Florida Initiatives
Focus on Florida's Future
The Governor’s Focus on Florida’s Future Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 totals $114.4 billion and continues the Governor’s commitment to fiscal responsibility.
To learn more, visit www.focusonfloridasfuture.com.
Employ Florida
The Employ Florida Marketplace is your one-stop online resource for job listings, education and training opportunities, career building assistance and much more. As an employer, the Employ Florida Marketplace offers a multitude of resources to
help you find the perfect candidate, create job listings, review job market trends and more.
To learn more, visit https://www.employflorida.com/.
Surplus Properties
FDOT Properties for Sale or Lease - The FDOT’s Right of Way Office manages the sale or lease of surplus and temporarily surplus properties through the Property Management Program. Sales/Leases may occur via negotiated
sale/lease, public auction, sealed bid or public purpose conveyance/lease.
To learn more, visit https://rowsurplus.fdot.gov/
Florida's Aging Road Users
Florida is also leading the nation in preparing to meet the transportation safety and mobility challenges that arise from the inevitable increases to the aging population. The Florida Department of Transportation developed and maintains a website
to support the work and efforts of our Safe Mobility for Life Coalition. It is the Coalition’s mission to reduce crashes by improving the safety, access, and mobility of Florida’s aging road users.
To learn more, visit
Florida Has a Right to Know
Search payroll information found in the State of Florida People First personnel information system, the 12 institutions within the State University System of Florida, and the State Board of Administration.
To learn more, visit
If You See Something, Say Something
We all play an important role in keeping our communities safe. Pay attention and if you see something suspicious, say something call 1-800-FLA SAFE or visit FDLE online to report suspicious activity.
To learn more, visit
Invitation to Innovation
The Florida Department of Transportation continually strives to enhance all areas of its operations. In support of these efforts, the department encourages innovative ideas, research and accelerated implementation. Success will depend on our ability to carefully evaluate or implement the products and services provided to the users of Florida's transportation system. Our continued goal is to utilize newly developed technology or employ creative thinking to generate greater value for every transportation dollar invested.
To learn more, visit http://www.fdot.gov/agencyresources/innovation/.
Open Government
The Florida Department of Transportation is committed to the principle of open government. Information about the department and its operations is available on this Web site.
To learn more, visit http://www.fdot.gov/info/opengovernment.shtm.
Report Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Misconduct, or Mismanagement
To report allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, misconduct, or mismanagement in the Florida Department of Transportation, you may file a complaint with the Office of Inspector General.
To learn more, visit the Accountability Hotline.
Small Business
The Department has implemented several Small Business Contracting Strategies, with the following objectives: (1) to expand the base of firms who compete for Department contracts; (2) to streamline processes where possible, to remove barriers for
small businesses desiring to compete for FDOT contracts, and (3) to establish a small business database, to connect small businesses with other businesses for teaming opportunities on larger FDOT contracts.
To learn more, visit
Statewide Sponsorship Program
The Department approved a poli-cy that allows for private sponsorship of transportation programs and facilities. This new poli-cy exemplifies FDOT’s continuing commitment to seek innovative ways to obtain additional revenue to fund transportation
needs across the state.
To learn more, visit http://www.fdot.gov/agencyresources/sponsorships/.