Cataloging the thrilling opportunities start-ups are offered when their incredible journey continues by being bought by an exciting company. However, as a user of the start-up’s service, your own incredible journey must end, because all of your photos and writing and checkins and messages and relationships must now be deleted.
In part this site is simply a snarky and angry response to companies and people who might profit from an acquisition while showing little regard for the efforts of the thousands of people who spent time on their service.
But this site also asks broader questions: Is this the best way to structure and grow businesses? Is this the best long-term model for keeping people interested in making and doing amazing things on the internet? Why does almost no website or online service (my own included) have a plan for what happens to their users’ content over the long term?
I elaborated (and repeated) some of this in a blog post.
Also see What is an incredible journey? for more clarification.
And then What isn’t an incredible journey? for more grey areas.
Please send new contributions to @philgyford@mastodon.social on Mastodon, @philgyford on Twitter, or phil@gyford.com . Thanks!
Don’t submit them via Tumblr messages or Asks or whatever, because I won’t notice them!
More about me, Phil Gyford, at https://www.gyford.com/
- Interview with CBC Radio (April 2013)