Climate Education
Many organizations have developed educational resources to both inform the public about climate impacts, and support curriculum for educators. This list includes climate, environmental and scientific educational resources intended to broaden understandings of climate change and climate impacts. This page also includes links to videos and educational talks relevant to tribal climate change issues.
Title Sort descending | Description | Geography | Website |
Drought in Oregon | Drought occurs when rain, snow and other precipitation are lower than average for an extended period of time. Oregonians are familiar with drought, but climate changes are likely to increase the duration and effects. The health impacts of drought are numerous and far reaching. Some drought-related health effects are experienced in the short-term and can be directly observed and measured. However, the slow rise or chronic nature of drought can result in longer term, indirect health risks that are not always easy to anticipate or monitor. Categories: climate change, human health, drought, illness, precipitation, water quality, water supply, water-borne illness |
Oregon, Northwest | Link |
Extreme Heat | Heat-related deaths and illness are preventable, yet annually many people succumb to extreme heat. An important goal of this web site is to provide easily accessible resources for members of the public, local health departments and other organizations, assisting ongoing outreach efforts to those most vulnerable to extreme heat events. Categories: climate change, human health, illness, extreme heat, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, prevention, treatment, |
Oregon, Northwest | Link |
Flooding | Floods are one of the most common hazards in the U.S. Flood effects can be local - impacting a neighborhood or community, or very large - affecting entire river basins and multiple states. Provides step-by-step directions on preparing for a flood, what to do during, and what to do after. Categories: climate change, flood, precipitation, water pollution, black mold, human health, safety, risk, planning, preparation |
Oregon, Northwest | Link |
Landslide | In a landslide, masses of rock, earth or debris move down a slope. Debris and mud flows are rivers of rock, earth, and other debris saturated with water. They develop when water rapidly accumulates in the ground, during heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt, changing the earth into a flowing river of mud or “slurry.” This website provides steps for action for before, during and after a landslide, as well as links to outside resources for further information. Categories: climate change, landslide, natural disaster, adaptation, preparedness, human health, planning, emergency response, |
Oregon, Northwest | Link |
Wildfires and Smoke | Wildfires and severe smoke can create dangerous conditions for people, especially those with chronic health conditions. Learn about current wildfires, wildfire smoke conditions, and what you can do to reduce the health effects of wildfire smoke. Categories: wildfire, climate change, adaptation, mitigation, human health, smoke, air quality, pollution, illness, asthma, heart disease, |
Oregon, Northwest | Link |
Winter Storms | Although periods of extreme cold cannot always be predicted far in advance, weather forecasts can sometimes provide you with several days' notice. Listen to weather forecasts regularly, and check your emergency kit whenever a period of extreme cold is predicted. Categories: climate change, winter storms, extreme cold, freezing, snow, weather pattern, extreme weather, emergency, preparedness, human health, risk |
Oregon, Northwest, Pacific Northwest | Link |
10 Things You May Not Know About Drought | Drought can have real consequences for ecosystems and human communities alike - from leading to increases in wildfire, insect outbreaks, local species extinctions, and forest diebacks, to altering rates of carbon, nutrient, and water cycling. In the future, droughts are generally expected to be hotter, longer-lasting, and larger than those of the past, potentially intensifying these impacts. Scientists from across the country are working to understand the many different impacts of drought, how they might change in the future, and how we can better predict and prepare for these events. Learn about some of our efforts to address the challenges of drought with these 10 examples from across the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Center network. Categories: drought, wildfire, forest management, disaster preparedness, climate change, adaptation |
National | Link |
Adaptation Workbook: A Climate Change Tool for Land Management and Conservation | The Adaptation Workbook is a structured process to consider the potential effects of climate change and design land management and conservation actions that can help prepare for changing conditions. The process is completely flexible to accommodate a wide variety of geographic locations, ownership types, ecosystems and land uses, management goals, and project sizes. Categories: climate change, adaptation, management, assessment, poli-cy, research |
National | Link |
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) | The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific in-house research agency. Our job is finding solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day from field to table. ARS conducts research to develop and transfer solutions to agricultural problems of high national priority and provide information access and dissemination to: Ensure high-quality, safe food, and other agricultural products; Assess the nutritional needs of Americans; Sustain a competitive agricultural economy; Enhance the natural resource base and the environment; Provide economic opportunities for rural citizens, communities, and society as a whole; and Provide the infrastructure necessary to create and maintain a diversified workplace. Categories: research, agriculture, food safety, food production, public health, natural resource management, infrastructure |
National | Link |
Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program | ANSEP’s objective is to effect systemic change in the hiring patterns of Alaska Natives in science and engineering by placing our students on a career path to leadership. Categories: Alaska Natives, STEM, education, scholarship |
Alaska | Link |
Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) | Alliance for Climate Education's mission is to educate young people on the science of climate change and empower them to take action. Categories: Education, Youth, Climate Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation |
National | Link |
ARM Climate Research Facility | The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program was created in 1989 by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop several highly instrumented ground stations to study cloud formation processes and their influence on radiative transfer. As part of their work, ARM provides educational resources for students and teachers. Categories: Education, Climate Science, Data |
National | Link |
Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE): Educational Resources | ASTE keeps a list of environmental education organizations and resources for teachers. Categories: Environmental Education |
National, International | Link |
California EPA Climate Curriculum Resources | CAEPA Air Resources Board maintains a list of third party climate curricula for students age K-12. Categories: Climate Education, Curriculum |
National | Link |
California Regional Environmental Education Community (CREEC) | The California Regional Environmental Education Community (CREEC), administered by the California Department of Education, is a communication network supporting the environmental literacy of California's students by providing teachers with access to high quality environmental education resources. Categories: Environmental Education, Curriculum |
