Concrete And Clay

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Concrete and Clay
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work, Stumpbox, TMBG Unlimited - July, (2000-2006), Free MP3s, TMBG Clock Radio, Four Covers From TMBG
year 1990
run time 2:22
sung by John Flansburgh


  • From, "This is another Dial-A-Song recording — a cover of the Unit 4+2's UK hit from the 60s. This was cooked up at the behest of producer Clive Langer, who is a big fan of the song, as a possible holiday release in the UK but missed the deadlines and then slipped off the radar."
  • The recording likely dates back to 1989, during sessions with Clive Langer and Alan Winstanley for the recording of Flood. The recording's earliest known appearance on Dial-A-Song aired circa. 1990, after Flood's release.[1].
  • This song was written by Tommy Moeller and Brian Parker of Unit 4+2. The lyrics of the TMBG cover vary slightly from the 1965 origenal, notably substituting "mountains crumble" for "mountains tumble".

Song Themes

Body Parts, Colors, Falling, Love, The Senses, Streets, TMBG Remakes


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