RAMMB hazard detection research focuses on improvements in the detection and discrimination of atmospheric hazards such as fog-stratus, blowing dust, volcanic ash, and smoke from fires. Focus is on image products and quantitative values that may be derived from those image products. In particular, emphasis is on the capabilities that can be applied to current GOES as well as the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) to be available on GOES-R in about 2015. Data used to develop Hazard Detection products includes operational multi-spectral data from both current-GOES and MSG, as well as experimental data from both the MODIS and AIRS instruments on EOS. Tools used in the generation of Hazard Detection products include Principal Component Imagery (PCI) analysis of multi-spectral imagery and both true-color (red-green-blue, RGB) and other three-color combinations of spectral bands or PCIs.
The following image is an example of widespread fog in the central valley of California, as seen in true-color MODIS imagery.
The following image is an example of smoke from fires in the northwestern U.S., as seen in three-color current-GOES (GOES-11 or GOES-west) imagery.
Experimental Hazard Detection products are available in real-time at:
This Web page was last updated on: 2008-08-28