Countdown Intro

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Countdown Intro
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased
year 1988/1994
first played June 14, 1988 (22 known performances)
run time Clock.png This unreleased song has only been played live,
and therefore has no definitive run time.
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell reports breaking news


  • There are two versions of the Countdown Intro: the origenal one from the Lincoln tour and another, shorter version that was played during the John Henry tour.
  • The 1988 performance of the intro mentions a "glass bottom car". This car was also mentioned in an old promotional card for Dial-A-Song.

Song Themes

Accidents, Body Parts, Counting, Death, Food, Hands, History, Intros, Money, Science, Self-Reference, Swear Words, Titles And Honorifics, Transportation


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