publisher colophon




Abelard, 40

Abercrombie, R., xiii

Aberration of starlight, 137, 159, 167 f.

Absolutist, 2

Abstraction, 69 ff.

Academy, 13

Address to the Unco Guid, 183

Adonais, 190

The Age of the Reformation, 143n.

Alexandria, 78

Alfred, King, 248

Ames, J. S., xiii

Anaximander, 109, 169

Arethusa, 247

Aristarchus, 169

Aristotelian virtue, 215

Aristotelians, 140

Aristotle, 13, 20, 27, 48, 92 f., 95, 108, 116, 118 ff., 141, 169 f., 185

Arminians, 50, 173

Art and usage, 110

Articles, 130

Aspiration, 44 f., 55

Assertion, 36 f.

Associated Press, 14 f., 16

Association, 21, 36, 46-49, 51 f., 56 f., 72

Auction bridge, 189

Augustine, 24, 176, 180

Axial and orbital revolution, 147


Bach, J. S., 224

Bacon, F., 64, 66, 69, 71 f., 90, 140, 142, 144 f., 148

Balz, A. G. A., xii

Bamberger, F. E., xii

Barberini, Maffeo, 139

Barnet, G. E., xiii

Becker, E. J., xiii

Beech trees, 54 f.

Beelzebub, 31 f.

Belial, 31 ff.

Berkeley, G., 71, 98, 100

Beth, E. W., xii

Billy Kelly, 218

Black Gold, 27 ff.

Blake, F. R., xiii

Blake, R. M., 140n.

Boas, G., xii, 103

Bowie, 223

Bradley, J., 137

Brahe, Tycho, 148

Bright, J. W., xi, 128

Broglie, L. de., 161n.

Buchner, E. F., xii

Bussey, Gertrude, xii

Buttercups, 13

Byrd, R. E., 248


Calvinists, 50

Captain Alcock, 218

Caruso, E., 3

Cassirer, E., 41, 88 f.

‘Category,’ 129 f.

Catholic and Protestant, 143

Cause, 19 f., 20, 28, 30, 43 ff., 47, 49-53, 108

Chance, 11, 17, 22, 24, 30, 43, 45 ff., 49 ff., 58, 107, 173 ff., 177 ff., 183-186, 193-197

Changes of language, 132 f.

Charles I, 47

Charles Center, 133

Charles Street, 54

Chatauqua, 234

Chess, 206 f.

Choice, 17, 49 ff., 54, 110

Christianity, 83, 93, 180, 213, 233

Civic Center, 133

Clarity, 61-73

Class war, 171

Cohen, M. R., xii

Communism, 171 ff., 176 f., 179

‘Concept,’ 34 f., 40

Congregation of the Index, 143

Contract bridge, 189, 202

Contractions, 130

Conventions in bridge, 198-204

Copernican astronomy, 135

Copernicus, N., 137, 139-149, 152, 154

Courage, 29

Culbertson, E., 193


Dampier, Sir William, 143n.

Dante, 74

De Augmentis Scientiarum, 141

De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, 137

Derby, 27

Descartes, R., 40, 60-73, 97, 144

Description of the Intellectual Globe, 142

Dewey, J., viii

Dimmesdale, Arthur, 93

Diogenes, 228

Discourse on Method, 62, 66 ff., 70

Division, 62 ff.

Don Juan, 248

Doppler effects, 166

Ducasse, C. J., 140n.

Dulles, J. F., 30


Eddington, A. S., 98, 159

Edelstein, L., xii

Edwards, J., 112 f., 114

Einstein, A., 70 f., 98, 139, 142, 153, 160 ff., 164, 190, 248

Eisenhower, President D. W., 127

Elsinore, 84

Embankment story, 164 ff.

Emerson, 80, 182

Ends of language, 121-132

England, 103

English, handbook of, 122

English Civil War, 47

‘Entire,’ 126

Epicureanism, 180

Epicurus, 50, 169

Erewhon, 175

Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 47

Esthetic of sex, 237-239

Ether, 136, 159, 164

Ether drift, 136, 164

Ethics and usage, 110, 114

Eve, 76

Exodus, 217 f.

Exterminator, 216 ff.


Faith, 250 ff.

Father’s love, 26

Faust, 75, 91

“Fixation of Belief,” vii-ix

Flattening of poles, 152, 158 ff.

Folio, first, 84

For its own sake, 114-121

Foucault, L., 137

Freedom, 17, 21 f., 31 f., 42 f., 45, 49 f., 254

Fresnel, A. J., 161

Freud, S., 76

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, 91 f.


Galileo, 70, 139 f., 152

Gamaliel, 113

Gambling house, 16-25, 30 f., 178, 190, 220 f.

Gameness, 27 ff.

