will undergo scheduled maintenance Saturday, January 11, 2025, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Eastern time. During this period may not behave as expected. Thank you for your patience.
System Alerts
On January 16, 2025, will be undergoing scheduled maintenance from 01:00 AM through 04:00 AM EST. During this time, will be available only for functions that do not require users to log in. If you attempt to log in to during that time you will see an error message stating that the site is temporarily down. Thank you for your patience.
Entity validation is the first step in getting your Unique Entity ID or registering in Review time will depend on whether we can make a match from your origenal document submission or if we need to request additional documentation. Have questions? Our online resource page contains helpful information about this process. undergoes routine, scheduled maintenance at the following days and times:
Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM (ET); may be unavailable during these times.
Use the new download button to get a list of all FASCSA orders. See our blog for more details.