The Internal Revenue Service is committed to making its website accessible to all people. We have designed our web pages to meet or exceed the standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and to conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Levels A and AA. For example:

  • Images have alternative text

  • Color contrast between the foreground and background is sufficiently strong

  • Headings are used to provide structure to the content

  • Link text is descriptive

  • Tables are used for displaying tabular information and have proper headings

What is Accessibility? 

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act is a Federal law that requires Federal agencies make information technology accessible to people with disabilities. It requires that we develop, procure and maintain electronic and information technology (EIT) so that it is accessible to people with disabilities, including both our own employees and members of the public.

Accessibility User Guides

Accessibility Guide for
User guide to help you access and use content.

Accessibility Guides for IRS Applications
User guides and information to help you access and use IRS applications.

Accessible Materials

Accessible IRS Tax Products
Select from a list of accessible tax forms, instructions, and publications in Braille, large print, and Section 508 Compliant PDF formats.

American Sign Language (ASL) Videos
A listing of American Sign Language (ASL) friendly YouTube videos created by the IRS.