The data are available as a Matlab file loopers.mat, which contains the following variables:
T_L: integral time scale from velocity correlation function (days).
drogue: drogue presence (1=drogued, 0=undrogued, .5=uncertain).
id: unique identification number.
lat: latitude (degrees; negative = south).
lon: longitude (degrees; negative = west).
omega: spin omega (s^-1)
period: period of rotation (days; =2 pi / omega).
perFit: period from velocity correlation function (days).
persist: persistence of looping (days).
radius: orbital radius (m).
t: time (days since 1/1/1979).
u: zonal velocity (m/s).
v: meridional velocity (m/s).
as well as a NetCDF file
There are also Matlab
nonloopers.mat and NetCDF files
that contain the data of non-looping drifters, for those variables which are defined for nonloopers.
If you wish to obtain these data in a different format, contact
Rick Lumpkin.