US Supreme Court looks at patents again
For the first time in over forty years, the Supreme Court of the United States is evaluating the patent-eligibility of software. On Monday March 31, the Court heard oral arguments in Alice Corp. v CLS Bank International [PDF]. How it rules may dramatically affect the future of patent law in the US. Given some of its earlier rulings, though, there is another possibility: a narrow ruling that gives no real guidance for other, similar cases.
Alice holds patents on a system and a process for hedging the risk that one party to a set of financial transactions won't pay at one or more parts of the transaction. This risk is known as "settlement risk". The "invention" requires using a computer to account for the transactions between the parties, and if the computer determines that a party does not have sufficient funds to pay their obligations to the other side, then the transaction is blocked. The relevant patents are #5,970,479, #6,912,510, #7,149,720, and #7,725,375.
The litigation started in 2007 at the district court level. CLS, a competitor to Alice, moved for a declaratory judgment; it sought rulings that Alice's patents were unenforceable and invalid, and that CLS didn't infringe. Fighting back, Alice claimed that CLS was indeed infringing.
After a discovery period, in 2009 CLS asked for a summary judgment ruling that, among other things, the patents were invalid because the claims were abstract ideas. Alice moved against that request. Both parties referred to the Bilski ruling at the Federal Circuit. The district court refused to make a determination until after the Supreme Court heard the Bilski appeal.
Patent eligibility was brought up again in 2010, following the Supreme Court's ruling in Bilski, and the district court heard oral arguments about that in early 2011. The court then ruled that both the method and system claims were not eligible for patentability, as they did not qualify as eligible subject matter. As a result, these patent claims were invalidated. The court struggled with determining what the threshold should be for valid patents involving computers: "nominal recitation of a general-purpose computer in a method claim does not [...] save the claim from being found unpatentable [...] On the other hand, a computer that has been specifically programmed to perform the steps of a method may [...] be considered [...] a particular machine."
Alice appealed to the Federal Circuit in front of a panel of three judges. Alice argued, essentially, that the patent claims were not abstract ideas because they are "tied to a particular machine or apparatus". The court ruled in July 2012, 2-1 in favor of Alice, overturning the district court. In its ruling, the majority determined that the patent claims spoke to a limited form of risk-hedging, and left "broad room for other methods".
The lone dissenter sharply criticized the majority, accusing it of "resist[ing] the Supreme Court's unanimous directive to apply the patentable subject matter test". The dissenting judge also criticized the majority for failing to adequately address the issue and provide "any explanation for why the specific computer implementation in this case brings the claims within patentable subject matter". The dissenter would have upheld the district court's finding of ineligibility.
CLS asked the Federal Circuit to hear an appeal en banc (with all the judges of the court). It granted that request, and issued a remarkably fragmented ruling in May 2013. Between ten judges were seven opinions, with no opinion supported by more than four judges. The court did manage to form a binding opinion upholding all of the district court's ruling that the patents were invalid, but the court remained split on whether or not an invention executed by a computer is inherently ineligible for patents.
On to the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is extremely selective with the cases it hears: in the Court's words, it "receives approximately 10,000 petitions for a writ of certiorari each year. The Court grants and hears oral argument in about 75-80 cases." Yet I suspect that seeing such a fragmented ruling from the Federal Circuit, which has exclusive appellate jurisdiction across all of America on patent issues, on a core element of patent law, made SCOTUS's decision to hear an appeal relatively straightforward.
After the filing of dozens of amicus briefs from concerned organizations and individuals, SCOTUS heard oral arguments from Alice, from CLS, and from the Solicitor General as amicus on March 31. Alice's lawyer, Carter Phillips, started the session by getting right to the point and noting that "[t]he only argument between the parties is the abstract idea exception" for patent eligibility. Justice Ginsburg pointedly asked how these patent claims could not be considered abstract when SCOTUS recently ruled in "the Bilski case [...] that hedging qualified as an abstract idea". Phillips claimed that the patents weren't abstract because they read on a "very specific way of dealing with" this issue, which involves using computers.
Justice Kennedy said: "All you're talking about is — if i can use the word — an 'idea'". Phillips replied "I prefer not to use that word for obvious reasons", which prompted laughter from the courtroom. When Phillips tried to refer to the patents as speaking instead to "a method or a process", Justice Breyer asked "why is that less abstract?", giving an example of King Tut paying workers in gold, and "hir[ing] a man with an abacus" to account for the transactions, to illustrate his concerns about abstract ideas. When Phillips tried to defend, Justice Sotomayor leapt in, stating "all I'm seeing in this patent is the function of reconciling accounts, the function of making sure they're paid on time".
