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- Cornell University Press
- pp. 353-358
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abbess: election of, 247—48; investiture of, 247—49; profession of subjection of, 248, 250
Abbo, Abbot of Fleury, 38—40, 193
abbot: election of, 68—69, 75, 160, 183, 247—48, 251; investiture of, 70, 73, 75, 247—49; profession of subjection of, 47—49, 248—50
Abou-El-Haj, Barbara, 264n, 266n
Adam of Perseigne, 60n, 121, 243n
Adele, countess of Blois, 69, 99—101
ad succurrendum, 72, 140—41, 145
Albert, abbot of Marmoutier, 68—70
Amore, Agostino, 293n
Andrieu, M., 287n
Anjou, counts of, 35, 72. See also Fulk entries; Geoffrey entries; Ingelger
Anonymous monk of La Grande-Chartreuse, 121n
Arbois de Jubainville, H. d’ 103n
Arnulf, archbishop of Tours, 40—42, 46—47, 61
Auerbach, Erich, 162n
Bachrach, Bernard S., 35n, 68n, 81n
Bacht, Heinrich, 119n
Baldwin, John W., 112n, 113n, 198n, 200n, 258n, 266n
Baron, Hans, 13n
Barraclough, Geoffrey, 201n
Bartlett, Robert, 113n
Battisti, Eugenio, 293n
Beaumont, convent near Tours, 45, 245—57
Becquet, Jean, 193n
Benedict, Ruth, 113n
Benedictine Rule, 68, 117—19, 133—34, 166n, 189, 212—13
Benson, Robert, 4n, 42n, 81n, 180n
Benton, John F., 180n
Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, 76, 121n, 124n
Bernard, abbot of Marmoutier, 47—48
Bernstein, Alan, 105n
Bertha, countess of Blois, 68n, 69, 98
Bienvenu, Jean-Marc, 36n
Bishop, Edmund, 119n, 120n, 121n, 218n
Bloch, Marc, 180n
Bloch, R. Howard, 84n, 147n, 148n
Blois, counts and countesses of, 35, 69, 302. See also Adele; Bertha; Ermengard; Odo I; Odo II; Stephen; Thibaud entries
Bolton, Brenda M., 101n
Bosl, Karl, 169n
Bouchard, Constance, 86n, 169n
Boureau, Alain, 241n
Boussard, Jacques, 14n, 17n, 24n, 35n, 36n, 41n, 192n, 201n
Branner, Robert, 264n
Bredero, Adriaan H., 119n
Brémond, Claude, 148n
Brentano, Lujo, 297n
Brooke, Rosalind, 316
Brown, Elizabeth A. R., 198n
Brown, Peter, 1n, 23n 25n, 27n, 28n, 113n
Bur, Michel, 36n
bureaucracy, growth of, 94, 111, 145—47, 150, 201
Bynum, Caroline Walker, 2n, 101n, 112n, 243n
Cabrol, Fernand, 258n
Canivez, J. M., 125n
Celletti, Maria Chiara, 293n
Chambers, E. K. 254n, 287n, 293n
chansons de geste, 83—84, 94—95
Chartrou, Josèphe, 79n
Châteauneuf, 17—19, 53—54, 111—12, 192, 195—200, 208, 220n, 261—98, 302, 307; burghers of, 261—71, 275—77, 279, 282—83, 295—97, 301
Chélini, J., 189n
Cheney, C. R., 42n
Chevalier, Bernard, 19n, 20n, 112n, 191n, 264n, 265, 301n, 302n
Chibnall, Marjorie, 124n, 181n
chosen people, image of, 33—34, 50, 60, 74, 196
Chronicle of Tours. See Chronicon Turonense auctore anonymo
Chronicon Turonense auctore anonymo, 198, 205, 207—8, 210n, 268
