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Student Cohorts And Subgroups In IPEDS
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Student Cohorts And Subgroups In IPEDS

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) consists of 12 interrelated survey components administered annually to all postsecondary institutions that participate in Title IV federal student aid programs. For many survey components (e.g., Admissions, Fall Enrollment, Human Resources) student or employee counts are the unit of information, whereas other survey components present the institution as the unit of information (e.g., Institutional Characteristics, Finance). For survey components that collect student or employee counts, individuals are often reported in disaggregated demographic groups (e.g., by race/ethnicity, gender) which allows for more detailed understanding of specific subpopulations at the institution. The table below provides details on the types of information and subgroups collected by each IPEDS survey component that collects counts of individuals.

Cohorts and Subgroups Collected in IPEDS,
by Survey Component


Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Completions (C) Student All students who earned a recognized postsecondary credential Completers (unduplicated):1
  • Race/Ethnicity x Gender
Completers (duplicated across levels):2
  • Award Level
  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Age Category3


Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Completions (C) Award All recognized postsecondary credentials conferred by the institution
  • CIP Code4 x Award Level x Race/Ethnicity x Gender5
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
12-month Enrollment (E12) Student Students enrolled for credit6 Undergraduates:
  • Full-Time/Part-Time Status x Gender x Race/Ethnicity x Degree-Seeking Status x First-Time/Non-First-Time Status7
  • Degree-Seeking Status x Distance Education Status
Graduate Students:8
  • Full-Time/Part-Time Status9 x Gender x Race/Ethnicity
  • Distance Education Status (Total)
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Student Financial Aid (SFA) Student

All undergraduates, including those who receive grant or scholarship aid and student loans

All undergraduates and graduate students who receive select military education benefits

All undergraduates (Group 1):
  • Aid Source and Category10
All first-time, full-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates (Group 2):11
  • In-District/In-State/Out-of-State Tuition Rate
  • Aid Source and Category
All FTFT DGCS undergraduates awarded grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or institution (Group 3): 12
  • Living Arrangement 13
All FTFT DGCS undergraduates awarded any Title IV federal student aid (Group 4):14
  • Living Arrangement
  • Income Level
Military Service Members and Veterans’ Benefits:
  • Aid Program15 x Student Level16
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Graduation Rates (GR) Student Full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates17 Status as of 100% and 150% of normal time to program completion:
  • Degree Type Sought18 x Gender x Race/Ethnicity
Status as of 150% of normal time to program completion:
  • Degree Type Sought x Aid Award19
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
200% Graduation Rates (GR200) Student Full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates20
  • Total (no disaggregates)
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Admissions (ADM) Student First-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates Applicants:
  • Gender
  • Gender
  • Gender x Full-Time/Part-Time Status
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Outcome Measures (OM) Student Entering degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates21
  • Pell Recipient Status x First-Time/Non-First-Time Status x Full-Time/Part-Time Status
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Fall Enrollment (EF) Student Students enrolled for credit22 Total Enrollment:
  • Student Level23 x Full-Time/Part-Time Status x Gender x Race/Ethnicity x Degree-Seeking Status x First-Time/Non-First-Time Status24
  • Student Level x Degree-Seeking Status25 x Distance Education Status x Location26
  • Student Level x Full-Time/Part-Time Status x Gender x Age Category27
Enrollment in 9 Programs of Study:
  • CIP Code28 x Student Level x Full-Time/Part-Time Status x Gender x Race/Ethnicity x Degree-Seeking Status x First-Time/Non-First-Time Status
First-Time Undergraduates:29
  • Residence Category x Recent High School Completion Status30
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Human Resources (HR) Employee Employees on the payroll of the institution Degree-Granting Institutions With 15 or More Full-Time Staff:
  • Full-Time Instructional Status x Academic Rank x Tenure Status x Race/Ethnicity x Gender
  • Full-Time Instructional Status x Function
  • Full-Time/Part-Time Status x Occupational Category x Race/Ethnicity x Gender31
  • Full-Time (Non-Instructional)/Part-Time Status x Occupational Category x Tenure Status32
  • Full-Time (Non-Instructional)/Part-Time Status x Medical School Status
  • New Hires (Full-Time Instructional) x Tenure Status x Race/Ethnicity x Gender
  • New Hires (Full-Time) x Occupational Category x Race/Ethnicity x Gender
Degree-Granting Institutions With Less Than 15 Full-Time Staff and Non-Degree-Granting Institutions:
  • Full-Time/Part-Time Status x Occupational Category x Race/Ethnicity x Gender
Survey Component Information Type Inclusion Criteria Subgroups / Disaggregates
Academic Libraries (AL) Employee Library staff
  • Total full-time equivalent (FTE) x Position33

