Max Cotterill

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Max Cotterill

Philadelphia DSA Public Facebook Group

Members of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America Public Facebook Group As of June 1, 2017 included Max Cotterill;[1]

DSA-LSC Discussion & Debate Facebook group

Members of the DSA Libertarian Socialist Caucus Discussion & Debate Facebook Closed Facebook Group, as of August 21, 2017 included Max Cotterill.[2]

DSA Dank PDF Stash

Members of Democratic Socialists of America Dank PDF Stash closed Facebook group as of August 18, 2017, included Max Cotterill.[3]

Portland DSA Facebook group

Members of Portland Democratic Socialists of America public Facebook page, as of September 24 2017 included Max Cotterill.

DSA Facebook group

Members of the California Democratic Socialists of America, statewide Facebook group, as of March 16, 2017 included Max Cotterill.[4]

San Diego DSA

San Diego Democratic Socialists of America Public Facebook group, as of March 18, 2017.


'Launch organizers and advisors' to Knock Every Door

"Bernie generation" takeover


Democratic Socialists of America - Knoxville shared a post. June 21, 2016:

Becky Bond June 20, 2016

the secret's out. a bunch of bernie's best organizers are working to orchestrate a campaign that if successful will represent a sea change in how college students turn out in elections (and i hope will hasten the take over of democratic politics by the super diverse, super progressive "Bernie generation.")

Big thanks to Michael Kieschnick, Heather Hargreaves, Ben Wessel, Zack Malitz, Lynn Hua, Hannah Fertig, Maximilian Cotterill, Samson Ghazey, Cole Edwards, Sam Briggs for making this possible.

