JPM CBRN Protection
JPM CBRN Protection develops, fields and sustains CBRN protection and mitigation capabilities for the warfighter and the Nation. They develop next-generation physical protection capabilities, like masks and suits, that reduce physiological burden and enhance protection against emerging threats. JPM CBRN Protection also develops contamination mitigation technologies, including decontamination systems, to significantly decrease the time and materials required to decontaminate personnel and equipment.
JPM CBRN Medical
JPM CBRN Medical provides the advanced development and acquisition of medical solutions, such as nerve agent antidotes and diagnostic systems, to combat CBRN and emerging threats. They deliver safe, effective, and affordable medical solutions to counter threats and enable the Joint Force to fight and win in any denied environment. JPM CBRN Medical products span the continuum of medical care, providing an integrated layered medical defense, to include prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
JPM CBRN Sensors
JPM CBRN Sensors develops, fields and sustains CBRN sensors, reconnaissance systems, and mobile laboratory capabilities. They provide integrated early warning by bringing together the products in their portfolio along with robotics and autonomous systems, decision support tools, machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide situational awareness and understanding of CBRN threats.
JPM CBRN Special Operations Forces (JPM CBRN SOF)
JPM CBRN SOF rapidly acquires and equips Special Operations and Special Purpose Forces with critical CBRN defense equipment necessary for mission success. Their focus is to further develop crucial technologies necessary for survival and unimpeded operations in denied CBRN environments. These technologies are transitioned to other Programs of Record as appropriate to enhance the capability of the Joint Force.
JPL CBRND Enabling Biotechnologies (JPL CBRND EB)
JPL CBRND Enabling Biotechnologies enables the rapid development, manufacture, and fielding of safe and effective medical solutions across the full product spectrum, including development, clinical trials, manufacturing, and validated biological threat detection materials. These solutions support programs across the JPEO-CBRND portfolio by lowering product development risks and accelerating product maturity.
JPL CBRN Integration
JPL CBRN Integration is responsible for the total lifecycle of enterprise information technology systems and provides enterprisewise CBRN threat warning and reporting, hazard prediction, and decision support capabilities for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of CBRN defense information. These capabilities provide commanders with more complete situational understanding of all the threats in the battlespace by integrating CBRN defense systems with traditional defense systems.
Structure and Workforce
The JPEO-CBRND's leadership and workforce structure is essential to its mission and goals as the Joint Force's lead for all investments in CBRN defense equipment. Learn how the organization integrates across the headquarters and six Joint Project Management/Lead offices.
Download Our Organizational Chart
JPEO-CBRND Command Brief
As a component of the Chemical and Biological Defense Program, JPEO-CBRND supports the entire joint force by developing solutions that enable our warfighters to fight and win in a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) environment. The JPEO-CBRND leads, manages, and directs the acquisition and fielding of CBRN sensors, protective equipment, medical countermeasures, information management systems, defense enabling biotechnologies, and specialized equipment for U.S. Special Forces.
This Command Brief gives an overview of services and support provided to the joint force.
Download Our Command Brief
Capabilities Catalog
The JPEO-CBRND's Capabilities Catalog provides an in-depth overview of who we are as an organization, our role within the Chemical and Biological Defense Program, leading and managing the acquisition, fielding and integration of CBRN sensors, protective equipment, medical countermeasures and capabilities for Special Operations Force and combined, Joint All Domain Operations. The catalog shares the current and enduring defense products fielded to the joint force.
Download Our Capabilities Catalog
Digital Transformation SmartBook
The JPEO-CBRND Digital Transformation SmartBook provides an entry-level overview of how our organization is using digital technology for day-to-day operations across our functional areas. Digital Transformation is the adoption of digital technologies to enhance business processes and improve capability development.
Download Our SmartBook