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Tulsi Gabbard is a conduit for Russian propaganda, who has moved from the extreme left of the Democratic Party to become a favorite of American conservatives and Libertarians.

She consistently echoes Russian propaganda memes, often exploiting her military background to give her pacifist message a patriotic, "America First" spin.


Tulsi Gabbard's political career was launched by former Hawaiian First Lady Nancie Caraway, a member of this country's largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America.

Gabbard worked very closely with Democratic Socialists of America and the overlapping Bernie Sanders movement for several years.


Tulsi Gabbard also became very close to former Ohio Congressmember Dennis Kucinich, a long-time pro-Russia activist, who took Gabbard to Syria in 2017 to meet the pro-Russia dictator Bashar Al-Assad.

She came back calling for America to lay off Russia's Syrian puppet regime, even though he was gassing his own people.


Dennis Kucinich has a decades-long relationship with the Ohio Communist Party chairman Rick Nagin.

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In January 2019 Rick Nagin wrote of Tulsi Gabbard:   

She will make a tremendous contribution to the primary debate and help move the electorate in a progressive direction. I have great confidence that she would be a great president. Her election would be an enormous defeat for right-wing extremism and its policies of racism, male supremacy, and war.

In recent years Gabbard has echoed the "MAGA Communism" philosophies of Jackson Hinkle, Haz Al-Din and Caleb Maupin.


In February 2023 Tulsi Gabbard addressed the Rage Against the War Machine rally in Washington DC, where she spoke alongside Dennis Kucinich, an openly pro-Russia Jackson Hinkle and several other communists, MAGA Communists, Libertarians, "pacifists" and pro-Russia propagandists.


MAGA Communism is an Americanized version of National Bolshevism, a blend of communism and fascism inspired partially by Aleksandr Dugin, once an advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It is an anti-"woke" Stalinist, pro-Russia, Iran and China form of communism that is currently attempting to infiltrate the MAGA/Trumpov movement. It is designed to re-focus American conservatives away from opposing Russia, China, and Iran - a form of  "revolutionary defeatism." The goal is to allow Russia and China to expand at will, while the US retreats, to the point of eventual defeat at the hands of the Moscow/Beijing axis.

Aleksandr Dugin apparently admires Tulsi Gabbard. She has been regularly featured on Russian propaganda channels, including RT.


The MAGA communists believe it is "patriotic" to help China and its allies to impose communism on America.

Tulsi Gabbard, whether she understands it or not, is amplifying this message.

(See more|Tulsi Gabbard...)

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