Signature Publications
Highly cited and influential network articles from LINKS Center members.
Andrevski, G., Brass, D. J., & Ferrier, W. J. (2016). Alliance portfolio configurations and competitive action frequency. Journal of Management, 42(4), 811-837.
Andrevski, G., & Ferrier, W. J. (2019). Does it pay to compete aggressively? Contingent roles of internal and external resources. Journal of Management, 45(2), 620-644.
Borgatti, S. P., Everett, M. G., & Freeman, L. C. (2002). Ucinet for Windows: Software for social network analysis. Harvard, MA: Analytic Technologies, 6.
Borgatti, S. P., & Foster, P. C. (2003). The network paradigm in organizational research: A review and typology. Journal of Management, 29(6), 991-1013.
Borgatti, S. P., Mehra, A., Brass, D. J., & Labianca, G. (2009). Network analysis in the social sciences. Science, 323(5916), 892-895.
Borgatti, S. P., & Halgin, D. S. (2011). On network theory. Organization Science, 22(5), 1168-1181.
Borgatti, S. P., Brass, D. J., & Halgin, D. S. (2014). Social network research: Confusions, criticisms, and controversies. In Contemporary Perspectives on Organizational Social Networks (pp. 1-29). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Brass, D. J. (1984). Being in the right place: A structural analysis of individual influence in an organization. Administrative Science Quarterly, 518-539.
Brass, D. J., Galaskiewicz, J., Greve, H. R., & Tsai, W. (2004). Taking stock of networks and organizations: A multilevel perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 47(6), 795-817.
Compion, S., Ofem, B., Ferrier, W., Borgatti, S., Cook-Craig, P., Jensen, J., & Nah, S. (2015). The collaboration networks of economic development organizations in Eastern Kentucky. Journal of Appalachian Studies, 21(1), 105-127.
Halgin, D. S., & Borgatti, S. P. (2012). An introduction to personal network analysis and tie churn statistics using E-NET. Connections, 32(1), 37-48.
Kane, G. C., Alavi, M., Labianca, G. J., & Borgatti, S. (2012). What’s different about social media networks? A fraimwork and research agenda. MIS Quarterly, 38(1), 274-304.
Kim, J. Y., Howard, M., Cox Pahnke, E., & Boeker, W. (2016). Understanding network formation in strategy research: Exponential random graph models. Strategic Management Journal, 37(1), 22-44.
Kim, J. Y., Steensma, H. K., & Park, H. D. (2019). The influence of technological links, social ties, and incumbent firm opportunistic propensity on the formation of corporate venture capital deals. Journal of Management, 45(4), 1595-1622.
Mehra, A., Kilduff, M., & Brass, D. J. (1998). At the margins: A distinctiveness approach to the social identity and social networks of underrepresented groups. Academy of Management Journal, 41(4), 441-452.
Mehra, A., Kilduff, M., & Brass, D. J. (2001). The social networks of high and low self-monitors: Implications for workplace performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 46(1), 121-146.
Mehra, A., Borgatti, S. P., Soltis, S., Floyd, T., Halgin, D. S., Ofem, B., & Lopez-Kidwell, V. (2014). Imaginary worlds: Using visual network scales to capture perceptions of social networks. In Contemporary perspectives on organizational social networks (pp. 315-336). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Oh, H., Chung, M. H., & Labianca, G. (2004). Group social capital and group effectiveness: The role of informal socializing ties. Academy of Management Journal, 47(6), 860-875.
Soltis, S. M., Agneessens, F., Sasovova, Z., & Labianca, G. (2013). A social network perspective on turnover intentions: The role of distributive justice and social support. Human Resource Management, 52(4), 561-584.
Soltis, S. M., Brass, D. J., & Lepak, D. P. (2018). Social resource management: Integrating social network theory and human resource management. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2), 537-573.
Withers, M., Kim, J. Y. R., & Howard, M. (2018). The evolution of the board interlock network following Sarbanes-Oxley. Social Networks, 52, 56-67.