Aligning Student Counts and Cohorts Across IPEDS Survey Components

Given the integrated nature of the IPEDS data collection, there are several instances when student counts reported in one survey component should match or very closely mirror student counts or cohorts reported in another survey component. For example, the number of first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in a particular fall term should be consistently reported, whether it is reported in the Admissions (ADM) or Fall Enrollment (EF) survey component. The diagram below presents connections across the relevant IPEDS survey components for instances in which reported student counts should align. (Click on the letters below to reveal pop-up text that explains each connection.)

Alignment of Enrollment Counts and Cohorts Across IPEDS

The count of first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates reported in the ADM survey component should align with the count of these students in the EF survey component, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15 for academic reporters and August 1 to October 31 for program reporters).
For academic reporters, the counts of undergraduates in total and for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students reported in the SFA survey component should align with the counts of these students in the EF survey component, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15).
For program reporters, the counts of undergraduates in total and for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students reported in the SFA survey component should align with the counts of these students in the E12 survey component, as both components reflect the same reporting period (i.e., July 1 to June 30).
Enrollment counts, total and by disaggregated subgroups, reported in the EF survey component in the current data collection year should be less than or, in rare cases, equal to the enrollment counts reported in the E12 survey component in the following data collection year (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in EF and E12 align). EF enrollment counts are a subset of the E12 enrollment counts; the E12 survey component captures students enrolled in the fall term plus any other unduplicated students not captured in the EF survey component (e.g., students who first enroll in the spring term or enroll only in the summer months).
For academic reporters, the count of full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates reported in the EF survey component in the current data collection year should align with the count of these students reported in the GR survey component in future data collection years, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15). For 2-year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS counts should align to GR counts in 3 years; for 4 year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS should align to GR counts in 6 years (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in EF and GR align).
For academic reporters, the count of full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates reported in the EF survey component in the current data collection year should align with the count of these students reported in the GR200 survey component in future data collection years, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15). For 2-year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS counts should align to GR200 counts in 4 years; for 4-year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS counts should align to GR200 counts in 8 years (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in EF and GR200 align).
The GR and GR200 survey components track the same cohort of full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates but vary in when students’ completion statuses are recorded. The GR survey component tracks the FTFT DGCS cohort up to 150% of normal time to completion; the GR200 survey component tracks the same cohort up to 200% of normal time to completion. For 4-year institutions, the current-year GR FTFT DGCS cohort should align to the GR200 cohort in two future data collection years; for 2-year and less-than-2-year institutions, the current-year GR FTFT DGCS cohort should align to the GR200 cohort in the following data collection year (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in GR and GR200 align).
The count of degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates reported in the E12 survey component in the current data collection year should align with the DGCS cohort reported in the OM survey component in a future data collection year, as both components reflect the same reporting period (i.e., July 1 to June 30). The current-year E12 DGCS counts should align to the OM cohort in seven future data collection years (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in E12 and OM align).
A The count of first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates reported in the ADM survey component should align with the count of these students in the EF survey component, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15 for academic reporters and August 1 to October 31 for program reporters).
B For academic reporters, the counts of undergraduates in total and for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students reported in the SFA survey component should align with the counts of these students in the EF survey component, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15).
C For program reporters, the counts of undergraduates in total and for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students reported in the SFA survey component should align with the counts of these students in the E12 survey component, as both components reflect the same reporting period (i.e., July 1 to June 30).
D Enrollment counts, total and by disaggregated subgroups, reported in the EF survey component in the current data collection year should be less than or, in rare cases, equal to the enrollment counts reported in the E12 survey component in the following data collection year (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in EF and E12 align). EF enrollment counts are a subset of the E12 enrollment counts; the E12 survey component captures students enrolled in the fall term plus any other unduplicated students not captured in the EF survey component (e.g., students who first enroll in the spring term or enroll only in the summer months).
E For academic reporters, the count of full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates reported in the EF survey component in the current data collection year should align with the count of these students reported in the GR survey component in future data collection years, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15). For 2-year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS counts should align to GR counts in 3 years; for 4 year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS should align to GR counts in 6 years (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in EF and GR align).
F For academic reporters, the count of full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates reported in the EF survey component in the current data collection year should align with the count of these students reported in the GR200 survey component in future data collection years, as both components reflect the same fall term (i.e., the official fall reporting date or October 15). For 2-year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS counts should align to GR200 counts in 4 years; for 4-year academic reporters, current-year FTFT DGCS counts should align to GR200 counts in 8 years (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in EF and GR200 align).
G The GR and GR200 survey components track the same cohort of full-time, first-time (FTFT) degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates but vary in when students’ completion statuses are recorded. The GR survey component tracks the FTFT DGCS cohort up to 150% of normal time to completion; the GR200 survey component tracks the same cohort up to 200% of normal time to completion. For 4-year institutions, the current-year GR FTFT DGCS cohort should align to the GR200 cohort in two future data collection years; for 2-year and less-than-2-year institutions, the current-year GR FTFT DGCS cohort should align to the GR200 cohort in the following data collection year (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in GR and GR200 align).
H The count of degree/certificate-seeking (DGCS) undergraduates reported in the E12 survey component in the current data collection year should align with the DGCS cohort reported in the OM survey component in a future data collection year, as both components reflect the same reporting period (i.e., July 1 to June 30). The current-year E12 DGCS counts should align to the OM cohort in seven future data collection years (i.e., when the timing of the data collected in E12 and OM align).


