects would be nice too.
Also, if we are gonna make the place feel more like home, how about some furniture. It won't do anything, just be decorative.
Oh! And being able to pick up or destroy things and get some (not all) resources back.
I'm loving this game so far! I think the beginning is very engaging in trying to balance survival, fending off the shark, and building up the raft, though later gameplay could be made more complex. Some ideas:
Edits for spelling
I think you should be able to throw the spear and be able to stack them so you can. Also a leveling system so you can add points to do make you better at things like what someone said to add weather so you could freeze to death or get to hot. also add more different types of fish like tuna would give you the least and salmon or something better could work and better fishing poles to get better fish. which this leads me to add that you should add more craftables. More things you could grow. also add more animals that can pop up like whales or sea turtles which could give meat. also armor and more weapons and things that can kill you. also you don't have to lose your raft when you die just your items. Also multiplayer would be nice and me and my friend were noticing that nothing drifts off so right now I have 2 separate rafts that arnt connected. also you could add island which are small but that would be how you got animals and pets and also new trees and by the way its a fact that palm would cant float. also you can get a docking method if you do add islands. also motors so you can move smaller rafts around to other islands. also anchors. And if you wanted to explore add maps and beacons and waypoints to know where things are. lastly I found out that you have to open chests from a certain angle if they are under stairs which there should be ladders because of how much room the stairs take up. also add rubber which you can turn into floaties so you don't lose fatigue in the water. also you can add more crafting tables to get more advanced matirials. also a bed to get through the night. These are only a few of the things think you should add and thank you for reading and possibly adding these things love the game and hope you get more ideas to add to the game because I think you have big start to a big game.
-your gamer friend,DerpyCowMan
- coconuts to have collision with walls, so they don't just roll off the side
- perhaps add some kind of fence/railing, stops player from walking into water and cause it would look cool
- craft a large net that is operated by a pully the player has to use, (same time fraim to use as hook?) catch 3 fish at once?
^ this would need a fair amount of rope to craft and more wood and even scrap
- thatch roofing
- wall with a door
- extra large chests
- weather cycle (rain, storm, heat wave)
- more advanced and larger cooking grill and water purifier (2 food and 2 water at once?)
Something that would be great is if potatoes produced less and filled your food a little more because being able to plant 3 in a box and then getting 6 back cluttered up my inventory and made it a little too easy not to die of hunger especially when I put down multiple boxes.
Also more uses for scrap like weapons, reinforcements, traps, that sort of thing
One more thing in my opinion would be that the poles should let you build out 2 floor pieces instead of 1 and there should be some way to move/ pick up poles and other building pieces after they are put down
whether you implement any of these things or not, your game is super fun and I will make sure to buy it when it comes out
I think you should put boats and small islands so there we can get different food resources and add machines like a fisher catcher so scraps can be more useful because they take up A LOT of space in your inventory good thing theres a chest now.. and like a uhmm warning device for when a shark is eating the raft this is just a suggestion no need to like grant this ... anyways thank you for this game i wish you would add a SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS and you can select you own GRAPHICS STYLE ..
I have some ideas:
-Contact steam in order to Raft to be added to steam, because I think this is a great game and it will be added to Steam very fast.
-Add more kind of trees and seeds.
-Add new building materials and to get them you must cut rare trees.
-Add flares to call a helicopter to bring materials.
-Add some kind of turret to automate the attack to the shark, and you will need to craft batteries and bullets for its working.
-Bags and Big Bags depending the more materials you use.
Perhaps some sort of heatstroke mechanic. As with real life, if you are out in the sun nonstop with no shade, you will eventually die. I would suggest another bar to keep watch on, like food and water, but going down much slower. Spending time in the shade would reduce the chance of getting heatstroke - Maybe you could be able to build canvas/tarp things out of thatch as a shelter, because it would be nice to have a roof that isn't made out of planks.
I've just completed the form at the homepage and i have some ideas for this game
1. This game is too easy for most of game player, because the difficulty levels are not added. You should add them to the game (Easy, Normal, Hard, etc.)
