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1Type in your Zip Code to find nearby test sites, medical care, prevention services, housing, and more.
State | Contact Information |
Alabama |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Alabama: 800-228-0469 |
Alaska |
HIV/AIDS Helpline In Alaska: 907-263-2050 Outside of Alaska: 800-478-2437 |
Arizona |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Arizona: 800-448-0440 (CDC AIDS Info) Outside of Arizona: 800-458-5231 (CDC Hotline) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A: 602-212-3788 or 866-716-2177 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B/AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP): 602-364-3610 or 800-334-154 |
Arkansas |
HIV/AIDS Hotline Arkansas Department of Health: 800-462-0599 AR AIDS Foundation: 501-376-6299 NARAN (NE Arkansas Regional AIDS Network): 870-931-4448 ext. 104 |
California |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In California: 916-449-59007 CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 |
Colorado |
STD/HIV Hotline National Hotline: 800-232-4636 In Colorado: 303-692-2700 ADAP Hotline: 303-692-2716 |
Connecticut |
HIV/AIDS Hotline National Hotline: 800-232-4636 |
Delaware |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Delaware: 800-422-0429 |
District of Columbia |
HIV/AIDS Information Line In DC: 202-671-4900 ADAP Hotline: 202-671-4815 |
Florida |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Florida: 800-352-AIDS |
Georgia |
HIV/AIDS Information Line In Georgia: 404-876-9944 AID Atlanta In Atlanta: 404-870-7700 Outside of Georgia: 800-551-2728 |
Hawaii |
STD/AIDS Hotlines Hawaii Department of Health: 808-586-4400 National Hotline: 800-232-4636 |
Illinois |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Illinois: 800-243-2437 In Illinois TTY/TDD: 800-782-0423 |
Indiana |
HIV Medical Services Office In Indiana: 866-588-4948 National: 800-232-4636 |
Iowa |
HIV/AIDS Hotline CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 HIV/AIDS Info Service: 800-448-0440 |
Kansas |
Health Department In Kansas: 785-296-1982 |
Kentucky |
Health Department In Kentucky: 844-294-2HIV x2 (2448) |
Louisiana |
HIV/AIDS Hotline CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 In Louisiana TDD: 877-566-9448 Hours of service: Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm |
Maine |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Maine: 800-851-2437 |
Maryland |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Maryland: 800-358-9001 National: 800-232-4636 TTY: 800-232-6348 |
Massachusetts |
AIDS Hotline In Massachusetts: 617-437-6200 CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 Hepatitis C Hotline: 888-443-4372 |
Michigan |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Michigan: 800-872-2437 |
Minnesota |
HIV/AIDS Line In Minnesota: 612-373-2437 Outside of Minnesota: 800-248-2437 |
Mississippi |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Mississippi: 601-576-7723 National (AIDS Administration): 800-826-2961 |
Missouri |
Bureau of HIV, STD, and Hepatitis In Missouri: 573-751-6439 |
Montana |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Montana: 406-444-3565 |
Nebraska |
HIV/AIDS Hotline National Hotline: 800-232-4636 |
Nevada |
HIV/AIDS Hotline National Hotline: 800-232-4636 If Calling Out of State: 775-684-5900 |
New Hampshire |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In New Hampshire: 800-852-3345 ext. 4502 |
New Jersey |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In New Jersey: 800-624-2377 TTY/TDD: 973-926-8008 |
New Mexico |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In New Mexico: 505-476-3612 |
New York |
New York State AIDS Hotline In New York: 505-476-3612 New York State Counseling Hotline In New York: 800-872-2777 Deaf and Hearing Impaired/TDD: 800-369-2437 Voice callers should use NY Relay: 711 or 800-421-1220 and ask for 800-541-2437 |
North Carolina |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In North Carolina: 919-361-8488 National Hotline: 800-232-4636 |
North Dakota |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In North Dakota: 701-328-2378 Outside of North Dakota: 800-782-2437 |
Ohio |
HIV/AIDS Hotline National Hotline: 800-332-2437 In Ohio TTY/TDD: 800-750-0750 |
Oklahoma |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Oklahoma: 800-782-2437 |
Oregon |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Oregon: 800-777-2437 National Hotline: 800-232-4636 |
Pennsylvania |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Pennsylvania: 800-662-6080 CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 Health Department: 717-783-0572 |
Puerto Rico |
Linea de Infor SIDA y Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual In Puerto Rico: 787-765-1010 |
Rhode Island |
HIV/AIDS Hotline (8:30 am - 4:30 pm) Health Department: 401-222-2320 |
South Carolina |
HIV/AIDS Hotline National Hotline: 800-322-2437 In South Carolina: 803-898-0749 |
South Dakota |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In South Dakota: 800-592-1861 Health Department: 605-773-3737 |
Tennessee |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Tennessee: 800-525-AIDS (2437) Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST |
Texas |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Texas: 737-255-4300 CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 |
Utah |
HIV/AIDS /STI Hotline In Utah: 800-366-2437 Outside of Utah: 801-487-2100 |
Vermont |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Vermont: 800-882-2437 |
Virgin Islands |
HIV/AIDS Hotline St. Thomas: 340-774-9000 ext. 4661/4663 St. Croix: 340-773-1311 ext. 3061/3080 National Hotline: 800-232-4636 TTY: 888-232-6348 |
Virginia |
STD/HIV/AIDS Hotline In Virginia: 800-533-4148 |
Washington |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Washington: 800-272-2437 |
West Virginia |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In West Virginia: 800-642-8244 |
Wisconsin |
HIV/AIDS Hotline CDC Info Network: 800-232-4636 In Wisconsin: 340-774-9000 |
Wyoming |
HIV/AIDS Hotline In Wyoming: 307-777-5856 |
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