NHC and Emergency Management Acronyms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- AFOS - Automation of Field Operations and Services
- AOC - NOAA Aircraft Operations Center, Lakeland, FL
- ARC - American Red Cross
- ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Services
- ARRL - American Radio Relay League
- ARWO - Aerial Reconnaissance Weather
- ASOS - Automated Surface Observing Systems
- AST - Atlantic Standard Time (EST + 1 or same as EDT)
- ATCF - Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast
- AVN - AViatioN run of the NCEP Medium Range Forecast (MRF)
- AWIPS - Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System
- CARCAH - Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination, All Hurricanes
- CDO - Central Dense Overcast
- CDT - Central Daylight Time
- CLIPER - CLImatology and PERsistence (statistical track forecast model)
- CONUS - Continental United States
- CP - Continental Polar (dry (continental) and cold (polar) airmass)
- CPHC - Central Pacific Hurricane Center
- CST - Central Standard Time
- DAE - Disaster Assistance Employee
- DAC - Disaster Application Center
- DCO - Defense Coordinating Officer
- DFO - Disaster Field Office
- DOC - Department of Commerce
- EAS - Emergency Alert System
- EBS - Emergency Broadcast System
- EDT - Eastern Daylight Time
- EICC - Emergency Information and Coordination Center (FEMA)
- EMS - Emergency Medical Services
- EMWIN - Emergency Manager's Weather Information Center
- EOC - Emergency Operations Center
- EOP - Emergency Operations Plan
- ERT - Emergency Response Team (FEMA)
- ERT-A - Advance Element of the Emergency Response Team (FEMA)
- ESF - Emergency Support Function
- EST - Emergency Support Team (FEMA) / Eastern Standard Time
- FAST - Field Assessment Team
- FCO - Federal Coordinating Officer (FEMA)
- FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FRP - Federal Response Plan
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (a location and a computer model)
- GFS - Global Forecasting System
- GIS - Graphical Information System
- GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
- GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
- GTWO - Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook
- GUNS - GFDL-UKMET-NOGAPS model ensemble average
- GUNA - GFDI-UKMI-NGPI-AVNI model ensemble average
- HES - Hurricane Evacuation Study
- HF - High Frequency
- HFO - Honolulu Forecast Office
- HLS - Hurricane Local Statement
- HPC - Hurricane Prediction Center (now WPC)
- HSF - High Seas Forecast
- HSU - Hurricane Specialist Unit (at NHC)
- ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
- ICS - Incident Command System
- IT - Information Technology Directorate (FEMA)
- ITCZ - Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
- LBAR - Limited area BARotropic (NCEP model)
- LGE - Logistic Growth Equation (modified SHIPS)
- LLCC - Low Level Cloud Center
- M - Statute Mile
- MB - Millibars
- MEOW - Maximum Envelope of Water or Maximum Envelope of Winds
- MERS - Mobile Emergency Response Support (FEMA)
- MIA - MIAmi National Hurricane Center (in product names)
- MPH - Miles Per Hour
- MOC - MERS Operations Center (FEMA)
- MRF - Medium Range Forecast (NCEP)
- M/S - Meters Per Second
- MT - Mitigation Directorate (FEMA)
- NAM - North American Mesoscale model
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NAWAS - National Warning System
- NAWIPS - NAtional centers AWIPS
- NDMS - National Disaster Medical System
- NECC - National Emergency Coordination Center (FEMA)
- NEXRAD - Next Generation of Radar
- NHC - National Hurricane Center
- NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NM - Nautical Mile
- NPSC - National Process Serving Center (FEMA)
- NTC - National Teleregistration Center (FEMA)
- NOGAPS - Naval Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
- NVOAD - National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
- NWS - National Weather Service
- NWSFO - National Weather Service Forecasting Office
- PIO - Public Information Officer
- PT - Preparedness, Training and Exercises Directorate (FEMA)
- PUP - Principle User Processor
- PWS - Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Probabilities
- RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
- RADAR - Radio Detection And Ranging
- RD - Regional Director
- REACT - Radio Emergency Associated Communication Team
- ROC - Regional Operations Center
- RR - Response and Recovery Directorate (FEMA)
- RSS - Really Simple Syndication
- SCO - State Coordinating Officer
- SFMR - Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer
- SHIFOR - Statistical Hurricane Intensity FORecast
- SHIPS - Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme
- SITREP - Situation Report
- SJU - San Juan, PR Weather Forecast Office
- SLOSH - Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges for Hurricanes
- SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
- SPC - Storm Prediction Center
- SSU - Storm Surge Unit (at NHC)
- TAFB - Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (at NHC)
- TCA - Tropical Cyclone Aviation Advisory
- TCD - Tropical Cyclone Forecast Discussion
- TCE - Tropical Cyclone Position Estimate
- TCM - Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory
- TCP - Tropical Cyclone Public Advisory
- TCR - Tropical Cyclone Reports
- TCU - Tropical Cyclone Update
- TCV - Tropical Cyclone Valid Time Event Code
- TD - Tropical Depression
- TPC - Tropical Prediction Center (no longer used)
- TS - Tropical Storm
- TSB - Technology and Science Branch (at NHC)
- TWD - Tropical Weather Discussion
- TWO - Tropical Weather Outlook
- TWS - Monthly Tropical Weather Summary
- UKMET - United Kingdom Office of Meteorology (a place and a computer model)
- USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers
- USAF - United States Air Force
- USAR - Urban Search and Rescue
- USCG - United States Coast Guard
- USGS - United States Geological Survey
- USN - United States Navy
- UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
- WFO - Weather Forecast Office
- WMO - World Meteorological Organization
- WPC - Weather Prediction Center
- WRF - Weather Research and Forecasting model