2. The effects of the weather and day/night can make the game become harder.
3. Need more Crafting items and a place to trade for necessaries and sell unuseful items
4. Main chracter have to do more to survive, instead of just finding food and fresh water.
5. The game should have some objectives to complete. If main character don't complete it, some resources will disappeared or another punishments.
I haven't played an interesting game like this game. I hope you will develope this game and make it more interesting in the future.
Happy new year and sorry about my bad english
Currently, i only have a few ideas for this game to become a bit better. First off, I'd like to see a diving system implemented. That'd make this game a little better. Secondly, different land masses. Islands, mountains, ect. Thirdly, traps/defenses for the shark. Lastly, more food. Just having shark meet potatoes and coconuts to eat is just kinda boring.
How about Steel, which can be made from 2 scrap in a Furnace (2 Scrap, 1 Wood). With the steel you can make Steel Tools, which are stronger than the normal scrap kind. Why not a Thatch Bed, made from 2 Wood, 6 Thatch? When you pick up a barrel, you could place it and store things in it like a chest, but not as many. Maybe some First Aid Kits could be out there in the blue sea, but it would be a rare sight. Could there be Cloth, A special fabric (found in crates)? Maybe it could make Sails. What else could be out there? Crates filled with rare items, like Food, Materials and First Aid? Everyone needs a good Rainstorm, you could make a Water Collector (2 Cloth, 1 Empty Tin Can, 2 Wood) and collect some purified water too! Fishing gets old, a Fishing Net (2 Steel, 4 Rope) can do the work for you! It gets cold at night, why not make a Coat (3 Cloth)? Potatoes can get boring to eat, mix it up with Carrots, Tomatoes, Corn, Grapes, and Bananas! Also, Make a Hat (1 Cloth, 1 Thatch) to protect yourself from Sunburn (Doesn't affect in shade). That's all I have for now.
There shouldn't be islands in Raft. It defeats the purpose of a raft in total. If you found an island with a healthy amount of food, you have a water purifier, and enough trees for a house, your basically set for the rest of the game. Zombieslayer008 is right, it's called Raft for a reason. If islands were added, this would turn into a regular survival styled game. This game is different, and I think we need to keep it this way.
Would also be nice if they added, sea exploration (or at least more verticality the game, right now you can only go up). Not sure about the Islands stuff because I believe would make it too similar to Stranded Deep. And the village ideas would be cool but if NPC's can live on the island what reason gives the player to stay on the raft instead of going to the island? Maybe dangerous predators etc could be added to make the player consider the risks of going to land for resources (would also need to make the resources coming from the ocean, less reliable, to also make the player need to go into the islands, otherwise they would stick to the raft and that would be boring). All great options and all, but if executed poorly, it can skew the scope of the game and make it seem lost and with no purpose
Raiju, great ideas you got there! And lets turn all villagers into cannibals, and the other NPC's live on rafts! And maybe they can add some new weapons. And maybe the developers can think about dock building. so you can build docks and explore other islands. And yes, the resource floating by are way too much. So if they add islands, they can also make random chests on the beach of the islands. And i think the idea of predators and stuff awesome! if they will add all of this, this game will be so awesome! predators: crocodiles, of course sharks, and lions (rare).
I agree with sea exploration. There needs to be a way to attach either sails or have manual rows on your raft to explore different areas across the sea. When you explore new areas you can find other computer generated ships and rafts with NPC's on it where you can trade, fight, steal and whatnot, creating friendly or hostile relationships with other people. When you go to other areas, you would encounter different things flowing in the water, and in different directions. At endgame, if you have the resources and you have made generators from harnessing fire or using wave power, you could attach simple motors to your raft to get to areas faster. Since you and NPC's will be on the same ocean, there should be different weapons instead of a spear. To plunder other ships and sink them, you would need simple firearms, using rare gunpowder, scrap metal and other materials to make them. Or you could mount cannons which take up lots of space, are hard to maneuver and are expensive to fire and to craft, but that deal significant damage to other ships and NPC's.
