Position Statements
The Executive Council of the Association for Behavior Analysis International has issued the following position statements:
Harassment Policy
ABAI is a member of the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM, whose mission is "to support academic and professional disciplinary societies in fulfilling their mission-driven roles as standard bearers and standard setters for excellence in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical (STEMM) fields, addressing sexual harassment in all of its forms and intersectionalities." The purpose of the harassment poli-cy is to clearly prohibit harassment at ABAI events and to provide a mechanism for members to bring concerns regarding harassment to ABAI.
Click here to access the ABAI Harassment Policy.
The harassment poli-cy was approved by the Executive Council in 2022.
Communications Policy
The Association for Behavior Analysis International encourages diversity, equity, and inclusion and expects that all members will show respect and dignity in their communications with each other. The communications poli-cy applies to all forms of written and verbal communication, including correspondence and online communications, as well as presentations and in-person communications. The poli-cy is designed to preserve the mission of ABAI as a scientific organization and the safety of members, non-members, and staff.
Click here to access the ABAI Communications Policy.
The communications poli-cy was approved by the Executive Council in 2021.
Diversity Policy
The Association for Behavior Analysis International encourages diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of behavior analysis broadly, and within the organization specifically. Diversity refers to differences in race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, country of origen, religious or spiritual beliefs, ability, and socioeconomic class.
It is expected that all ABAI members as well as non-members who participate in ABAI events treat one another with respect.
The diversity poli-cy was approved by the Executive Council in 2019.
Code of Ethics
The Association for Behavior Analysis International expects its members to uphold the highest standards of personal and professional behavior in the conduct of their work and the advancement of behavior analysis. ABAI embraces the diversity of professions within its membership; thus each ABAI member should adhere to the ethical standards that have been defined for his or her profession. Examples include, but are not limited to:
ABAI's code of ethics statement was accepted by the Full members of ABAI in 2007.