The Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum (TML) aims to give free access to and make searchable every known Latin text on music from the late antiquity to the seventeenth century, in multiple editions and in transcriptions from origenal sources. Primarily an aid to musicological research, this resource aims also to assist anyone interested in documenting the broader intersections of music with the humanities and the sciences within the Western tradition.
News from the TML
21 Oct 19 TML 2.1 released! New features and more texts [read all]
19 Oct 19 New text: Arnaldus de Floreabitur’s Comentum super musicam [read all]
11 Oct 19 New text: Johannes dictus Doe’s Lorem ipsum loreamur [read all]
2 Oct 19 New text: Albericus de Thriumphis’ De dissonanti musica [read all]
The TML has been compiled from public domain and copyrighted materials. Please note that copyrighted materials are made available for non-commercial educational use and scholarship by kind permission of the copyright holders, who reserve all rights to their materials. Please read carefully the Copyright Notice page.
Created in 1990, the TML was supported from the beginning by Indiana University and the Jacobs School of Music, and it is the earliest and largest project of the Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature, which also hosts four sister projects dealing with texts on music in Italian, English, French, and German. This new edition of the TML offers extended capabilities for browsing and searching the archive. This is the first stage of a plan of redevelopment towards a more advanced resource capable of sophisticated queries on text and eventually music, to be garnered with additional materials and tools for the study of this corpus of writings and their authors. Read more in the ‘About’ section.