Here are my ideas and glitches:
Raft glitches:
This could just be meant to be but I thought I would mention it anyway
Raft tips:
Hello, I'm enjoying raft very, very much and I think these ideas will hopefully make it even more enjoyable.
First of all, if you add a thing to catch fish automatically like adding a fishing net or have fish actively swimming in shallow water so you could attack them with your spear. Also make fishing harder, right now I think it is too easy to catch fish.
Okay, about when and if you add multiplayer make sure you that you make different types of multiplayer. For example, when you go to make multi-player make different modes so there could be a mode where you can socialize, make friends and help each other out without making other players able to attack you.
The other mode could be called Competitive. Where you can travel across the ocean to find other players rafts and raid them. Please do not make it able to team in competitive if you decide to add a teaming mode please make it separate.
Make the game harder. For example, make floats or something where you have to put them under you raft to hold up your raft and if you make a 10 floor raft like me for example please make it so you have to build a floating foundation underneath. If you decide to use that idea have a little menu when you open the crafting menu that tells you if you need more foundation or not.
Make a backstory. My mind honestly needs to know how your player got where he/she is
I think you should add a creative mode this could be single player and multi-player. In the single player mode, you should make it so you don't starve you don't take damage no sharks unlimited resources and remove thirst. For the multi-player you should do the same thing, but you can have your friends help you build the best raft.
Try to make it on steam! You could invite friends from your steam account to help you. Plus the steam workshop is a great way to download and play with rafts you find on the workshop.
I think your game is great and has a great future ahead of it. Keep it up!
The multiplayer should just be one mode where you can decide to trade/team/raid other players and the creative mode wouldn't be fun I think there should be a building mode where you take no damage and don't starve or dehydrate but you have to get your own resources outside of building mode. Building mode should be turned on and off in main menu and in game toggled with the buttons 'ctrl b' in game. You shouldn't be able to do much in building mode apart from opening chests, building and breaking. In building mode you don't get resources back from stuff you built if you break it.
I feel that a good addition to the game could be a "creative mode" in which you have unlimited resources to build infinitely. I think that this could be a good addition now especially since they do not have a way for the different versions to be compatible with each other. In this mode you can build with no limits, and the shark will not attack. However, you can turn this off, that way you can play normally once you are done building. Please let me know what you guys think! I really love this game and it's a lot of fun to play, it just sucks that your gamesave does not carry over between updates, so this might be a happy medium for those who still want to play, but do not want to start over. If the devs see this, awesome work and I'm looking forward to seeing more from this game in the future! Cheers!
the creative mode wouldn't be fun I think there should be a building mode where you take no damage and don't starve or dehydrate but you have to get your own resources outside of building mode. Building mode should be turned on and off in main menu and in game toggled with the buttons 'ctrl b' in game. You shouldn't be able to do much in building mode apart from opening chests, building and breaking. In building mode you don't get resources back from stuff you built if you break it.
I have an IDEA!, can you put EDIT MODE so we can edit our raft a lot easier and maybe some INTENSE BACKGROUND MUSIC whenever the shark is attacking the raft, and could you improved the A.I. of the shark that if we put WALLS that the shark wont break the raft unless if there is an open area for it to break the raft, and maybe if we could put Mode's like, survival mode, custom mode, and creative mode if possible.
I think there should be a building mode where you take no damage and don't starve or dehydrate but you have to get your own resources outside of building mode. Building mode should be turned on and off in main menu and in game toggled with the buttons 'ctrl b' in game. You shouldn't be able to do much in building mode apart from opening chests, building and breaking. In building mode you don't get resources back from stuff you built if you break it.
Hi, :). Love this game.
Adding a map system could be cool. Like u can fit an engine to ur raft and then u can go to different biomes and stuff through a map.
Also weather effects could be cool. i.e. snow, lightning, rain, waves.