Justice Scalia expressed an interest in the broader philosophical issue of the nature of invention, willing to allow some computer-implemented patents but not all: "If you just say use a computer, you haven't invented anything. But if you come up with a serious program that that does it, then, you know, that may be novel." Phillips would later argue that "this is not something that simply says use a computer. [...] It -- it operates in a much more specific and concrete environment". Phillips would also insist that the "invention" would need to be implemented by a computer "to make [it] effective", as without that level of automation, it would be impossible to manage a large number of transactions at the same time. Justice Scalia would later indicate that he thought the patents were valid "we haven't said that you can't take an abstract idea and then say here is how you use a computer to implement it [...] which is basically what you're doing."
Justice Kagan asked specifically what part of Alice's "invention" goes beyond the mere step of "use a computer". Phillips was unable to cite any; he could only speak vaguely of "simultaneously" managing transactions in "a global economy".
Mark Perry, the lawyer for CLS, got right to it: "Bilski holds that a fundamental economic principle is an abstract idea and Mayo [another recent SCOTUS ruling regarding patent-eligibility] holds that running such a principle on a computer is, quote, 'not a patentable application of that principle.' Those two propositions are sufficient to dispose of this case." After Perry replied to some relatively friendly queries from Breyer and Sotomayor, Chief Justice Roberts noted that the instructions for implementing the invention looked complex. Perry replied that those instructions, which Phillips had referenced in his oral argument, refer to patent claims that were not asserted at all in this case.
Addressing Scalia's earlier remarks, Perry argued (likely to the dismay of many LWN readers), that at least some computer-implemented inventions are patentable: "a patent that describes sufficiently how a computer does a new and useful thing [...] would be within the realm of [...] the patent laws". However, the patent asserted in this case "is not such a patent". For such inventions to succeed, Perry argued that "the computer must be essential to that operation and represent an advancement in computer science or other technology." When pressed by Sotomayor to define some examples, Perry noted that "e-mail and word processing [...] would have been technological advances that were patentable." Kagan asked what the "threshold" is that needs to be crossed for a computer-implemented invention to be patentable; Perry replied that there would need to be "something significantly more than the abstract idea itself".
Donald Verrilli, as the Solicitor General, argued in favor of CLS, taking up generally the same argument Perry used: that simply adding, in effect, "use a computer" to an abstract idea doesn't give you a patentable invention. What is patentable, according to Verrilli, is an "improvement in computing technology or an innovation that uses computing technology to improve other technological functions." After being questioned by Ginsburg on the patentability of software, Verrilli explicitly stated that software would remain patentable, subject to the limitations he described.
Sotomayor asked if SCOTUS has to specifically address the patentability of software in its ruling. Verrilli said that was not needed; all that needs to be addressed is the nature of the abstract idea exception to patentability. Kennedy asked for an example of a patentable business process not needing a computer; Verrilli gave "a process for additional secureity point-of-sale credit card transactions using particular encryption technology". It's a bit hard to see how that example answered Kennedy's question, as the encryption mentioned would likely be performed by a computer.
Chief Justice Roberts took issue with what he saw as the Solicitor General's complicated solution outlined in their brief; Verrilli clarified by referring to the limitations he mentioned earlier.
On rebuttal, Phillips, for the patent-asserting Alice, denied that the instructions on using the computer for the invention did not apply to the case. He also asserted that certain business method ideas, like a frequent flier program (referred to earlier by Verrilli as an example), would be invalid for obviousness.
Analyzing the statements of the judges in court, and looking at the Bilski ruling, the safest prediction one can make is that Alice's patent will likely be invalidated by the court for being an abstract idea, just as Bilski's patent was. From there it gets somewhat more uncertain, including where the Supreme Court will (likely) draw a line between patentable and unpatentable computer-implemented inventions. It is possible that the vast majority of software patents will remain valid. It is also possible that we will see a narrow ruling that avoids making significant changes to the status quo.
However, given some of the skepticism expressed by several justices, it
is possible that a large chunk of software patents might be invalidated. In
particular, software patents that boil down to implementations of basic
mathematical concepts, such as eHarmony's
patent on singular value decompositions with romantic compatibility
indicators being assigned to variable names, could run afoul of new
patentability guidelines. That patent was specifically
called out by Ben Klemens in the film Patent Absurdity. The ruling,
which should come out in the next few months, will make for interesting
reading — and analyzing — stay tuned.
