Strategic Plan

The principal tool for atmospheric prediction is the numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. An NWP model’s accuracy depends on clear representation of the equations controlling atmospheric motion, the unresolved small-scale motions (e.g., boundary-layer turbulence and cloud microphysics) that effect resolved larger-scale motion, and the data-ingest systems used for model initialization and forecast verification.

MMM endeavors to advance the science of atmospheric prediction by producing the most accurate and efficient NWP models. As a result, with extensive external contributions, we’ve advanced and supported the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, which serves the global community.

As advanced as WRF is, the need for forecast accuracy continues to increase. In addition, MMM recognizes that users may have different perceptions and interpretations of weather and climate information. In response, we’ve built a core interdisciplinary program with expertise in communication and use of weather-related information.

The previous MMM Strategic Plan has been replaced with an MMM Implementation Plan that supports the current NCAR Strategic Plan. MMM is currently refining its Implementation Plan which will include priority outcomes aligned with strategic plan elements. MMM has also been promoting a more inclusive work environment, strengthening teamwork across the lab and NCAR, and engaging the community to further broaden participation.

The MMM Impementation Plan will be made available following refinement.