God, vii, 18 f., 24 ff., 31 f., 43, 77, 101, 116 f., 142, 162, 173, 177, 181, 213, 224, 235, 247, 251, 253 f.

Gorgias, 16, 119

Gospel according to the Hebrews, 246

Grace, 250

Greene, H. E., xiii

Griffin, Dean E. H., xi

Griselda, 74

Guildenstern, 79 f., 82 f., 97

Gurwitsch, A., xii


Hamilton, A., xiii

Hamlet or Hamlet, 79-82, 84 ff., 93 f., 96 f., 99

Hammer of the Witches, 54

Happiness, 116 f.

Hatcher, Anna G., 125

Havens, R. D., xii

Havre de Grace, 216

Hawes, R. P., xii

Hawthorne, N., 92

Headlines, 6, 131

Hebrews, 23

Henry VIII, 51

Herbert, G., 116

Hermes, 247

Hicks, W. M., 136n.

Hierarchies, 13

History of Ideas Club, J. H. U., 135n.

Hitler, A., 74

Hobbes, T., 46 f., 48, 216

Hollander, J., xiii

“Holy Club” 113

Holy Spirit, 246

Homer, 215

Honesty, 29

Hopi, 88

Horace, 143

Horn, F., xii

Hulburt, L. S., xiii

Hume, D., 35, 48, 91 f., 95, 188, 209

“Hypothesis,” 140


Images, 35

Imagining, 34-41, 52, 57, 61

“In excess of,” 130

“Inks,” 126 f.

Intoxication, 222 ff.

Isaiah, 79, 101


Jarrett, Miss Ida, xiii

Jeans, Sir James, 98

Jefferson Park, 27

Jesus, 47, 242, 246, 253 f.

Job, 181

Johns Hopkins University, xiii, 54

Joseph, 246

Jove, 247

Juliet, 227

June Flower, 216


Kant, I., 66 f., 92, 95, 116 ff., 121

Keats, J., 54

Kepler, J., 54, 140, 149

Killing time, 208 f.

Knowing, 35-38, 41, 61

Koyré, A., 149n.


Lake Maracaibo, 134

Lamprecht, S., xii

Langer, Suzanne K., 41, 89

Latane, J. H., xiii

Letter to Menoeceus, 50

Leviathan, 47

Lind, Jenny, 3

Locke, J., 34, 46 f., 64, 97

Logic and change, 124

Logical connection, 28, 36, 42, 46 ff., 51 ff., 55 ff.

Logical and mathematical symbol, 95-101

Lorenz-FitzGerald contraction, 161, 165

Love and criticism, 242-246

Lovejoy, A. O., xi

Lowe, V., xii

Lucifer, 209

Luck, 17, 22 f., 174-177, 179 f., 182 f., 185 f., 193-197, 204, 210, 250, 254

Lucretius, 224

Luther, M., 112


Macaulay, G. B., 209

McGuire, W., 14

Mad Hatter, 218

Madden, E. H., 140n.

Main Street, 232, 234

Malleus Maleficarum, 54, 77

Malone, K., 102 f., 106, 108, 128

Mammon, 31 ff.

Mandelbaum, M., xii

Marxians, 173

Masculine tradition, 229-233, 241

Matthew, 246

Maxwell, J. C., 161

Meditations on First Philosophy, 68

Melville, H., 88

Meno, 16

Mental content, 34-37, 40 f., 48

Mephistopheles, 75

Michael or Michael, 45 ff., 49, 51 f., 54

Michelson, A. A., 136n., 156, 160

Michelson-Morley experiment, x, 136, 145, 156, 158 f., 161-167

Middle Ages, 78, 155, 169, 245

Milesians, 89

Milky Way, 146

Mill, J. S., 116

Miller, D. C., 136n., 161

Milton, J., 13, 31, 76

Mind, 35, 41 f.

Miracles, 24 f., 29 f., 31, 246

Moloch, 31

Mona Lisa, 103

Montague, W. P., xii

Moore, Bill, 105

Moore, G. E., 111

Moral determination, 17, 21 f., 24 f., 30 f., 32, 93, 172, 180 f.

More, H., 152 f., 167

Morgan, J., xiii

Mount Sinai, 203

Mozart, W. A., 115

Mumma, R. A., xii

Mustard, W. P., xiii


Napoleon Bonaparte, 99

Natural law, 17-20, 24, 30, 44

Naziism, 171, 177

Nelson, Ricky, 3 f.

New Orleans, 27 f.

New Orleans Fair Grounds, 28, 225

New Orleans Handicap, 28

Newton, I., 70 f., 142, 149, 153 f., 161, 167

Nicholas of Cusa, 140

Nicomachean Ethics, 91, 118 f.

Niebuhr, Richard, 113

Niemeyer, R. W., 161n.

“Non-natural quality,” 111


Oak trees, 54 f.