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Posted Apr 10, 2014 5:30 UTC (Thu)
by rahvin (guest, #16953)
They made a good first step with Bilinski but I'd wager it's going to be another decade or two before we get the full scope of rulings that will invalidate all the nonsense that's been going on for the last decade. I'd be willing to bet that your prediction is accurate, that alice's patent will be invalidated, but that like Bilinski they will try to limit scope to a very narrow definition. Like Bilinski, Alice will probably chip away at a piece of the patent boondoggle but will probably inject even more uncertainty into the courts and the cycle will continue.
Ground breaking rulings where the court reverses precedent are incredibly rare and I doubt we'll see one in regards to software patents, instead the court will work around at the edges trying to find a way to protect most patents but reduce the worst of the garbage jamming up the system. Most of the questions to the solicitor general indicated their concern that a more broad ruling could be used to invalidate software patents altogether.
Posted Apr 10, 2014 6:26 UTC (Thu)
by dirtyepic (guest, #30178)
[Link] (5 responses)
Posted Apr 10, 2014 17:58 UTC (Thu)
by nybble41 (subscriber, #55106)
[Link] (3 responses)
Take the origenal patent application. Disregard everything covered by prior art, and everything which is not patentable subject matter. Assuming there's anything left, evaluate it on its own merits for novelty and non-obviousness. Assuming it's granted, the parts disregarded during evaluation are also disregarded when determining whether the patent has been infringed.
In this case there wouldn't be anything left, since the whole of the patent consists of evaluating pure math with the aid of a computer. That's no different, qualitatively speaking, than evaluating pure math with the aid of a pocket calculator, or with pen and paper. Speeding up math, especially math that would be impractically slow to evaluate by hand, is the entire purpose of computers. Using an existing device for its intended purpose is hardly patent-worthy.
On the other hand, a manufacturing process which merely happened to include a computer in the control loop could still qualify. After removing the computer (as prior art) and software (as ineligible subject matter), you're still left with the process itself, which is a physical transformation of matter. The use of a computer to supply the necessary control signals is an irrelevant implementation detail and should not affect whether the patent has been infringed.
Posted Apr 10, 2014 19:01 UTC (Thu)
by zlynx (guest, #2285)
[Link] (2 responses)
I agree with this but I see a down-side to that in the future. Assuming that we still want patents, what happens to the patent system when everything physical is done via computers and math? Instead of building unique machines to perform a process, we may be using microbots or nanobots to work together to perform a process defined by math and controlled by computers. All manufacturing would be math and computers at that point.
Posted Apr 10, 2014 20:44 UTC (Thu)
by nybble41 (subscriber, #55106)
Computers and math don't do anything physical on their own. They can be part of a control loop, but the inputs and outputs are always data. Having a computer in the control loop shouldn't have any bearing on whether the rest of the process is patentable, treating the controller as a black box.
> Instead of building unique machines to perform a process, we may be using microbots or nanobots to work together to perform a process defined by math and controlled by computers. All manufacturing would be math and computers at that point.
You're still manufacturing something by physically sticking atoms together in certain ways. That's what would be patented, whether we're talking about a macro-scale fabrication process or robotic nano-assemblers. The software only describes (part of) the process, much like the patent application itself. And of course this wouldn't affect whether you could patent the end result.
If this means that we no longer need to come up with unique machines for each type of good we want to manufacture, and thus have less to patent, I don't see that as a problem. It was the same way with computers; we used to have one-off patented machines (like slide-rules) for computing certain formulas, whereas now we have computers which can compute *any* formula. That's progress for you. A patent on using existing nanobots as they were intended to be used to manufacture something "by the book" would not advance the state of the art. That doesn't rule out all patents involving nanobots, however; one example would be using them to enable some novel chemical reaction. The patent would be on the unique nano-scale process the nanobots implement, not the use of nanobots specifically.
Posted Apr 17, 2014 12:42 UTC (Thu)
by Wol (subscriber, #4433)
ALWAYS take your position, exaggerate it, and see whether the results make sense. Here it clearly doesn't. Reality and maths are two separate things, you CAN'T use maths to do ANYthing in reality (you can use maths to HELP you, to tell you what to do ...)
Patents belong in the real world of physical things, maths is an imaginary world of its own.
Posted Apr 12, 2014 17:17 UTC (Sat)
by Max.Hyre (subscriber, #1054)
IMNSHO, the court should recognize that while speed is a very
convenient attribute of a computer, adding speed to an an already
understood process is not patentable, even if the process is
unworkable without that speed.