Cistercians, 75—76, 77n, 101, 120—21, 124, 148—49. See also Adam of Perseigne; Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux
Clanchy, M. T., 146n
Cluny, 30, 40, 48, 68, 118—20, 122, 128—29, 134—35, 137, 166, 226, 230; and reform of Marmoutier, 68, 153—55, 159—60, 162—63. See also Maiolus; Odo, abbot of Cluny; Peter the Venerable collation, king’s right of, 193—94, 201, 209—10
Columbanian monasticism, 29, 189
Commendation of the Province of Touraine. See Narratio de commendatione Turonicae provinciae
commune, communal movement, 261—66, 270, 277
community: concern for at Marmoutier, 127—50, 172—73; problems of at Saint-Martin, 203—11; rituals of at Saint-Martin, 211—21
Conant, Kenneth J., 128n
confraternity, lay, 268—70, 289, 295—96
Constable, Giles, 4n, 81n, 113n, 115n, 123n, 124n, 132n, 172n, 180n, 182n, 185n
contrition, 104—9, 113, 115, 124n, 135—36, 138—40
Coornaert, E., 220n
Cormery, Benedictine abbey near Tours, 189, 246—52, 253n, 256
Cousin, Patrice, 40n
Cowdrey, Herbert Edward John, 68n, 183n
Crozet, René, 31n
Curtius, Ernst, 13n
Danielou, Jean, 60n
Davis, Natalie Zemon, 196n, 254n
dead and dying, assistance for, 71, 75, 104, 109, 119—23, 128—29, 132, 135, 137—38, 141—46, 150, 211, 219—21, 269
Deeds of the Abbey of Marmoutier. See De rebus gestis in Majori monasterio
Delehaye, Hippolyte, 22n, 23n, 24n, 62n, 121n, 195n, 228n, 271n, 310—11
Denis, Saint, cult of, 1, 29, 82—83, 207
De rebus gestis in Majori monasterio, 125, 128, 132, 134—41, 143—50, 166n, 181n, 219n, 224n, 259n, 310
De reversione beati Martini a Burgundia tractatus, 52, 56—62, 79—85, 87—90, 123n, 161n, 165, 166n, 173—76, 291—93
Devailly, Guy, 76n
Dix, Gregory, 240n
Dubois, Jacques, 2n
Duby, Georges, 4n, 20n, 71n, 81n, 85n, 91n, 94n, 95n, 146n, 203n, 287n
Dumoutet, Edouard, 243n
Dunbabin, Jean, 4n, 68n, 74n, 76n, 84n, 94n, 103n, 181n
Easter week visitations, 40—42, 46—48, 252—53, 255
Edwards, Kathleen, 191n, 193n, 202n, 203n, 215n, 216n
enemy of God and His people, image of, 45, 49—51 60, 74
episcopal visitations, 40—42, 46—48, 253
Erdmann, Carl, 82n
Ermengard, countess of Blois, 69, 98—99; legends about, 97—102, 106, 109—10, 114—16
“Ex codice MS. monasterii S. Martini Tornacensis,” 270n, 271n, 273n, 274n, 275n
exemption, monastic, 29, 35—36, 38—51, 74, 90, 157, 159—60, 307—8
Farmer, Sharon, 101n, 110n, 112n, 226n, 290n
Ferguson, Chris D., 166n
Fiske, Adele M., 149n
Folz, Robert, 121n, 122n, 123n, 128n
Fontaine, Jacques, 14n, 15, 19n, 21n
Francis of Assissi, Saint, 280, 316—17
Frank, Roberta, 56n
Franz, Adolph, 287n
Freed, John B., 85n
Fulk V, of Jerusalem, count of Anjou, 72, 76
Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou, 71—73
Fulk Rechirt, count of Anjou, 43—44, 72, 74—75, 86, 88—89, 92
Fulk the Good, count of Anjou, 80—81, 86, 91
Fulk the Red, count of Anjou, 80—81, 86, 89