Guidance for Data Reporters

As shown in the Cohorts and Subgroups Collected in IPEDS, by Survey Component table above, many IPEDS survey components collect student counts by various characteristics: undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time, and degree/certificate-seeking status, among others.

For survey components that include student counts that reflect an entire 12-month reporting period (i.e., E12 and OM), understanding the timing of when to assign student characteristics or statuses for reporting is important.

The general rule is to assign student characteristics or statuses at the first full term of entry (typically the fall term). For example, if a transfer-in (non-first-time entering) undergraduate student entered an institution in the fall term of the July 1 to June 30 reporting period as part-time, this student should be reported as a part-time, transfer-in (non-first-time entering) undergraduate student. For more detailed instructions on how to determine student statuses, refer to the IPEDS survey component data collection forms.

Although the July 1 to June 30 reporting period includes one or more summer months, for IPEDS reporting purposes, a summer session is not considered equivalent to a fall or spring term, therefore summer enrollment is typically not used to determine student statuses. If the student enrolls only in the summer months preceding the fall term and/or following the spring term, summer enrollment may be used to determine student statuses. For more information on how summer enrollment affects student counts and cohorts and their reporting statuses, refer to the “Guidance for Data Reporters” section on the Timing of IPEDS Data Collection and Release Cycle resource page and the IPEDS survey component data collection forms.


Guidance for Data Users

IPEDS data users might be particularly interested in key student and staff subgroups. The table below provides information on which IPEDS survey components include information on key student and staff subgroups and a short description of what data are available. Subgroups are presented in broad categories, such as race/ethnicity. However, IPEDS survey components typically collect information at more detailed levels of interacting subgroup categories (e.g., full-time/part-time status by gender by race/ethnicity). For this reason, data users may wish to aggregate smaller subgroup categories to arrive at larger subgroups that reflect broader populations of interest.

For detailed information on the student and staff subgroups collected and the interacting subgroup categories available for each IPEDS survey component, please refer to the table at the top of this web page (Cohorts and Subgroups Collected in IPEDS, by Survey Component) or to the IPEDS survey component data collection forms. Although more than one IPEDS survey component may collect the same kind of subgroup (e.g., age, Pell Grant recipients), differences in the data collected and the reporting period captured may limit the comparability of subgroups across components.