Orbital and axial revolution, 147

Orphic elements, 234

Osiander, 137, 139, 142-145

Ostension, 36, 39

“Oversoul,” 80

Oxford, 113


Pan Zareta, 28

Pandemonium, 31

Parallax, 147

Paul, 112 f., 116, 180, 228, 241 f.

Paul Jones, 218

Pedagogic use of symbol, 90-95

Peirce, C. S., vii ff., 78

Pendulum experiment, 137, 152, 167

Perceiving (sense perception), 34-38, 40 f.

Perfumed Garden, 237

Persuasion and criticism, 14 ff.

Phaedrus, 16

Philadelphia Handicap, 216

Philological Association, 101 f.

Pimlico, 56, 214, 217

Planning, 55 f., 58

Plato, 15 f., 40, 97, 122, 145, 228, 240 ff.

Platonism, 233

Poker, 204 ff.

Politics, 118

Power House, J.H.U., 54

Price, K., xii

Principia Ethica, 111

Principle of equivalence, 167

Principle of non-uniqueness, 136, 150, 154 f., 158, 162

Principle of relativity, 135-139, 148, 150, 154-157, 167, 169

Principle of simplicity, 136, 149, 151, 154 f.

“Prior to,” 130

Proofs of the existence of God, 25 ff.

Protagoras, 105

Providence, 23-26, 180

Prynne, Hester, 93

Pseudo Areopagite, 13

Ptolemaic theory, 140, 148

Ptolemy, 141, 170

Purpose, 16-26, 30, 43, 108

Purposely purposeless world, 16-33

Pythagoreans, 169


Quantum mechanics, 144

Quarto, First, 84


Races, ix, 22 f., 27 ff., 56-62, 184, 189 f., 211-226

Raddatz, Herr, xiii

Rais, Gilles de, 54

Reason, 1, 16, 32, 42-45, 49, 52 f., 56, 71 f., 243 f., 252

Relativism, 1 f.

Relativists, 1, 21

Relativity, theory of, 162, 167 f.

Remembering, 34-38, 40 f.

Renaissance, 231

Republic, 15 f.

Rhetoric, 119

Richard I, 83

Richard II, 80

Rimbaud, J. A., 75

Robinson Crusoe, 114

Rosencrantz, 82 f.

Roulston, R. B., xii

Rules, 11 ff., 53, 103 ff., 107, 132, 172, 178

Rules for the Direction of the Mind, 66, 72


Santayana, G., 184

Satan, 31 ff.

Scarlet Letter, 92 f.

Schneider, H. W., xii

Schopenhauer, A., 95

Science and usage, 109 f.

Selection by lot, 185

Semele, 247

Seventeenth Century, 173

Shakespeare, 84, 93 f., 97, 99

Shandy, Mr., 227 f.

Shelley, P. B., 97, 190, 224

Sidgwick, J. B., 137n.

Simon Stylites, 248

Singing, 2-8

Sinners of left and right, 112 ff.

Sir Barton, ix, 218

Sixteenth Century, 135

Slonimsky, H., xii

Smith, A., xiii

Smith, K. F., xiii

Smith, P., 143n.

Socinians, 173

Socrates, 10, 14 ff., 22, 119 f., 224, 242, 246

Sophist, 16

Spartans, 103

Speed of light, 156 f., 163 f., 166

Spinoza, B., 39

Spitzer, L., xii

Stoic conditions of sin, 183 f., 208 f.

Stoics, 23, 114, 116

Sun, the Baltimore, 4, 14, 102, 105

Supra and infra lapsarianism, 173

Supreme Court, 128

Syncategorematics, 131

Synod of Dort, 173


Telephone, 87

Thales, 89

Thalheimer, A., xiii

‘That,’ 127

Theaetetus, 16, 133

Things, 77-86

Thinking, 34-39, 41 f., 49, 52, 56, 72

This-worldliness, 231 f.

Tillich, P., 41

Titles, 131

Tokens, 96, 99

Trade winds, 152, 159

Treatise of Human Nature, 91

Tudor and Stuart Club, J.H.U., 74n.

Turner, E. R., xiii

Two directions of symbol, 88 f.


Urban VIII, 139

Utilitarianism, 116


Venus, 148

Versailles, 230

Vincent, J. M., xiii

Virgil, x.

Virgin birth, 246 f., 252


Wall Street, 212, 214

Walpole, H., 188, 209

Warriner, J. E., 123n.

Weariness, 44 f., 55

Weather, 8-11

Wesley, J., 112 f.

Whistling, 4-8

White whale, 75 f., 88, 91

Whitehead, A. N., 41, 74, 90

Whitehead Hall, 54

Will, 118

Wordsworth, W., 75

Wye River, 101


Yeats, W. B., 75


Zarathustra, 253

Previous Chapter

9. Idols of the Twilight