Fulton, Rachel, 118n
Galbraith, V. H., 91n
Galinié, Henri, 17—18, 19n, 36n
Gantier, Odile, 20n, 96n, 111n, 120n, 123n, 129n, 130, 133n, 146n
Gasnault, Pierre, 29n, 31n, 32n, 44n, 161n, 193n, 301n, 302n, 305—6
Gasté, Armand, 218n
Gatien, first bishop of Tours, 55n, 158—59, 162—63, 299
Gautier, Léon, 287n
Geary, Patrick, 1n, 2, 23n, 25n, 27n, 28n, 29n, 184n, 210n
genealogical consciousness, genealogical literature, 85—89, 152, 164—65, 167—69, 172—74, 178, 181—82, 198
Genicot, Léopold, 172n
Geoffrey Greymantle, count of Anjou, 81, 86
Geoffrey Martel, count of Anjou, 35, 70—73, 81, 87, 92n
Geoffrey the Bearded, count of Anjou, 72—74. 92n
Geoffrey the Fair, count of Anjou, 79, 89—91
gesta episcoporum/gesta abbatum, 164—65, 177—78, 181
ghost stories, monastic, 124, 135, 137—38, 141, 143—45, 147—50, 186
gifts to monasteries, modest, 69, 76, 96, 115, 132
Gillebertus, first abbot of Marmoutier, 176, 179. See also Walbert
Giry, Arthur, 19n, 261n, 262n, 263n, 264n, 290n
Gislebert, archbishop of Tours, 49, 165
Gold, Penny Schine, 101n
golden age, idea of, 152, 155, 157, 180
Graham, Rose, 269n
Grandmaison, Charles de, 250n, 251n
Gregory, bishop of Tours, 12, 14n, 16n, 17n, 22—28, 59, 159, 164, 167, 208, 229n, 235, 307, 310
Griffe, Elie, 22n
Griffiths, Quentin, 35n, 36n, 83n, 193n, 201, 203n, 209n, 266n
Guibert, abbot of Gembloux, 62, 75n, 183, 185—86, 195n, 200n, 222, 243n, 259, 271n, 275, 309, 311
Guillot, Olivier, 35n, 44n, 68n, 69, 70n, 72, 73n, 74n, 75n, 79n, 81n, 125n, 132n
Haenens, Albert d’ 34n, 56n, 59n, 165n
Hallam, Elizabeth, 82n
Hallinger, Kassius, 120n
Halphen, Louis, 35n, 44n, 72n, 73n, 74n, 86n, 92n
Hanning, Robert, 182n
Hautcoeur, Edouard, 215n
Heath, Robert G., 119n, 120n, 135n
Heers, Jacques, 287n
Henry II, king of England, 76—77, 79, 88—89, 91, 93—95
Herbern: abbot of Marmoutier, 56—57, 80, 87, 174, 176, 178; archbishop of Tours, 153—55. 176, 178; (attributed), Miracula beati Martini, 89n, 178n, 208n, 221n, 270n, 272n, 273n, 274n, 275n
Herlihy, David, 114n, 147n, 316—17
Herrmann-Mascard, Nicole, 1n, 31n
Herveus, treasurer of Saint-Martin, 40, 193, 224, 226—28, 245
Historia septem dormientium (Majoris monasterii), 165, 167—73, 299, 310—11
Hobsbawm, Eric, 4n
Hourlier, Jacques, 212n
Hughes, Diane Owen, 99n
Huneycutt, Lois, 101n
Hunt, Noreen, 120n, 121n, 122n, 128n, 129n, 133n, 134n, 184n
Huyghebaert, Nicolas, 114n, 119n
Imbart de la Tour, Pierre, 42n
impersonal ties, growth of, 94, 113, 127—29, 132—35, 145—48
Ingelger, count of Anjou, 59, 61, 80—81, 83, 86—89
interior traits, interest in, 91, 94, 105, 111—13, 122, 124—27, 135, 150, 182
James, Edwin Oliver, 269n
John of Marmoutier, 77, 88—95, 111
Johnson, Penelope D., 72n, 132n, 133n, 134n
Jordan, William Chester, 203n
Kantorowicz, Ernst H., 33n, 83n