Key Subgroups Collected in IPEDS, by Survey Component
Subgroup Survey Component Information Available
Race/Ethnicity34 EF & E12
  • Number of students enrolled for credit by race/ethnicity35
  • Number of staff employed by the institution by race/ethnicity
  • Number of awards conferred (“completions”) by race/ethnicity
  • Number of students who earned an award (“completers”) by race/ethnicity
  • Number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who complete their program within 150% of normal time by race/ethnicity36
Pell Grant Recipients SFA
  • Number of undergraduates awarded a Pell Grant
  • Number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who complete their program within 150% of normal time and receive a Pell Grant in their entering year37
  • Number of entering degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates by Pell Grant recipient status
  • Award status at 4, 6, and 8 years after entry and enrollment status 8 years after entry among non-completers by Pell Grant recipient status
Adult Learners EF
  • Number of undergraduates enrolled for credit by age categories (which includes 25 and over) 39
  • Number of students who earned an award (“completers”) by age categories (which includes 25 and over)40
Students with Disabilities IC
  • Percentage of students enrolled in the fall term who are registered with the institution’s office of disability services41
Non-First-Time Students EF & E12
  • Number of transfer-in and continuing/returning undergraduates enrolled for credit42
  • Number of entering degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates by first-time/non-first-time status
  • Award status at 4, 6, and 8 years after entry and enrollment status 8 years after entry among noncompleters by first-time/non-first-time status
Part-Time Students EF
  • Number of students enrolled for credit by full-time/part-time status43
  • Fall-to-fall retention rate for first-time students by full-time/part-time status
  • Number of students enrolled for credit by full-time/part-time status
  • Award status at 4, 6, and 8 years after entry and enrollment status 8 years after entry among noncompleters by full-time/part-time status
Veterans or Military-Connected Students SFA
  • Number of undergraduate and graduate students awarded veterans’ or military benefits44
  • Institutional services and programs available to veterans, military servicemembers, or their families
Graduate Students EF & E12
  • Number of graduate students enrolled for credit
  • Number of graduate students awarded veteran or military benefits
  • Number of part-time employees (which includes graduate assistants)45


