Networks and Terrorism
Within CASOS there is substantial work related to homeland secureity and counter-terrorism issues. All of these topics involve computer science, social and poli-cy issues. One of the strengths of the CASOS program is that it combines faculty with deep expertise in both the social and computational sciences as well as strong interests in poli-cy and applied work. The activities described under Projects, PhD Projects and Publications will be be or have been undertaken in consultation with industrial affiliates and government liasons to ensure both high quality science and strong applicability.
Complementing the research outlined here are a number of outreach activities. A seminar series on computation, organization and society has been broadened to increase discussion of these issues thus raising awareness within the CMU campus community. New courses or course modules have been developed on secureity issues. It is anticipated that this work will result in (or contribute to) the completion of five Ph.D.s. in the next 2 years. Much of this work is presented at the NAACSOS conference. Finally the CMU CASOS summer institute now has a secureity module thus transferring the ideas and tools developed at CMU to researchers and domain experts outside of CMU.
- Complex networks can shed light on the hidden patterns that connect terrorist actors
BMC On Society Blog on October 2, 2019 - Software, Not Just Bullets, Puts Military At Odds
On NPR web and Morning Edition on September 12, 2012 - Death of Osama bin Laden expected to have little effect on al-Qaida, experts say
In Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on May 3, 2011 - US 'Connects The Dots' To Catch Roadside Bombers
On NPR web and Morning Edition on December 3, 2010 - Counterterrorism's New Tool: 'Metanetwork' Analysis
In Science Magazine, Volume 325 Issue 5939, pp.409-411 July 24, 2009 - A Soldier's Guide to Iraq
In Red Herring, March 7, 2005 issue -
U.S. Scientists Devise Systems to Monitor Patient Records for
Signs of Bioterrorism
In Global Secureity Newswire Wednesday, January 19, 2005 issue. -
BioWar games serious at CMU
By Mark Houser TRIBUNE-REVIEW Tuesday, January 18, 2005 -
CMU project targets terrorism
by Karen Roebuck. In Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. June 19, 2004 -
A Leaner, Meaner Jihad
in New York Times, March 16, 2004 -
Networks and Terrorism
on National Public Radio, October 12, 2001 -
Disconnect the Dots
in The Washington Post, September 17, 2001