Keane, Mary Michael, 292n
Kennedy, V. L., 243n
King, Archdale A., 121n
kings, Frankish or French, and cult of Saint Martin, 24—26, 28, 30, 33—34, 79—83, 207—9, 299, 301—2
kings, French, relationship with chapter of Saint-Martin, 198, 205—8, 265—66, 299; as lay abbots, 35, 153—54. 192—93, 197, 201, 206, 209—10, 266
Knowles, David, 123n
Koziol, Geoffrey, 2n, 267n, 268n
Krappe, Alexander, 229
Kretzenbacher, Leopold, 293n
Lackner, Bede, K., 121n
Laurent, Jacques, 121n
Leclercq, Henri, 26n, 30n, 258n, 269n
Leclercq, Jean, 101n, 125n, 129n, 152n, 172n, 184n, 185n 186n
Lecoy de la Marche, Albert, 301n
Le Goff, Jacques, 105, 119n, 124n, 138n, 148n, 196n, 199n
Lelong, Charles, 19n, 128n, 161n, 190, 276, 307—8
Lemaître, Jean-Loup, 115n, 132n, 146n
Lemarignier, Jean François, 29n, 39n, 40n, 41n, 42n, 48n, 158n
Leriget, Marthe, 200n
Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 290n
Lesne, Emile, 191n
Lévêque, Pierre, 24n, 52n, 56n, 68n, 74n, 153n, 154n, 155n, 156n 161n, 181n, 191n
Liber de restructione Majoris monasterii, 102—10, 112n, 114—16, 140, 181n, 308—9
Little, Lester K., 101n, 111n, 112n, 113n, 121n
Lopez, Robert, 147n
Mabille, Emile, 31n, 52n, 56n, 57n, 161n, 189n, 191n, 192n, 193n, 219n 251n, 265n 314
McGuire, Brian Patrick, 146n, 149n
McLaughlin, Molly Megan, 115n, 120n, 132n
Maiolus, abbot of Cluny, 50n, 54, 159—60, 162—63, 166n
Marmoutier, abbots of. See Albert; Bernard, abbot of Marmoutier; Gillebertus; Herbern, abbot of Marmoutier; Walbert
Marmoutier, struggles with archbishop. See abbot; Bernard, abbot of Marmoutier; exemption, monastic
Marot, Pierre, 115n, 132n, 146n
Martène, Edmond, 35n, 47n, 49n, 60n, 67n, 69, 72, 74n, 77n, 112n, 121n, 129n, 132n, 133n, 134n, 142, 214n, 245n, 258n, 291n, 302n, 311—13
Martimort, Aimé Georges, 60n, 311
Martin, Henri, 87n
Martin, Saint: feast of December 13, 51n, 59, 175, 215, 254, 290—95; feast of July 4, 23, 217, 222—32, 237, 289—90; feast of May 12, 51—55, 196, 215, 233—34, 236—37, 269, 284—90, 295, 316; feast of November 11, 12, 23, 31, 196—97, 215, 237, 290, 294; intercession for sinners, 71, 103—5, 107—8, 139—41; justice of, 278—82; life of, 14—16, 26; mass of, 241—44; processions to tomb of, 73, 183; saving of Tours from Vikings, 31—33, 53; translation of head of, 299—300. See also miracles
Maurice, Saint, and the Theban martyrs, 54—55, 232—35, 287
Meersseman, Gérard G., 220n
mercy, divine, 103—8, 136, 138, 140, 309
Millet, E., 54
miracles: as demonstration of divine justice, 281—82, 283n; as demonstration of divine presence, 222—32, 275—77; healing, 270—76. See also ghost stories; Martin: saving of Tours from Vikings; relics, disputes about
Moore, R. I., 62n
Mostert, Marco, 39n
Muir, Edward, 287n
Murphy, James J., 113n
Murray, Alexander, 111n