1 Students are counted only once, regardless of how many credentials earned.
2 Students are counted once per credential earned.
3 The age categories in the Completions component differ from those collected in the Fall Enrollment component (i.e., Completions includes fewer categories and broader age ranges).
4 The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.
5 Institutions also report whether programs by CIP code and award level can be completed entirely via distance education.
6 Students enrolled in noncredit courses (e.g., ESL, developmental education, internships, thesis hours) may be included if they are degree-seeking for financial aid purposes.
7 Student subgroups collected by degree/certificate-seeking and enrollment type statuses vary by institutional sector and degree-granting status. At 2- and 4-year degree-granting institutions, enrollment counts are collected for “degree/certificate seeking” students (by “first-time,” “transfer-in,” and “continuing/returning” statuses) and for “non-degree/non-certificate-seeking” students. At public 2-year and less-than-2-year non-degree-granting institutions, enrollment counts are collected for “certificate-seeking” students (by “first-time” and “other” statuses) and for “non-certificate-seeking” students. At private 2-year and less-than-2-year non-degree-granting institutions, enrollment counts are collected for “first-time certificate-seeking” students and “all other” students.
8 Graduate student enrollment counts are collected only at 4-year degree-granting institutions.
9 Unduplicated headcount enrollment for graduate students by attendance status (i.e., full-time and part-time) was added to the E12 survey component during the 2022–23 data collection cycle. Prior to 2022–23, graduate student enrollment was collected only by gender and race/ethnicity.
10 Student categories of aid include students who receive grants or scholarships from the federal government, state/local government, the institution, and other sources known to the institution; Federal Pell Grants; and federal student loans.
11 All full-time, first-time undergraduates are is a subset of all undergraduates
12 Full-time, first-time undergraduates awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institutions are a subset of all full-time, first-time undergraduates.
13 Living arrangements include on-campus, off-campus (with family), and off-campus (not with family).
14 Full-time, first-time undergraduates awarded any Title IV aid are another subset of all full-time, first-time undergraduates and overlaps with the subset of first-time, full-time undergraduates awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.
15 Aid programs include Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program.
16 Includes undergraduates and graduate students.
17 Allowable exclusions from the FTFT GR cohort include the death of a student, permanent disability, military deployment, or service on an official church mission or with a foreign aid service of the federal government.
18 Degree type sought varies by institutional level. At 4-year institutions, degree types include “bachelor’s or equivalent” and “other degree/certificate.” At 2-year institutions, degree types include “programs of less than 2 academic years (or equivalent)” and “programs of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years (or equivalent).” Less-than-2-year institutions do not report subgroups by degree type sought.
19 Aid award programs include three mutually exclusive categories: recipients of a Federal Pell Grant; recipients of a Direct Subsidized Loan but not a Federal Pell Grant; did not receive a Federal Pell Grant or a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan.
20 Allowable exclusions from the FTFT GR cohort include the death of a student, permanent disability, military deployment, or service on an official church mission or with a foreign aid service of the federal government.
21 Includes students enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree, diploma, certificate, or other recognized postsecondary credential, as well as students enrolled in courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program, including those enrolled in off-campus centers and those enrolled in distance learning/home study programs. Excludes students enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a recognized postsecondary credential or the completion of a vocational program; exclusively taking Continuing Education Units (CEUs); exclusively auditing classes; foreign students who are only taking coursework at a host institution (e.g., an American institution overseas), if these students are not enrolled at a U.S. institution; and students in experimental Pell programs.
22 Students enrolled in noncredit courses (e.g., ESL, developmental education, internships, thesis hours) may be included if they are degree-seeking for financial aid purposes.
23 Includes undergraduates and graduate students.
24 Student subgroups by degree/certificate-seeking and enrollment type statuses vary by institutional sector and degree-granting status. At 2- and 4-year degree-granting institutions, enrollment counts are collected for “degree/certificate-seeking” students (by “first-time,” “transfer-in,” and “continuing/returning” statuses) and for “non-degree/non-certificate-seeking” students. At public 2-year and less-than-2-year non-degree-granting institutions, enrollment counts are collected for “certificate-seeking” students (by “first-time” and “other” statuses) and for “non-certificate-seeking” students. At private 2-year and less-than-2-year non-degree-granting institutions, enrollment counts are collected for “first-time certificate-seeking” students and “all other” students.
25 Subgroups by degree-seeking status are collected only for undergraduates.
26 Location information is collected only for the subset of students enrolled exclusively in distance education courses.
27 Required in odd-numbered fall terms; optional in even-numbered fall terms.
28 Program of study enrollment is a subset of the total fall enrollment cohort. Data are collected in even-numbered fall terms at 4-year institutions only. Includes a total of 9 different CIP codes, with 6 for both undergraduate and graduate students and 3 for graduate students only.
29 First-time undergraduates are a subset of the total undergraduates enrolled in the fall term.
30 Required in even-numbered fall terms; optional in odd-numbered fall terms. Residence categories include state of residence, outlying areas, and foreign country.
31 Degree-granting institutions with 15 or more full-time staff and no tenure system also report an interaction between full-time (instructional)/part-time status, occupational category, contract length, and medical school status.
32 Applies to institutions with a tenure system only.
33 Applies to degree-granting institutions with library expenses greater than zero and/or access to a library collection and library staff.
34 Race/ethnicity reporting follows the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions.
35 Race/ethnicity is not reported for students who are ‘U.S. nonresidents’ (i.e., individuals who are not citizens or nationals of the United States and who do not have the right to remain in the county indefinitely).
36 Completion data by race/ethnicity are captured only in the GR survey component for 2- and 4-year institutions; less-than 2-year institutions do not report graduation rates by race/ethnicity. The GR200 survey component does not collect completion data for any subgroups.
37 The GR survey component does not collect completion data for Federal Pell Grant nonrecipients alone. However, completion data are collected for students who did not receive a Federal Pell Grant and did not receive a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan within their entering year.
38 The OM survey component has collected data since the 2015–16 data collection cycle.
39 Age categories are under 18, 18–19, 20¬–21, 22–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–49, 50–64, and 65 and over. Enrollment reporting by age category is required in odd-numbered fall terms but is optional in even-numbered fall terms.
40 Age categories are under 18, 18–24, 25–39, and 40 and above.
41 Institutions with 3 percent or less do not report a specified percentage (i.e., check box option). Institutions with more than 3 percent report a specified percentage (i.e., data input field).
42 Since 2019–20 for the E12 survey component. Applies only to 2- and 4-year degree-granting institutions.
43 For IPEDS reporting purposes, a part-time undergraduate student is enrolled for either less than 12 semester or quarter credits, or less than 24 clock hours a week each term. A part-time graduate student is enrolled for less than 9 semester or quarter credits.
44 Veteran or military benefits include Post-9/11 GI bill or Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program.
45 Graduate students who receive waivers and stipends that are not in exchange for services rendered (e.g., fellowships or training grant support) are not included.


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