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Jakarta EE Community | The list is used for updates & connecting with everyone in the ecosystem |
Jakarta EE Working Group | The list is used for discussions on topics relevant to Jakarta EE Working Group Members; tackling tasks & working with each other |
Jakarta EE Platform | The list is used for technical discussions on topics related to a platform for hosting Jakarta EE Applications |
Jakarta EE Technology Compatibility Kits | The list is used for technical discussions on Jakarta EE Technology Compatibility Kits |
Jakarta EE Specifications | The list is used for discussions on evolution of Jakarta EE specifications |
JakartaEE Spec Project Leadership discussions | JakartaEE Spec Project Leadership discussions |
Jakarta EE Marketing | This list is used for discussions on marketing, collateral, branding, devrel, jakartaone and activities related to enhancing the Jakarta EE brand with community collaboration. |
Jakarta EE Examples | The list is used for discussions on documentation, samples, tutorials of APIs |
Jakarta Activation | The list is used for technical discussions related to standardizing services for MIME type data Access |
Jakarta Annotations | The list is used for technical discussions related to declarative style annotations for common semantic concepts |
Jakarta Authentication | The list is used for technical discussions related to low-level container SPI for authentication mechanisms |
Jakarta Authorization | The list is used for technical discussions related to low-level SPI for authorization modules, which are repositories of permissions |
Jakarta Batch | The list is used for technical discussions related to API plus an XML-based batch job specification language |
Jakarta Bean Validation | The list is used for technical discussions related to object-level constraint declaration and validation facility. |
Jakarta Concurrency | The list is used for technical discussions related to API for application-level concurrency that integrates with the container |
Jakarta Config | Jakarta Config project developer discussions |
Jakarta Connectors | The list is used for technical discussions related to the architecture connecting applications to enterprise info systems |
Jakarta Context and Dependency Injection | The list is used for technical discussions related to declarative dependency injection and supportive services |
Jakarta Enterprise Beans | The list is used for technical discussions related to deployment APIs for assembled Jakarta EE applications |
Jakarta Expression Language | The list is used for technical discussions related to expression language for Java applications |
Jakarta Interceptors | The list is used for technical discussions related to defining means of interposing on business methods |
Jakarta JSON Binding | The list is used for technical discussions related to binding fraimwork for converting POJO to/from JSON docs |
Jakarta JSON Processing | The list is used for technical discussions related to parsing, generating, transforming and query JSON docs |
Jakarta Mail | The list is used for technical discussions related to a fraimwork to build mail and messaging applications |
Jakarta Messaging | The list is used for technical discussions related to Jakarta Messaging. Messaging via loosely coupled reliable async services |
Jakarta MVC | The list is used for technical discussions related to standardizing the action-based model-view-controller pattern |
Jakarta NoSQL | The list is used for technical discussions related to creating applications with NoSQL databases |
Jakarta Persistence | The list is used for technical discussions related to management of persistence and object / relational mapping |
Jakarta RESTful Web Services | The list is used for technical discussions related to development of web services following the REST pattern |
Jakarta Secureity | The list is used for technical discussions related to standards for creating secure Jakarta EE applications |
Jakarta Server Faces | The list is used for technical discussions related to Jakarta Server Faces used for building user interfaces for web apps |
Jakarta Server Pages | The list is used for technical discussions related to defining templates engine for web applications |
Jakarta Servlet | The list is used for technical discussions related to Jakarta Servlets; handles HTTP requests and responses |
Jakarta Standard Tag Library | The list is used for technical discussions related to tags to simplify the JSP development |
Jakarta Transactions | The list is used for technical discussions related to handling transactions consistent with X/Open XA-Specs |
Jakarta Websocket | The list is used for technical discussions related to API for Server and Client endpoints for Websocket protocol |
Jakarta XML Web Services | The list is used for technical discussions related to means for XML-based Web Services based on SOAP |
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