Annie Shields
Annie Shields
Vote NO on Nixon/Williams
OP-ED: Vote NO on Nixon/Williams was circulated to New York Democratic Socialists of America members in July 2018.
- We ask that you vote “no” on endorsing Cynthia Nixon and Williams. If you agree with the case we’ve laid out here, please consider signing on to this letter at
Signatories included Annie Shields.
DSA Women's Caucus Facebook group
Members of the DSA Women's Caucus closed Facebook group, as of August 25, 2017 included Annie Shields .[1]
Upper Manhattan/Bronx DSA Closed Facebook Group
Members of the Upper Manhattan/Bronx Democratic Socialists of America, closed Facebook group, as of May 28, 2017 included Annie Shields .[2]
Political Education Forum, Upper Manhattan/Bronx Branch NYC-DSA
Members of the Political Education Forum, Upper Manhattan/Bronx Democratic Socialists of America, Closed Facebook Group, as of July 20, 2017 included Annie Shields.[3]
Creative Comrades (NYC-DSA Media)
Members of Creative Comrades (New York City Democratic Socialists of America ) Closed Facebook Group, as of September 1, 2017 included Annie Shields..[4]
"Wholesome Meme Stash"
Members of the Democratic Socialists of America Wholesome Meme Stash closed Facebook group, accessed November 14, 2017 included Annie Shields.[5]
Serv Industry NYC-DSA
Members of the Serv Industry NYC-DSA closed Facebook group, accessed February 9, 2018 included Annie Shields.[6]
New York Democratic Socialists of America May 2;
Photo: William Matelski. — with Aneesh Bhoopathy, Annie Shields, Julia Salazar, Alexandre Guy Laforest Jallot, Aaron Taube, Dane Cardiel and Emmy Hammond.
DSA NPC meeting
Democratic Socialists of America National Political Committee Minutes of Meeting of July 21-22, 2018.
Approved August 13, 2018. Present: Ravi Ahmad, Ajmal Alami (Young Democratic Socialists of America Coordinating Committee), Theresa Alt, Dele Balogun, Christian Bowe, Allie Cohn, Zac Echola, Michelle Fisher (Young Democratic Socialists of America Coordinating Committee), Lisa Flores (Administrative and Office Coordinator), Jeremy Gong, Ella Mahony, Chris Maisano, Natalie Midiri, Chris Riddiough, Frances Rizo (Parliamentarian), R.L. Stephens, Maria Svart (National Director). Present by phone: Catherine Hoffman. Absent and excused: Joseph Schwartz. Visiting: from the Steering Committee of the Democratic Socialist Labor Commission (DSLC): Francisco Cendejas, Spencer Cox, John Kaderbek, Marsha Niemeijer, John Pearson, Paul Prescod, Meredith Schafer, Kari Thompson, Annabel Vera; also Austin Binns, and DSA member from Washington: Aaron Marks, Annie Shields (The Nation), Melissa Woods, Paula Brantner (by phone).
We met in the office of The Nation. Parliamentarian Frances Rizo chaired throughout.[7]
Toward Radical Democracy
Toward Radical Democracy was a 2018 "Proposal for Internal Voting Reform in Boston DSA".
- If you would like to sign on in support of this proposal, please click here. To date, over 100 members of Boston DSA have endorsed it. We also welcome support from DSA comrades in other chapters.
Signatories also included non Boston comrades such as Annie Shields.
Harassment Working Group
In 2017, Annie Shields New York City Democratic Socialists of America, At Large, was a delegate co-sponsor to a statement by the Democratic Socialists of America Harassment Working Group.