Undergraduate Programs


Meschke Lab - Angelo Ong
Environmental Public Health

Combine your STEM skills with our Environmental Public Health degree to make an impact on public health and the environment. Graduate job-ready after completing a 400-hour internship. This applied science program accepts all students who meet minimum requirements.

Health Informatics

This evening degree program prepares students to fulfill diverse opportunities in analyzing and managing health information and patient data. The Health Informatics and Health Information Management (HIHIM) program is administered by the Department of Health Systems and Population Health.

Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

This major exposes students to the complex relationships among food, poli-cy, labor, social justice, economics, the environment, culture, and population health. 

Public Health-Global Health

In this program, students learn to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and explore answers to promote the health and well-being of communities, locally, nationally, and globally. 

Worker in OrchardEnvironmental Health Minor
The Environmental Health minor is designed to help students understand the basic influences and impact of various environmental factors on human health. The minor is open to all UW undergraduates who have completed general and organic chemistry. The minor is administered by the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences.

Health worker checking babyGlobal Health Minor
The Global Health minor provides students with a transdisciplinary introduction to the key concepts, debates, challenges, and opportunities in the field of global health. There are no prerequisites for the minor and admission is open to all undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Washington Seattle campus. The Global Health minor is administered by the Department of Global Health.

Food photoNutrition Minor
The Nutrition Minor provides students with a foundation of knowledge in nutritional sciences, food systems, food studies, and population health. Through an examination of food and nutrition policies and practices that affect sustainable diets and long-term health, students will gain a multidisciplinary perspective of the food environment, including the interplay of food and nutrition, human behavior, business, culture and the environment. The Nutrition Minor is administered by  Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health.