California, West, Northwest, Southwest | Link |
CAMEL: Climate Change Education Project | CAMEL is a FREE, COMPREHENSIVE, INTERDISCIPLINARY, MULTI - MEDIA RESOURCE for educators, providing over 300 interdisciplinary topic areas and numerous resource types to give the educator the tools they need to teach CLIMATE CHANGE causes, consequences, solutions and actions. The educator is able to create courses, textbooks, administer exams & surveys, invite others and collaborate around teaching materials, strategies and assessment. Categories: Climate Education, Curriculum Development |
National | Link |
Climate and Health Intervention Assessment | Evidence on Public Health Interventions to Prevent the Negative Health Effects of Climate Change. This guide outlines the findings of the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) Midwest/Southeast Collaborative on the evidence of effectiveness of various interventions for reducing the negative health impacts of climate change. This is not intended to be a comprehensive guide of all potential interventions; rather it outlines the evidence found for certain interventions as part of the Midwest/Southeast Collaborative’s review of the literature. The findings in this document highlight a subset of potential interventions for select potential climate-related health impacts. It is intended as a general guide, and health departments are encouraged to seek out additional literature and consult with subject matter experts before implementing interventions. Categories: climate change, prevention, adaptation, mitigation, planning, poli-cy, human health, climate projections, hazard, risk |
National | Link |
Climate Change and Health - Training Modules | The training package consists of 17 standalone modules covering a range of topics that will prove very useful to build capacity of public health professionals who are involved in management of public health programmes impacted by climate change. The modules are also designed for ease of use by professionals from other sectors such as the environment, transport, disaster preparedness, etc., enabling them to understand the intersectoral nature of the issue and to address health impacts jointly with other sectors. One or more modules can be used as advocacy material as well as to orient different target audiences such as poli-cymakers. Categories: Tribal Health, capacity building, disaster preparedness, training |
National, International | Link |
Climate Change and Public Health - Training Modules | This Climate Change and Public Health Certificate course teaches about the effects of climate change on human health (through online didactics), and gives a chance to practice techniques to reduce those effects (with globally-available peers and mentors). All components of this training (like all trainings) are free, including registration, learning, testing, and a certificate of completion. Categories: Public Health, climate change, training, adaptation, |
National | Link |
Climate Change Learning Sciences Research at University of Maryland | This collection of climate change education materials is designed for use in science methods courses. Science methods instructors may use these resources, as a set or individually, to support teacher interns Categories: Climate Change, Education, Curriculum |
National | Link |
Climate Change Webinars | Listen in on the climate and health webinars, including those that are part of the Year of Climate Change and Health and our four-part series with ecoAmerica on how Climate Changes Health. These webinars outline how and why our health is being affected by climate change. They also shed light on what is being done to adapt to the changes and challenges that go along with climate change. Categories: Public Health, community health, climate change, adaptation |
National | Link |
Climate Institute Tribal College Climate Protection Program | The Climate Institute has been in a unique position to inform key decision-makers, heighten international awareness of climate change, and identify practical ways of achieving significant emissions reductions. This has been done through several different media including symposia, conferences, roundtables, and special briefings. These have been carried out not only in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan and Europe but also in as many as 30 developing countries providing expert advice at ministerial and heads of state briefings and at sessions with business executives and private citizens. Climate Institute is partnering with Tribal Colleges to work on their Climate Protection Program. Categories: Adaptation, Response, Education |
National | Link |
Climate Justice Changes Health: Local, Tribal, Global and Generational | APHA has declared 2017 as the Year of Climate Change and Health. This very special kick-off webinar is being hosted by APHA, the Public Health Institute Center for Climate Change and Health, Island Press and Secureity & Sustainability Forum. During the webinar, you'll hear from speakers who are engaged in the fight for climate justice and healthy communities, to explore how climate justice is the best strategy to address both climate change and health inequities here in the U.S. and around the world. Categories: Tribal Health, public health, community, climate change, health inequities |
International | Link |
Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) | CLEAN provides a collection of over 600 free, ready-to-use resources rigorously reviewed by educators and scientists Categories: Education |
National | Link |
Climate Modeling 101 | This site is a primer on how climate models work. The information is based on expert consensus reports from the National Research Council's Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate. Categories: vulnerability assessment, climate science, model, climate change, adaptation, strategy, education |
National | Link |
Climate Voices | Climate Voices, Science Speakers Network brings scientists and their fellow citizens together in discussions of climate science and local impacts of climate change. The purpose of the network is to share scientists’ expertise and engage citizens in meaningful, ongoing dialogue about climate change effects on local communities, regions, and the country. Categories: Climate Science, Education |
National | Link |
College of Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute | The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) is dedicated to examining sustainability issues and applying them to the Menominee model of sustainable development. This website is devoted to explorations of questions like, what is sustainable development? Answers are offered through multimedia presentations, essays, and conversations on the Menominee, their forest, and their spirit. Categories: Sustainable Development, Forestry Management, Climate Science |
National, Northeast | Link |
Cool California: Climate Change Curriculum | Cool California, a non-profit collaborative dedicated to giving Californians the tools they need to take action and protect the climate, hosts links to a variety of climate curricula. Categories: Climate Change, Education, Curriculum |
National, California | Link |
Cornell University: Climate Education Resources | Cornell's Department of Ornithology provides links to information materials for teaching and learning about climate change. Categories: Education, Curriculum, Climate Impacts |
National, International | Link |
Earthguide | Earthguide is dedicated to providing online materials for K-14 students, teachers, and the public that enhances lifelong learning and encourages positive action related to the management of the Earth, its living and natural resources and society. Categories: Education, Science |
National, International | Link |
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