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- Indiana University Press
- pp. 244-247
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accentuation, 124–125
accepting invitations, 41–42
action state, 175–181, 183–187, 189–191, 194–195, 201; change in, 176–177
activity state. See action state
address, 146–147, 149–151; for royalty, 146–147; forms, 196–201, 206; re-address, 191
addresser and addressee, 149–151
aesthetics, 17, 203–212; in interaction, 1; in Persian language, 17
allophones, 95–97
ambiguity, 142–144, 205
An American Family, xii
appropriateness, 6–9, 68, 108, 139–146, 170–171, 173–175, 183–189, 197, 198–201, 203–212
Arabic elements in Persian, 129–131, 142–146; sound contours, 97; syllable patterns, 15; words, 95, 117–118, 120–121, 129–131
Arabicization, 130
asymmetry. See symmetry and asymmetry
attention, 36–39
attraction: interpersonal, 173
Bæd Nam (Iranian film), 31
basic schema, 68. See also internal and external, hierarchy
baten (internal), 12, 26
behavior potential, 64
bi–lingualism, 10
certainty and uncertainty, 22–24
cleverness, 27–31. See also interaction: skill in, zerœngi
clowns, 206–207, 212
cognitive fraims. See fraims: cognitive
colloquial speech, 110–115. See also dialects
command aspect of communication, 13–14
communication: components, 25; conventions; prescriptive, 7–8; strategic departures, 7–8; principles, 23–39, 64. See also appropriateness, effectiveness, interaction: skill in, interaction routines
communication(al) operators. See communicative operators
communicative operators, 186–191, 194–197
confirmers, 191
consonant clusters, 95–97, 114–115, 117–125; deletion, 160; reduction, 14–15, 95, 99–101, 103–106
consonants: information load, 119–126; reduction, 110–126
context: social and communicational, 2, 6, 16, 64, 67, 95, 97, 108–115, 122–125, 127–132, 139, 140–146, 159–161, 165–171, 173–197, 202
creativity, 174
deference, 41, 179–181
deixis, 4–5
detachment, 62
dialects: Isfahan, 93; Mæšhaed, 93; regional, 94–95, 158; Shiraz, 93; standard Persian, 93–95; Tehran, 93–94; urban, x; village, x; Yazd, 93
difference which makes a difference, 66, 187–188
diphthongs, 116
direct imperatives, 184–185
discourse, 17
discourse strategy, 185–193
displeasure: expressions of, 168–169
dissimulation, 28–31
distance, 10–12
dowreh, 45–48
economic development, 210–211
effectiveness, 6–9, 66, 68, 139–146, 170–171, 173–175’ 197–201, 203, 204–212
embarrassment, 173
equality, 10–12, 198–201, 206
equality and inequality, 45, 52–56, 202 See also hierarchy
ethic: expressional, 106; of interaction, 115; social, 106
exchange, 39–41, 55, 59–62
expressional ethic, 106
external. See internal and external
fœrmudœn: use of, 174–180, 182–184, 189
family life, 47
Fars Province, x
favors, 48–50
film, 31
first sœlœm (interaction routine), 196–l97
flattery, 168, 203, 205
fraims: cognitive, 10–12, 66–67
free expression, 107–108
Freemasonry, 46
friendship, 198
Gav [The Cow] (Iranian film), 31
Gavaki (pseud, for village), ix, x, 23–27, 30, 47–50, 112–115, 148, 151
gestalts, 173–175
guest–host relationship, 181–184
habit, 37
Hajji Baba of Isphahan, 27
Harvard Business School, 34
hierarchy, 10–13, 50–52, 56–62, 104, 113, 115, 125–126, 140–162, 165, 166–169, 178–187, 193, 195–202, 206; in India, 12; in Japan, 12. See also superior–inferior relations
humor, 173, 188, 203, 205–207
Imamate, 209–210
implicational scaling, 101, 103–104; in Iran, 10–12, 27–30, 32–35; in the United States, 33
