publisher colophon




Momu zzyqo cy

In the most ancient times,

before the cosmos began,

and before the great flood had retreated,

things changed one day in the dark of night,

changed in the darkness of night;

another day things changed in daytime,

changed in the light of day.

Shyzzyyy was the first generation to change,

Yyhlihli was the second generation to change,

Hlihlishy was the third generation to change,

Shymujyzzy was the fourth generation to change,

Jyzzygu was the fifth generation to change,

Gunrelo was the sixth generation to change,

Lonrelo was the seventh generation to change,

Lowala was the eighth generation to change,

Ngejjygu was the ninth generation to change,

Ssujjygu was the tenth generation to change.

Thus is the history of

the transformation of the sky and earth.

Many came to endlessly

discuss the transformations.

Four sides of the sky were opened,

and four pieces of the earth

were bound together by copper and iron.

At Turlurhxuovo

the capable craftsmen,

Ayi Sunie and

Sunie Legge,

put felt cloaks on their heads.

Of the sixty-six suns,

and the seventy-seven moons,

there is only one sun today,

and there is only one moon today.

Thus is the genealogy of the sun and moon.