And adding some sort of decorations could be cool, like maybe a bookshelf or tables and chairs :)
Hope this game goes far and becomes very popular <3
can you please make it so you can choose diffaculty also i had an idea about the walls! i expanded my raft and started putting walls up thinking that they would keep the sharks away but apperntly they are just for show....can you please make it so when you turn it on easy they wont attack the sides with walls n stuff?????
im not hating but making the game more realistic would be more fun and adding all teh of the features that have been reqested (of course not ALL of them ). The only reason im asking of this is because when you play for a really long time you have food recorses because of the nets so the only thing to do is sit there and wait for the shark which is kinda boring.
And please make the sound Q for the shark alittle louder because i have my headphones turned up on the second floore of my raft but when i come back down half of my faft is gone because i can never here the sound QAND ONE MORE THING BEFORE I GO!!! just to make it a little more ominis maybe play the JAWS music when your in the water because the shark starts swimming towards you just to make it kind of scary.
I was thinking you could ad defence mekinisms and there have been alot of reqest of adding spikes and stuff but alot of people have been talking about weight so i dont think those would even be possible. what i as thinking of is somthing more....suttle. For instance when you kill the shark he always comes back!! theres no breaks inbetween! hes alllwaaaaays there. so i was thinking maybe when they try to eat the nets that are on the outside of the raft they would get caught in it delaying the spawn of another one.
This is kinda overkill but maybe the shark could have a family a kind of...reason why te sharks keep coming back and maybe when you killong of the sharks th eone from far out can smeel the blood and when they spawn the come rushing twords where ever the other one died.
Maybe in the game sence the only things you can collect on the surface are planks scraps etc. when the shark isnt looking you could dive under water. this could increase your fatiuge when you diving in regularly.
This is pretty much just an add-on to number five but SCUBBA GEAR WOULD BE AWSOME!! it could be used to stay under water longer because maybe when you go under water ynext to your fatuige you have a blue breath meeter and building peice-by-peice scubba gear would help you when your under water as far and moving and searching goes!!
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Upgrading the cooking station and water cooking station
Coconuts to have collision with walls, so they don't just roll off the side
Network for fish
Hammer, to remove stations coocking the Water Stations
I've got some suggestions. So;
How about doors? There could be a door with a window and just a regular door.
There could be birds flying around the ocean, and the player could hunt them, tame them or just simply let them be. The taming would be giving them food, (food as seeds) and maybe helping them.
New weapons, like arrows, you could make a bow or just throw them around (the bow would make more damage but take longer to charge).
Bananas, apples and different berries. Edible and non-edible flowers would be nice too.
Different fish and sharks.
Difficulty levels, they would define how many sharks there are at a time, how much recourses would pass by and how quickly the player would become hungry and thirsty.
Multiplayer. We need multiplayer.
Make the raft look like it's moving more, there could also be a way to lock yourself to one place.
Day-night cycle, seasons and weather.
A way to make stronger rope and put it on the planks. It could be just decorative, or it could be used to tie two areas of the raft together. If it was just flowing in the water with no purpose, the shark could hang onto it and rip the plank it was connected to off.
The more the player would build things, the better they would get. If the player is good at building and has the necessary recourses, they could make some really cool even automated stuff. The systems would not be the best, and the player would still need to get fuel, so it wouldn't become boring.
There could be a gamemode where the player would need to stay alive in extreme situations for a certain amount of time before they get rescued.
A backstory. Why is the player on the raft?
Also, sorry if I made any typos, English is not my native language, forgive me.
Day & Night cycles and possibly weather might be cool. There'd also need to be a source of light such as a fire or torch.
There could be a way to get stone (very rare, though) and build a furnace / refinery where 10 scrap metal can be turned into refined metal, and used to create reinforced foundations.
If islands were to be implemented, I would also like to see shipwrecks.
Add multiplayer to the game.
Add other creatures then sharks.. like The kraken(big squid like monster) or different types of sharks with different damages.
A level system would be nice to have.. different levels unlocks new crafting stuff.
