IPEDS is a system of 12 interrelated survey components conducted annually that gathers data from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The data collections occur in fall, winter, and spring.
Latest Data Release
The latest release on December 5, 2024 are provisional data from the Winter 2023-24 data collection, including Graduation Rates for Selected Cohorts, 2015-20; Outcome Measures for Cohort Year 2015-16; Student Financial Aid, Academic Year 2022-23; and Admissions in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2023.
Use The Data
Access IPEDS data submitted to NCES through our data tools or download the data to conduct your research.
Featured Data Tool:
Use the Trend Generator to view trends on most frequently asked subject areas including: Enrollment, Completions, Graduation Rates, Employees and Staff, Institutional Revenues, and Financial Aid.
Report Your Data
Report your institution’s data and access resources that will help with successful submission.
Find Your College
Narrow down your college from over 6,000 colleges, and explore resources to plan, prepare, and graduate.
Collaborate With NCES
Collaborate with NCES to learn more about IPEDS activities, outreach, R&D, and federal grants and fellowships.
Survey Components
Learn more about the individual IPEDS survey components: view training videos, infographics, answers too frequently asked questions, survey forms, and more.