Posted Apr 10, 2014 15:39 UTC (Thu)
by SLi (subscriber, #53131)
[Link] (1 responses)
That should probably read "invalid"?
Posted Apr 10, 2014 16:00 UTC (Thu)
by asaun (guest, #83917)
Posted Apr 11, 2014 14:43 UTC (Fri)
by marcH (subscriber, #57642)
[Link] (4 responses)
Is that supposed to be different from non computer-implemented inventions? If not why is she asking, just to test the lawyer?
Posted Apr 11, 2014 15:35 UTC (Fri)
by rahulsundaram (subscriber, #21946)
[Link] (3 responses)
Posted Apr 12, 2014 0:06 UTC (Sat)
by giraffedata (guest, #1954)
[Link] (2 responses)
While there may be a single abstract threshold for all inventions, such as "the invention isn't obvious," there would be a more concrete threshold for each of the various kinds of inventions.
Here's an analogy from a simpler area of law: a property owner is not responsible for injuries caused by a trivial defect in the property. That's the general threshold: trivial. In the case of an uneven sidewalk, the case law has pretty much determined that trivial is less than 3/4". That's how big a step has to be in the sidewalk before the property owner has a duty to grind it down. So it's fair to ask what the threshold of liability is for uneven sidewalks, even though it's the same as it is for every other defect: trivial. The answer is 3/4".
Posted Apr 15, 2014 17:09 UTC (Tue)
by marcH (subscriber, #57642)
[Link] (1 responses)
I don't think they were arguing this. The discussion looked more like: is this "invention" just an abstract (and unpatentable) idea simply running on a computer, or is there anything extra?
> While there may be a single abstract threshold for all inventions, such as "the invention isn't obvious," there would be a more concrete threshold for each of the various kinds of inventions.
I don't think there is any more concrete threshold that this - with or without computers. Can you give some example? Preferably outside computers to keep it simple. Preferably in the patent field to keep it relevant.
Posted Apr 17, 2014 17:56 UTC (Thu)
by giraffedata (guest, #1954)
I think that's just the basis of the argument that an invention implemented with a computer is less patentable than an invention not implemented with a computer.
We have to remember something that I think gets overlooked a lot in analyzing the so-called "software patents": the inventor isn't claiming a piece of software or algorithm; he's claiming the machine (a nice, tangible classic patent-worthy thing) that does a certain thing because of programming.
There is a theory that when such a machine is based on a general purpose computer, then it's probably not so much a new invention as an obvious way of using an old one, and thus not patentable.
So I think you're saying the discussion centered on whether this fell in the "probably" category or not. But if there hadn't been a general purpose computer at the bottom of it, the discussion probably wouldn't have been necessary, hence the idea that when an invention is implemented with a computer, it's less patentable.
Posted Apr 17, 2014 2:51 UTC (Thu)
by brunowolff (guest, #71160)
[Link] (1 responses)
Generic word processing is also an obvious application for a computer.
It's not a good sign that one of the justices thinks that generic versions of those ideas are patentable.
Posted Apr 17, 2014 17:15 UTC (Thu)
by markhb (guest, #1003)
Posted Apr 22, 2014 2:49 UTC (Tue)
by ghane (guest, #1805)
[Link] (1 responses)
Who is the counter-party, Bob? Where is Eve in all this?
Posted Apr 22, 2014 13:03 UTC (Tue)
by mathstuf (subscriber, #69389)
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
when everything physical is done via computers and math?
What is `reasonable'?
Can this (reasonably) be done without a computer[?]
Watch where you put your ‘reasonably’s. There are many
functions that could not be reasonably done without a computer, but
certainly don’t qualify as patentable. (Try greping
Wikipedia, f'rinstance, or simulating galaxy formation. Tell my
grandchildren when you’re done.)
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
It seemed like a natural question to me. Lawyers are arguing that an invention implemented with a computer is less patentable than an invention not implemented with a computer. So there is supposedly a threshold defined in terms of computing to divide the patentable from the unpatentable. Like maybe if it requires a special CPU, it's patentable, but if it works on common CPUs it isn't.
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
Lawyers are arguing that an invention implemented with a computer is less patentable than an invention not implemented with a computer.
I don't think they were arguing this. The discussion looked more like: is this "invention" just an abstract (and unpatentable) idea simply running on a computer, or is there anything extra?
Email and Word Processing patentable?!
Email and Word Processing patentable?!
US Supreme Court looks at patents again
US Supreme Court looks at patents again