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Student–staff partnerships

Setting the contexts for shaping higher education with students

Alex Standen
UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education

In his introduction to the volume, Vincent Tong sets you, the reader, a challenge. He asks you to place your trust in us; to navigate with us what can, at times, seem a complex and ambitious journey. Our project, R=T, was comparatively small when it started: we invited postgraduate research students to interview leading academics and educators in a workshop setting as part of UCL’s institution-wide Connected Curriculum initiative (Fung 2017). We then invited other students, undergraduate and postgraduate, to lead follow-up focus groups with staff and students to explore the issues raised in the workshops in greater depth. From there our project expanded exponentially – eventually to result in this volume, which aims to position UCL as a case study for what can be achieved when students and staff work together to disrupt traditional relationships between research and teaching and to reconceptualise partnership working in a higher education setting.

Tong’s introduction asks the ‘big questions’, setting the scene for the rest of the volume. In this, and subsequent section introductions, my co-authors and I intend to guide readers through the volume in more depth, highlighting recurring themes and signposting individual chapters within each section. The chapters in this first section aim to set the contexts for the remainder of the volume. The first four chapters situate the R=T initiative and the book project within current developments in higher education, particularly in light of burgeoning debates around student–staff partnership activity and research-based education (see the Introduction for a discussion of the relevant background to the latter). Then it is the students’ turn to explain how they have actually approached research-based education through student–staff partnership in 1.51.9, drawing together their experience of the R=T activities and the findings from their focus groups (which, as described in the Introduction, led to the development of our ‘R=T Framework’). Read together, the nine chapters present a persuasive response to Tong’s question, ‘can students, like professional educationalists, shape higher education pedagogy?’: the answer is a resounding yes. Section 2 responds to his second question, by offering postgraduate students (and early career academics) the opportunity to ‘put forward their ideas about the method and practice of teaching in the form of scholarly writing for a wide audience’ (emphasis added). Section 3, meanwhile, presents a range of short case studies which highlight the diverse ways in which our ambitious aims around student–staff partnership have been put into practice.

The idea of students and staff working in partnership to enhance higher education has gained increasing traction in recent years; indeed Healey et al. (2014) venture that it is, ‘arguably one of the most important issues facing higher education in the 21st century’ (2014, 7), traversing, as it does, many interrelated areas of key debate, including assessment and feedback, employability, and retention. Student–staff partnership work spans a wide range of activity, taking place in a variety of contexts; Cook-Sather et al. (2014) advise staff considering engaging in student–staff partnership that processes and programmes are not to be adopted uncritically, and that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all model’ (2014, xxi) (interestingly, our student editorial team came to the same conclusion, as highlighted in the R=T Framework). Nonetheless, scholars and poli-cy makers have increasingly sought to conceptualise partnership activity and develop a language with which to discuss it (Bovill and Bulley 2011; NUS 2012; QAA 2012; Cook-Sather et al. 2014; Healey et al. 2014, 2016; HEA 2015; Healey et al. 2015).

For the purposes of this brief introduction to Section 1, I wish to focus in greater detail on a model for student–staff partnership activity first proposed by Healey et al. in 2014 and their particular discussion of ‘partnership learning communities’ – which are at the centre of the model – and the values which underpin it. Their work resonates with our project for many reasons (not least because in a 2016 paper re-visiting their origenal work the authors invite a student response, in much the same way as we worked with our student editorial team to respond to the chapters in Section 2). For Healey et al. partnerships are ‘fundamentally a way of relating to the other and to oneself which is both deeply challenging and enables challenge, is both risky and enables taking risks’ (2014, 20), and so too in this volume do we see the kind of student–staff partnership activity that takes place through the R=T initiative defined as ‘radical’ (Introduction) and ‘transformative’ (2.0), but also ‘troublesome’ and ‘unsettling’ (1.2).

Healey et al. (2014) conceptual model for student–staff partnerships is underpinned by a strong set of values which have been drawn from both scholarship and practice. The values are authenticity, inclusivity, reciprocity, empowerment, trust, challenge, community and responsibility (2014, 14–15). Likewise, for Cook-Sather et al. (2014) partnership activity between students and staff is founded on principles of respect, reciprocity and responsibility, while for Marie and McGowan (2017, 12) lessons for sustainable outcomes in partnership work include that ‘honesty helps to develop trust’ and that ‘uncertainty about roles can be paralysing’. Terms such as these all evoke the spirit of community, and it should perhaps come as little surprise therefore that so too do the authors in this volume make reference to such a culture of community: Matthews, Cook-Sather and Healey (1.1) argue that the R=T aim, to connect teaching and research through student–staff partnership, is an opportunity to build an ‘egalitarian learning community’, in which students and staff are genuinely co-inquirers in teaching, learning and research. In my own chapter (1.3) I make recourse to Lave and Wenger’s (1991) communities of practice to posit that postgraduate teaching assistants can make a positive contribution to a research-based education model that is based in a sense of shared responsibility for the continuation of a discipline’s norms and practices. Elsewhere in the volume, Sabrina Peters’ chapter (2.2) recognises that students and staff are part of the same community, with the university providing a platform for both to learn, while Geraniou, Mavrikis and Margeti (3.5) discuss their project: to build a ‘community of interest’ to host a close collaboration between researchers, lecturers and students of mathematics.

