Denna kategori innehåller samtliga uppslag där minst en av definitionerna har taggats som "Matematik". Orden kan även tillhöra andra kategorier; se respektive uppslagsord.
Se även kategorierna: ← Kategoristartsida, Svenska/Matematik, Engelska/Alla uppslag, Engelska, Matematik
Denna kategori har följande 13 underkategorier (av totalt 13).
- Engelska/Algebra (8 sidor)
- Engelska/Analys (1 sida)
- Engelska/Aritmetik (4 sidor)
- Engelska/Differentialgeometri (2 sidor)
- Engelska/Geometri (55 sidor)
- Engelska/Komplex analys (9 sidor)
- Engelska/Linjär algebra (18 sidor)
- Engelska/Logik (8 sidor)
- Engelska/Måttenheter (34 sidor)
- Engelska/Sannolikhetslära (2 sidor)
- Engelska/Statistik (19 sidor)
- Engelska/Talteori (1 sida)
- Engelska/Topologi (11 sidor)
Artiklar i kategori "Engelska/Matematik"
Följande 200 sidor (av totalt 645) finns i denna kategori.
(föregående sida) (nästa sida)A
- abbreviate
- abelian
- abscissa
- absolutely summable
- absolute value
- abstract algebra
- abstract nonsense
- abundant number
- acceleration
- accuracy
- action
- add
- adder
- addition
- additive
- ae
- algebraic
- algebraically closed
- algebraic integer
- algebraic number
- algebraist
- algebrist
- algorithmic
- almost everywhere
- alternate
- alternative algebra
- amicable number
- amicable pair
- amplitude
- analytic function
- angle
- angular velocity
- annulus
- anticommutative
- anticommutativity
- antiderivative
- antiparallel
- applied mathematics
- approximation
- arithmetic
- arithmetical
- arithmetic mean
- associativity
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- atom
- atomic
- augend
- automorphism
- average
- axiom
- axiom of choice
- calculus
- cancel
- cancellation
- cardinality
- cardinal number
- Cartesian coordinates
- cartesian coordinates
- category theory
- Cauchy sequence
- centralizer
- characteristic
- chord
- closed
- closure
- coatom
- codimension
- codomain
- cohesive
- combinatorics
- commensurable
- common denominator
- common ratio
- commutative
- commutator
- commute
- compact
- complex
- complex conjugate
- complex number
- composite
- composite function
- concave
- condition
- conformal
- conic section
- consistent
- constant
- constant function
- constructivism
- continued fraction
- convergence
- convergent
- convex
- convolution
- coordinate system
- coprime
- coproduct
- corollary
- correlation
- cosecant
- coset
- cosine
- countable
- countably infinite
- counting number
- critical point
- cross product
- cross ratio
- cube
- cube root
- cubic
- cubic equation
- cubic function
- cubic polynomial
- cusp
- cylinder
- decimal number
- decimal place
- decreasing function
- defective number
- deficient number
- definite integral
- degree
- degree of freedom
- denominator
- denumerable
- derivative
- determinant
- diagonalise
- diagonalizable
- diagonalize
- difference
- differentiability
- differentiable
- differential
- differential calculus
- differential equation
- differential geometry
- differential topology
- differentiate
- digraph
- dimensional
- Diophantine equation
- directed graph
- discontinuity
- discontinuous
- discrete
- discretisation
- discretise
- discretize
- disjoint
- distribution
- distributivity
- diverge
- divergence
- divergent
- divergent series
- divide
- dividend
- division
- division sign
- divisor
- divisor sum
- domain
- domain of definition
- dot product
- double factorial
- double root
- duality
- dual space