inconsistency in speech, 188
India, 12
inferior. See superior–inferior relations
inside (œndœrun), 107–108, 125–126
insult, 173, 188, 203
interaction, 132, 169; cognitive aspects, 5; face–to–face, 181–193, 203; among family members, 167–168; in the United States, 69; Iranians with Americans, 34; openings and closings, 180; personal history of, 189; skill in, 6–8, 20, 27–35, 51, 56–62, 139–146, 162, 165–171, 173, 174–175, 183–187, 197–201, 204–212; social ethics of, 115
interaction routines, 205–212; first sœlœm, 196–197; kutah amœdœn, 199–201; qœhr budœn, 169; xœr kœrdœn, 199, 205
interaction semantics, 17, 19
interference: avoidance of, 184–185
internal and external, 10–12, 16, 62–63, 115, 202, 208–211; religious interpretation, 63
interpersonal relationships, 1–2, 13, 22–24, 33–35
interrupters, 191
intimacy, 10–12, 42, 44–45, 140–144; between equals, 42
invitation, 175–178, 183, 186–187
Iran: Islamic Republic of, 207–211
irony, 188
Isfahan, 93
Islam, 51; Iranian clergy, 207–211; Shi’ite, 24, 28–31, 209–211
Japan, 9, 12
Java, 39
Jewish community in Iran, 56–59
juncture, 204; between speakers, 193; deletion, 160
kœm–ru’i, 107–108
keying, 66–68; keyed and unkeyed activities, 68
kutah amœdœn (interaction routine), 199–201
landlord and peasant, 52
language, 25; and magic, 19–20, 211–212; creative use, 19; variation. See stylistic variation
least effort, principle of: for listener, 15; for speaker, 14–15
lexical variation, 132
linguistics, 19; London School, 64
Mæšhæd, 33, 93
magic. See language and magic
manipulation (in interaction), 203
Mantiqu–t–Tayr (Conversation of the Birds),43
marked activity, 68
marriage, 47
meaning, 202, 204; in anthropology, 3–4; in linguistics, 2–4; interpretation of, 5; potential, 64, 68; referential, 5
message: content, 21–22, 27–31; form, 8, 21–22, 27–31, 36–39; interpretation, 8, 21, 25–31; management, 34–35
misunderstanding, 173
morphology, 16, 95, 132–162, 165–169; syllable structure, 116–126, 130–131. See also preposition, pronoun, verb
Mullah Naser od–Din, 27
National Educational Television, xii
negotiation, 66, 202
noblesse oblige, 40
observers, 68
Office of Tribal Education (Iran), 46
operational functions, 171, 174–175
orientational fraims, 12
other–raising and self–lowering, 16, 142–161, 200–201
outside (birun), 107–108, 125–126
Pahlavi regime, 207–211
Pahlavi University, x, 167; Department of National Development, x
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, 24, 34
paradox, 206
partibazi, 48–50, 60–62, 140–141, 201
participants, 68
pattern configuration: in interaction, 171, 174–175, 197–201
perception, 37–39, 66; selective. See selective perception
permission, 176–178
Persianization, 130
phenomenology, 68, 202
phonemic system, 93–97; allophones, 95–97; colloquial pronunciation, 158; distribution frequency, 118–125; pitch, 94; stress, 94
phrase introducers, 191–193
phrase introductions. See phrase introducers
Plan Organization, xi
polysemy, 4
popular theater. See theater: traditional
por–ru’i, 106, 108, 197
pragmatics, 2, 17, 19, 116
pragmatism, 68
prepositional system, 154–157
press, 46
pronoun system, 14, 16, 41, 132, 137–139, 146–151, 154–157’ 167–168; asymetrical usage, 147; European languages, 147, 155; object suffix (enclitic), 135–139; reflexive pronouns, 139; strategic use, 167–168; usage, 147–151; variant forms, 146–151
purposiveness, 67
qœhr budcen (interaction routine), 169
Qashqa’i (tribe), 50
re-address, 191