Narratio controversiae inter capitulum S. Martini Turonensis et Radulphum ejusdem urbis archiepiscopum, 44—45, 49—50
Narratio de commendatione Turonicae provinciae, 13, 16, 50, 51n, 96—98, 102, 157—66, 175—79, 198n, 199, 268n, 306—8
Neiske, Franz, 119n, 124n, 135n, 138n, 143n
Newman, William Mendel, 216n
Notitia seu libellus de tribulationibus . . . Majori-monasterio injuste illatis ab archiepiscopis et clericis S. Mauricii Turonensis, 46—47, 50—51, 61n, 185
Odo, abbot of Cluny, 118—19, 136n, 143n, 191n, 193, 242, 259, 305, 313—15
Odo I, count of Blois, 67—69, 71, 153; legends about, 96—116, 140, 163, 177
Odo II, count of Blois, 19n, 20, 68—70, 97, 103
Omont, Henri, 301n
Oury, Guy-Marie, 31n, 40n, 68n, 76n, 101n, 124n, 125n, 153n, 166n, 171n, 172n, 191n, 193n, 226n, 247n, 274n, 310—13
paradise, image of, 185, 196—97, 221
Patin, J.-P. Valery, 124n
peace: monastic, 184—85; urban, 195—96, 276—78, 286
Péan Gatineau, 53n, 171n, 192n, 208n, 230n, 243n, 268, 271n, 279—84, 295, 315—17
Penco, Gregorio, 60n
Perpetuus, bishop of Tours, 22—24, 224
persuasion, interest in, 91—93, 101, 106, 109—13
Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny, 121—24, 128, 134n, 179n
Petit-Dutaillis, Charles, 266n
Philip and Renaud, dean and treasurer of Saint-Martin, letters about the cult of Saint Martin, 53, 195—97, 210, 223—24, 228—30, 232—34, 268, 270n, 272n, 274n, 285—86, 289n
Plat, Gabriel, 314
Poly, Jean-Pierre, 1n
prebends, canonical, 191n, 202—3
Prévost, Arthur, 125n
Prinz, Friedrich, 16n, 24n, 29n
purgatory, purgatorial punishments, 105—9, 114—16, 135—36, 141, 147
Pycke, Jacques, 192n, 193n, 201n, 202n, 209n, 215n
Radbod, bishop of Utrecht, 31—34, 51, 80, 84, 208, 210
Radding, Charles M., 113n
Raggi, Angelo Maria, 293n
Rainey, Ronald E., 200n.
Ralph (I) of Langeais, archbishop of Tours, 43—47
Ralph (II) of Orléans, archbishop of Tours, 43, 47—49
Ranger, Terence, 4n
Reames, Sherry, 241n
rebirth or renewal, images of, 174—79, 182, 287, 290—95
relics, disputes about, 12, 27—28, 58—60, 277
residency, at Saint-Martin, 202—3
Restoration of Marmoutier, The. See Liber de restructione Majoris monasterii
Reynolds, Susan, 211n
Riché, Pierre, 20n
Robin, Françoise, 301n
Robinet, André, 67n, 216n, 302n
Rosenwein, Barbara, 36n, 68n, 71n, 81n, 119n
Rosof, Patricia J. F., 101n
Said, Edward, 152n
Saint-Cosme, house of regular canons near Tours, 193, 221, 245—53, 256—57
Saint-Julian, Benedictine abbey in Tours, 30, 31, 41, 48, 220n, 253n, 255—57
Saint-Martin, struggles with archbishop of Tours, 245, 247, 249—51. See also abbess; abbot; exemption, monastic
Saint Martin’s Return from Burgundy. See De reversione beati Martini a Burgundia tractatus
Saint-Pierre-le-Puellier, house of canons in Tours, 245—47, 249—51, 256—57
