Why publish an app in nanoHUB?

You'll make your science and engineering products usable, discoverable, and reproducible for learners, educators, researchers, and business professionals.

nanoHUB animated usage map
Advantages of making your simulation tool available via nanoHUB:

  • Gain access to a large audience: 1.9 million visitors per year and growing.
  • Tools run "in the cloud" via a web browser. No software download or installation is required.
  • nanoHUB tools are publications, indexed by Web of Science and Google Scholar.
  • Secondary citations. Collectively, nanoHUB tools have an h-index of 82.
  • Automatic usage data for each tool shows impact. Learn where your users come from, their affiliation, and more.
  • nanoHUB's ecosystem has a place for simulation tools in a multitude of fields: materials science, manufacturing, biology, chemistry, physics, electrical and mechanical engineering, and more.


From Computational Materials Science and Engineering Education: An Updated Survey of Trends and Needs:

nanoHUB awareness research paper

A web-accessible development workflow

  • Complete Linux environment
  • A multitude of software packages are already installed in nanoHUB
  • Submit simulations to high-performance computing resources
  • Launch the Workspace or Jupyter tool in your web browser and start working


Rappture tool animatedPersonal Support

  • Ticketing system provides assistance to developers or technical support
  • 99.466% uptime
  • Citation tracking
  • Control the reuse of your code and assets via licensing


Community Support

  • Question and Answer forum where your tool's users can find help
  • User reviews provide feedback
  • Easily share your tool on social media


Multiple ways to publish a tool

If you would like to deploy a workflow, creating a Jupyter Workflow will be your best option. If you already have an X11 GUI that you'd like to use, you can create a tool with that method.

Otherwise, choose one of the three primary types of tools that you can publish on nanoHUB: a Rappture tool, a Jupyter Notebook, or Rappture tools invoked within a Jupyter Notebook.


Which is the best for your purposes? 

  SimTools Rappture Tools Jupyter Notebook/Lab Rappture +
SimTool +
Jupyter **
Description of tool
inputs and outputs
Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Validated inputs
and outputs
Yes No No No Yes
Automatic uncertainty quantification No Yes No Yes Yes
Simulation caching (instant results for previously run cases) Yes Limited Yes Yes Yes
Scientific workflows Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Launch several tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Submit jobs to high-performance computing (HPC) resources Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Good for computationally intensive tools Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Automatic GUI from tool input/output No Yes No Yes No
Custom designed visualization for scientific applications No Yes Yes Yes Yes
GUI creation No Limited to built-in options Expertise required Expertise required Expertise required
Interactive computing No No Yes Yes Yes
Users can see/
modify code
No No Yes Yes Yes

* Rappture to handle tool input/output Jupyter graphical interfaces with tool
** Jupyter interface (graphical or workflow) launching one or more SimTools tool


Still can't decide? This decision tree will guide you through the process.

nanoHUB simulation decision tree

Publish your tool now