I have been posting a weekly dog photo from an SIU School of Law student, professor, staff member, alumnus, or friend here on Law Dawg Blawg for almost a year. By popular demand, I have begun including cat photos. To see photos of all previous Law Dogs and Cats of the Week, visit the Gallery of SIU Law Dogs and Cats.
Members of the SIU Law extended community are invited to send me their dog and cat pictures. Photos must be of your dogs or other dog photos you have taken (not photos you found on the internet). I can also accept your drawings or other pictures that we can digitize for the web. Send them by email or give them to me directly. Although I am willing to post your picture without identifying you or your dog or cat by name, I will not accept anonymous submissions.
Each SIU Law Dog or Cat whose photo is submitted will be featured—in the order the photos are received. They also get their own "Law Dog of the Week" or "Law Cat of the Week" web pages. Click on any of the thumbnail photos in the Gallery of SIU Law Dogs and Cats to see the individual pages.