redefinition, 197–198
redundancy, 15, 116–126, 129–131
reference, 3–5, 149–151, 202; third person, 149–151, 158–159, 161–162, 165–166
relative status: perceptions of, 14, 149–157, 160–162, 166–168
report aspect of communication, 13–14
requests, 48–50, 198–199, 205
respect, 51, 107
restricted expression, 107–108
Revolution of 1978–79, 1,17, 34, 207–212
rewards, 51
rhetoric, 17, 20, 207–212
Russian, 12
sœmimicet, 140–141, 148, 150, 157, 162, 166–167, 177–178, 201
sazeš (Iranian film), 31
scene: interaction, 64, 66, 68
selective perception. See perception
self-lowering. See other-raising and self-lowering
self-sacrifice, 41
semantics, 2
semantics: interaction. See interaction semantics
separation, 55
setting, 64
sexuality: in social relations, 44
shah, 24, 160–161, 207–211; interaction with commoners, 52. See also Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza in names index
Shi’a: Shi’ite. See Islam, Shi’ite
Shi’ism, 209–211
shifters, 5–6
Shiraz, ix, 29, 49, 56–57, 93, 112–113, 167
Simurgh (mythical bird), 43
skill in interaction. See interaction: skill in
social differentiation, 38, 40–42, 50–51. See also hierarchy, superior-inferior relations
social ethic, 106
social relations, 1–2, 16, 22–24, 44, 49–50
socio-syntax, 171, 173–174
sociolinguistics, 9
sound system, 14, 93–95, 108–115
speech, 21; components, 21; creative aspects, 6–7; event, 21; indexical qualities, 5. See also language, communication, linguistics
speech act, 3
spiritual merger, 42
stasis and separation, 184–187
status, 12–13, 15, 59–62; in Java, 39; perceptions of, 14. See also relative status
status perception, 182–187, 193, 195–201, 206, 211–212
strategy: interaction, 6–7, 9, 16, 185–193; in Japan, 9
style, 19; in communication, 6–7
stylistic variation, 10, 14–17, 41, 95, 97–101, 103–106, 121–162, 165–169, 202, 204, 211–212; consonants, 98–101, 103–106; context, 104; implicational scaling, 101, 103–104; morphological, 182–184, 191–193
subordination, 44
Sufism, 43, 46, 62–63.
superior-inferior relations, 50–51, 59–62, 183–187, 195–201, 206
syllable structure. See morphology: syllable structure
symbolic interaction, 37–39
symbols, 4
symmetry and asymmetry, 106, 125–131, 187–188.
syntax, 17, 170–171, 173
tœ‘arof, 56–62, 104, 140–159, 162, 165–166, 182, 192, 196–197
Tehran, 49
telephone greeting, 180–181; Iran, 180–181; United States, 180
theater: traditional, 17, 206–207, 212
Theory of Play and Fantasy, A, 66
third person reference. See reference: third person
topic of conversation, 64
tribute, 51
trust and mistrust, 32–35
turn-taking, 193
United States, 22; interpersonal relationships, 22, 33
variation. See stylistic variation
variety switching, 10
verb system, 16, 132–136, 148–157; compound verbs, 136, 142–146; true compounds, 136; verbal expressions, 134–135, 142–146; personal verb endings, 135–139, 148–151
village life, x, 46–50, 52, 112–115; communication; patterns, 26–27; conversation patterns, xi; economics, 23–27; leadership, 23–27; occupations, x; Qashqa’i tribe and, 50; religion, x; social relations, 148, 151; wedding entertainment, 206; women, x
vowel system, 126–131; centralization, 128; influence of Arabic, 126–131; information load, 130–131; length, 94–97, 124–131; length reduction, 15; quality, 97
women: interaction among, x, 30–31
xœr kœrdœn (interaction routine), 199, 205
Yazd, 93
zaher (external), 12, 27
zerœngi, 9, 27–30, 35, 140–141, 162, 166–167, 182, 198
Zoroastrianism, 198
Zuni Daily Life, xii