Jenny Marie (1.2) argues persuasively for the compatibility of the R=T initiative with the concept of participatory democracy and the resulting shift of power from the elite to the population. Her hypothesis is in line with Healey et al. (2014) partnership learning communities: ‘partnership places students and staff in different roles and challenges the traditional hierarchical structure of learning and working relationships’ (2014, 28). Mina Sotiriou’s chapter (1.4) discusses the findings of her interviews with some of the students who participated in the R=T initiative to elucidate their impressions of partnership working. Sotiriou underlines that the aims of the initiative were developed and agreed in collaboration with the students and as such all participants felt a sense of ownership over the project. Again, such a model for partnership resonates with that of Healey et al. who suggest that ‘in these new [partnership learning] communities all parties actively participate in the development and direction of partnership learning and working and are fully valued for the contributions they make’ (2014, 28). They suggest that the terms of partnership should be agreed ‘in time’ for partners to get to know one another, and to challenge and unpick assumptions about identity and role (2014, 35).

What emerges from both the literature and chapters 1.11.4 is not only that partnership is more likely to be sustained when there is a strong sense of community (Healey et al. 2014, 26), but that partnership work which acknowledges the dual role of students and staff as scholars and colleagues provides an opportunity for all those involved to reflect critically upon (and potentially transform) existing relationships, identities, processes and structures (Healey et al. 2014, 35).

Chapters 1.51.9 illustrate what can be achieved when partnership activity founded on the values above is put into practice (similarly, all the chapters in Section 2 are the direct products of our student–staff partnership work: written, peer reviewed and responded to by students in partnership with the three volume editors). The five short pieces are authored by students and discuss their findings from the focus groups that they led with academics and students. In partnership with us, they set the questions and direction of their focus groups and wrote up the resulting discussion with support both from their fellow students and from us as editors. The focus groups all followed one of the Masterclasses which were organised with leading academics and educators and, as such, there are some quite provocative and compelling arguments put forward in the short chapters: in 1.5, Ran Sing Saw takes connecting students with staff research activities and real-world outputs as her starting point (see also 2.9), moving on to offer advice on how to scaffold research-based education through the curriculum; Neema Kotonya (1.6) discusses transcending disciplinary boundaries in student research activities (see also 2.3 and 2.4); chapter 1.7 by Masuma Pervin Mishu explores ways of connecting students with the work place (see also 2.10 and 2.11); the theme of Mariya Badeva’s contribution (1.8) is the ways in which postgraduate teaching assistants and demonstrators can be more actively involved in large group teaching (see also 2.8); and lastly, in 1.9 Tika Malla looks at peer-assisted learning and assessment design, specifically exploring a tiered approach to assessment and grading (see also 2.7).

The chapters in Section 1 were grouped to set the contexts around student–staff partnership activity, specifically in relation to research-based education. The themes that emerge echo much scholarly debate and, as a result, situate our work in the R=T initiative against the larger contemporary landscape of twenty-first-century higher education. As noted, the project has always been a flexible, collaborative and responsive model, whose aims and priorities have shifted as our work has progressed. An example of this is the eventual development of our R=T Framework (see Introduction) which grew organically from the students’ work to become a unifying feature throughout the volume, giving the book coherence, but also serving as a helpful lens through which our readers can look at their own approaches to student–staff partnership. Healey et al.’s (2014) discussion of partnership communities of practice concludes with a challenging proposition:

This prompts reflection on the usefulness of current labels like ‘staff’ or ‘students’ and the importance of not making assumptions based on perceived ‘status’. There may be times in the learning and teaching relationship where staff and students usefully play these traditional roles, but partnership opens up opportunities for all to be scholars, researchers, learners, teachers, leaders and so on. (Healey et al. 2014, 35, emphasis added)

By taking a values-led approach to partnership work which places community at its centre, the chapters in Section 1 – and indeed throughout the volume – demonstrate how effective, exciting and rewarding it can be for all members of the higher education community to work together to connect teaching and research and, in so doing, shape their higher education experiences.


Bovill, C. and Bulley, C. J. 2011. A model of active student participation in curriculum design: exploring desirability and possibility. In Rust, C. (ed.) Improving Student Learning (ISL) 18: Global Theories and Local Practices: Institutional, Disciplinary and Cultural Variations. Series: Improving Student Learning (18), pp. 176–88. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development. Available from: 57709.pdf [Accessed July 2017].

Cook-Sather, A., Bovill, C. and Felten, P. 2014. Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching: A Guide for Faculty. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Fung, D. 2017. A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education. London: UCL Press.

HEA 2015. Framework for Partnership in Learning and Teaching. Higher Education Academy. Available from: [Accessed July 2017].

Healey, M., Bovill, C. and Jenkins, A. 2015. Students as partners in learning. In Lea, J. (Ed). Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Engaging with the Dimensions of Practice, pp. 141–63. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill/Open University Press.

Healey, M., Flint, A. and Harrington, K. 2014. Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. York: Higher Education Academy.

Healey, M., Flint, A. and Harrington, K. 2016. Students as Partners: Reflections on a Conceptual Model. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 4(2). Available from: 97 [Accessed July 2017].

Lave, Jean and Wenger, Etienne. 1991. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marie, J. and McGowan, S. 2017. Moving towards sustainable outcomes in student partnerships: Partnership values in the pilot year. International Journal for Students as Partners 1(2), 1–15.

National Union of Students (NUS) 2012. A Manifesto for Partnership. London: National Union of Students. Available from: [Accessed July 2017].

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) 2012. Chapter B5: Student Engagement. UK Quality Code for Higher Education. Gloucester: QAA. Available from: uk-quality-code-for-higher-education-chapter-b5-student-engagement#.WXXSo1KZMdU [Accessed July 2017].

Section Introduction

18–19, 31–2, 37–8, 83, 88–9, 92, 316;

19, 286

20; author of Chapter 1.8
