1992 NALS Products
Selected existing National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) publications include:
Survey Results
- Irwin S. Kirsch, Ann Jungeblut, Lynn Jenkins, and Andrew Kolstad. (1993). Adult Literacy in America: a first look at the findings of the National Adult Literacy Survey, (NCES 93275). U.S. Department of Education.
- Karl O. Haigler, Caroline Harlow, Patricia O'Connor, and Anne Campbell. (1994). Literacy Behind Prison Walls: Profiles of the Prison Population from the National Adult Literacy Survey, (NCES 94102). U.S. Department of Education.
- Helen Brown, Robert Prisuta, Bella Jacobs, and Anne Campbell. (1996). Literacy of Older Adults in America: Results from the National Adult Literacy Survey, (NCES 97576). U.S. Department of Education.
- Andrew Sum. (1999). Literacy in the Labor Force: Results from the National Adult Literacy Survey, (NCES 1999470). U.S. Department of Education.
- Elizabeth Greenberg, Reynaldo F. Macias, David Rhodes, and Tsze Chan. (2001). English Literacy and Language Minorities in the United States, (NCES 2001464). U.S. Department of Education.
- Carl F. Kaestle, Anne Campbell, Jeremy D. Finn, Sylvia T. Johnson, and Larry J. Mickulecky. (2001). Adult Literacy and Education in America, (NCES 2001534). U.S. Department of Education.
Technical Documents