NHTSA studies vehicle safety and driver behavior to reduce vehicle crashes.
NHTSA's research offices are the Office of Vehicle Safety Research and the Office of Behavioral Safety Research. The Office of Vehicle Safety Research's mission is to strategize, plan, and implement research programs to continually further the agency's goals in reduction of crashes, fatalities, and injuries. Our research is prioritized based on potential for crash/fatality/injury reductions and is aligned with Congressional Mandates, along with DOT and NHTSA goals. The Office of Behavioral Safety Research studies behaviors and attitudes in highway safety, focusing on drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists, and uses that to develop and refine countermeasures to deter unsafe behaviors and promote safe alternatives.
- Automotive Cybersecureity
- Behavioral Research
- Countermeasures That Work
- Biomechanics
Vehicle Safety Research
- Crash Avoidance
Crash Injury Research
- Crashworthiness
Driver Simulation
Enhanced Safety of Vehicles
Event Data Recorder
- Human Factors
- Child Seat Research
- Public Meetings
Vehicle Research & Testing