Saint-Venant, house of canons in Tours, 245—52, 256—57
Saxer, Victor, 181n
Schmitt, Jean-Claude, 2n, 138n, 148n, 287n
Schmitz, Philibert, 119n, 120n
Semmler, Josef, 68n, 119n, 161n, 191n
sermons, from Marmoutier, 125—27, 173
Seven Sleepers of Marmoutier. See Historia septem dormientium (Majoris monasterii)
Sigal, Pierre-André, 1n, 271n, 273n, 274n, 275n, 283n
Silvestre, Hubert, 181n
Southern, Sir Richard, 4n, 67n, 71n, 76n, 85n, 88n, 104n, 105n, 113n, 115n, 132n, 152n, 166n, 181n, 182n, 283n
Spiegel, Gabrielle, 1n, 81n, 82n, 85n, 164n, 182n
Stancliffe, Clare, 14n, 16n, 19n, 21n, 22n, 24n
Stephen, count of Blois, 69, 100
Stock, Brian, 81n, 146n, 180n, 181n
Strayer, Joseph, 111n
Sulpicius Severus, 14n, 16n, 19, 21—22, 26—27, 142, 242, 288
Talbot, C. H., 121n
Teetaert, Amédée, 104n
Tender, Thomas, 104n
Theban martyrs. See Maurice, Saint
Theotolus, archbishop of Tours, 30—31,
Thibaud III, count of Blois, 69—70, 88
Thibaud IV, count of Blois, 69, 76
Thibaud V, count of Blois, 69, 77n
Tierney, Brian, 4
Toschi, Paolo, 293n
Tours, archbishops of. See exemption, monastic; Gislebert; Ralph (I) of Langeais; Ralph (II) of Orléans; Saint-Martin, struggles with archbishop of Tours; Theotolus
Tours, bishops of. See Gatien; Gregory; Perpetuus
Trexler, Richard, 192n, 199n, 285n, 287n
Tricard, Jean, 307
Tubach, Frederic C., 282n
Turner, Victor, 2n
typological repetition, 162, 177, 179
urban patronal feast, 53, 196, 284—89
Van Dam, Raymond, 1n, 21n, 24n, 26n
Van den Bosch, J., 26n
Van der Straeten, Joseph, 89n, 128n, 137n, 270n, 271n, 272n, 275n, 306—10
Van Dijk, S. A., 123n
Van Doren, Rombaut, 293n
Van Engen, John, 67n, 121n, 122n
Van Gennep, Arnold, 287n
Vaucelle, Edgar Raphaël, 29n, 52n, 81n, 189n, 191n, 192n, 193n, 201n, 203n, 204n, 209n, 216n, 250n, 251n, 252n, 299n, 302n, 315
Vidier, Alexandre Charles Philippe, 59n
Vieillard-Troiekouroff, May, 14n, 28n, 273n, 314
Vikings: attack on Marmoutier, 56; attack on Tours, 17, 31, 153, 156, 306; legends about, 56, 59, 83—84, 87, 160—65, 173—74, 176—79, 195—96, 210
visitations to religious houses. See Easter week visitations; episcopal visitations
Vivier, R., 54
Vogel, Cyril, 128n
Voigt, Karl, 153n
Walbert, first abbot of Marmoutier, 155—56, 170—71. See also Gillebertus
Wallace-Hadrill, J., 25n, 26n, 57n
Ward, Benedicta, 1n
Weiser, Francis X., 258n
Weissman, Ronald, 215n, 216n, 218n, 220n
Werner, Karl Ferdinand, 22n, 25n
White, Stephen D., 77n, 96n, 99n, 111n, 132n
Williams, George H., 185n
Wilmart, André, 121n
wives: influence on husbands, 69, 99—102, 106, 110; legends about, 97—102, 106, 109—10, 114
Wollasch, Joachim, 119n, 120n, 122n
women: as bestowers of property, 99, 102, 109, 114—16; foolishness of, 280, 284; piety of, 100—101, 280, 283. See also wives
Wood, Erika Laquer, 165n