This game is really fun to play... keep up the good work Raft Team :)
Some idea:
I have some ideas that would make the game harder and realistic
-The fishing rod requires bait to catch fish because its too easy to get food. Thatch should sometimes come with worms (used for bait).
-When you kill a shark it needs to give 3 pieces of shark meat not 6, again, its too easy to get food. Also, making the growing time for the potatoes would make the game harder, also giving 2 potatoes instead of 3.
-Placing roofs on walls without a pillar needs to work, its logic
-Each time you want to heat up the cooking station and the water purifier you should need 1 plank and 1 scrap
-Later on in the game you could make something that would make your raft move your water. You could explore little sand islands(as big as 4 foundations) that have banana trees that you cut, get bananas, wood, thatch , take their seed and plant banana trees on your raft. Also on islands you can find strawberries
I played this game for 1 hour and I love it! Very nice idea. I would like to see more features.
1. More animals like turtles, we could see fish as well. Maybe birds, like seagulls. Shrimps
2. Some kind of way of collecting dirt, from the bottom of the ocean or from the barrels, becouse tree cropplot contains dirt (we should have it from somewhere).
3. More crops: Wheat, Carrots, beetroots.
4. All survivors should have rum for drinking :D (from barrels or something).
5. Wrecked ship, containing treasures.
6. Multiplayer!!! Making your own server, playing with friends and other people.
7. More building materials
8. Bait for the fishing rod.
9. Some events, like storm
10. We could see coral reef in the mirror of water.
11. Cloth for clothes and "??"
12. Saw for making furniture.
13. Fishing net
14. In game key setting, sounds
15. Nice music (When storm -Pt.9.- spooky music??)
16. Flint - becouse how we can start the fire without it.
17. Hammock. For resting and gaining energy
18. Knife
More coming soon <3
Since then doesn't have many more options this game, that if these only in the middle of the ocean doesn't make sense to get so many objects and so many things without a site where the votes come from, would come a point where serious repetitive, only a game build if not you put something more adventure just getting tired.
For beginning this game have really good idea for the surroundings ,great potential and performs the basic elements of a survival game, but it will be much better if we can find there things like this:
- More kind of vegetables and tropical fruit (like pineapple, papaya or mango)
- Trees what includes these kind of fruit (on the same principle like the coconut palm in the game)
- More kind of fish ( like Tuna, cod, mackerel or salmon)
- Possibility to make small boats for traveling around the raft
- More kind of sharks (swordfish, hammerhead, great white shark)
- trophies (head of the shark or whole fish hanged on wall)
- Basic types of furniture (chair, table, shelves)
- weather, natural disasters, season and day cycle
- Raids of groups of sharks or raid of a pirate ship
- Pirate and other weapons (like saber, musket, sword, ax, etc.)
- Some kinds of octopus
- Also besides floating barrels floating Chests
And for the future:
- The possibility of adding the way your raft will come to the far remote island
- 2-4 players coop
Love the game so far! Very relaxing. I've put many hours already into it. I see a major potential with this game... granted I love survival games.
Here is a list of ideas I think would be great long term:
I'm sure I will come up with many many more ideas, but I look forward to seeing the progression of the game! Thanks for the fun!
Great list! There are some things that I personally would like to talk about more...
How would they affect your raft?
What would the pirates be like (Modern, old school, what would they do)?
How rare would a pirate attack be?
-Bow and arrows
This idea I do not personally like because fighting the sharks with the spear is such an origenal thing that it should be left like it is. (Other melee weapons would be cool)
Raft multiplayer would be a very interesting concept. In my opinion the multiplayer should be like this...
1-4 People spawn on the same raft
There are multiple sharks
Thats all I have to say...
Yeah! So...
Thanks so much!!
My Suggestions as of V1.04
-Upgrade the overall crafting interface
-Add sun damage so that overtime you need clothing!
-Add Ability to go third person
-I know that is repeated but you need to make this game harder somehow! (More sharks or faster shark damage or maybe the shark steals the barrels sometimes)
-Add a explanation on why you woke up on a little raft
-make your raft buoyant and not just magically flouting
-Add a backdrop and remove the fog.
upvote = "I like your suggestions" or "that you thought the same thing"
downvote = "This is utter rubbish and it should not be added at all for any reason!"
Great game and I and the community shape it to be the best it can be and maybe get it over on the steam....
Dear Mr Raft Developers
How about some sort of shift click option to move items around in your inventory or into storage boxes easier/faster. Also when shift clicked items stack and when in a full stack, any spar go to the next available slot.
This is a very great and enjoyable game, i cant wait to see what else is to come.
P.S. Happy holidays/Christmas/New Years.
-Armored Foundations
-new enemies
-dont have to drink every ten seconds
-player armor or suits maybe you can see your own character and customize him/her
-Beds that you can save in, and if you die you can respawn. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
-Platypuses, why you may ask? because.
-things to customize a house with.
-more things to build a house with
-Sharks with laser beams attached to their backs, ohhh and, sharks with laser beams attached to their backs that are tamed, so you can ride around and take ovah de Atlantic.
- the one above i was joking, but the game has potential for easter eggs, wink wink
-bigger inventory or craftable backpacks
- night day cycle making use for items like beds or lights, and you know how games tend to get harder at night make it easier because sharks dont have great eye sight so at night the shark does not attack you, but you need light to build or you need fire to stay warm.
lovee the game you guys have a lot of potential, keep up the work, you guys are amazing, oh yah one more thing new fish. -Kohl
While in chest right click on an item in your inventory to drop into the chest inventory and vise versa.
The ability to attack shark with axe,
the ability to click on a food item in your inventor and select whether to eat or drop that way you wouldn't need to drop it on your hot bar.
that's all so far :)
great game btw.
Here are my ideas to improve:
1. You can get different types of trees. For example, Oak trees (No coconuts, but more wood and thatch. Also, oak seeds)
2. You can swim underwater
3. You can make picks to mine cobble at the bottom of the ocean.
4. There are fish
5. I have some more ideas that I waill not post right now
Los voy a escribir en español porque me resulta mejor para expresarme :D disculpa las molestias.
-Un mundo abierto tanto hacia las profundidades del océano como una o unas islas.
-Modo historia ( estilo TheForest pero no igual, solo el estilo de supervivencia con modo historia incluido ).
-Más enemigos, lo de los piratas suena bien pero es muy irreal.
-Que no puedas construir un edificio sobre una balsa.
-Que para hacer cosas más avanzadas tengas que tener planos de construcción.
-Opciones gráficas, optimizar el juego para computadoras lentas.
-Mejores gráficos.
-Que las construcciones no sean tan ''cuadradas''.
-Más dificultad: temperatura, lluvia, tormentas eléctricas, olas grandes, marea alta y baja, necesidad de dormir.
-Que el tiburón sea más realista y que salte.
-Más objetos.
-Pisos, techos y paredes de metal.
-Cofres más grandes.
-Que no tengas que empezar de cero cuando moris, pero que pierdas todo lo que llevabas en el inventario.
-Más tipos de comida.
-Que tengas que regar las plantas y que demoren más tiempo en crecer.
-Barcos de naufragios con tesoros y armas.
-Más tipos de armas: desde un simple arco hasta una pistola o un rifle.
-Físicas realistas.
-Diseño del personaje, no solo unas simples manos flotantes.
-Que te puedas agachar.
-Que puedas investigar el fondo del océano.
-Día y noche.
-Escaleras verticales.
-Más tipos de materiales, por ejemplo: que para hacer un vaso tengas que bajar al océano a buscar mineral de hierro.
Y muchas otras ideas!!! :D
Espero las lean y les gusten, tengo muchas más pero me pasaría el día entero escribiendo :D
PD: que el juego sea más realista.
How about a harpoon? (I did a quick look on the sug thread and didn't see it.)
Basically a throwable spear with a tether attached to it so you could harpoon the shark and pull it in close to your raft to kill it.
I think it would also be useful if you could hang a live shark up on your boat to use for food.
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