- Weather Glossary: A's
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- Weather Glossary: D's
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- Weather Glossary: F's
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- Weather Glossary: K's
- Weather Glossary: L's
- Weather Glossary: M's
- Weather Glossary: N's
- Weather Glossary: O's
- Weather Glossary: P's
- Weather Glossary: Q's
- Weather Glossary: R's
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- Weather Glossary: T's
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- Weather Glossary: V's
- Weather Glossary: W's
- Weather Glossary: X's
- Weather Glossary: Y's
- Weather Glossary: Z's
- Weather Acronyms: A's
- Weather Acronyms: B's
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- Weather Acronyms: J's
- Weather Acronyms: K's
- Weather Acronyms: L's
- Weather Acronyms: M's
- Weather Acronyms: N's
- Weather Acronyms: O's
- Weather Acronyms: P's
- Weather Acronyms: Q's
- Weather Acronyms: R's
- Weather Acronyms: S's
- Weather Acronyms: T's
- Weather Acronyms: U's
- Weather Acronyms: V's
- Weather Acronyms: W's
- Weather Acronyms: X's
- Weather Acronyms: Y's
- Weather Acronyms: Z's
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- Weather Glossary: A's
- Weather Glossary: B's
- Weather Glossary: C's
- Weather Glossary: D's
- Weather Glossary: E's
- Weather Glossary: F's
- Weather Glossary: G's
- Weather Glossary: H's
- Weather Glossary: I's
- Weather Glossary: J's
- Weather Glossary: K's
- Weather Glossary: L's
- Weather Glossary: M's
- Weather Glossary: N's
- Weather Glossary: O's
- Weather Glossary: P's
- Weather Glossary: Q's
- Weather Glossary: R's
- Weather Glossary: S's
- Weather Glossary: T's
- Weather Glossary: U's
- Weather Glossary: V's
- Weather Glossary: W's
- Weather Glossary: X's
- Weather Glossary: Y's
- Weather Glossary: Z's
- Weather Acronyms: A's
- Weather Acronyms: B's
- Weather Acronyms: C's
- Weather Acronyms: D's
- Weather Acronyms: E's
- Weather Acronyms: F's
- Weather Acronyms: G's
- Weather Acronyms: H's
- Weather Acronyms: I's
- Weather Acronyms: J's
- Weather Acronyms: K's
- Weather Acronyms: L's
- Weather Acronyms: M's
- Weather Acronyms: N's
- Weather Acronyms: O's
- Weather Acronyms: P's
- Weather Acronyms: Q's
- Weather Acronyms: R's
- Weather Acronyms: S's
- Weather Acronyms: T's
- Weather Acronyms: U's
- Weather Acronyms: V's
- Weather Acronyms: W's
- Weather Acronyms: X's
- Weather Acronyms: Y's
- Weather Acronyms: Z's
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T | Thunder or Temperature |
T. D. | Tropical Depression |
T.S. | Tropical Storm |
TAF | Terminal Aerodrome Forecast |
TAFB | Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch |
TAS | True airspeed |
TC | Tropical cyclone |
TCE | Tropical Cyclone Position Estimate |
TCM | Tropical Cyclone Forecasts/Advisory |
TCNTL | Transcontinental |
TCP | Public Tropical Cyclone Advisory |
TCU | Towering Cumulus or Tropical Cyclone Update |
TDA | Today |
TDO | Tornado |
TDWR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar. |
TEMP | Temperature |
TEMPO | Temporary or temporarily |
TEN | Theta-e Index |
TEND | Trend forecast |
THD | Thunderhead |
THDR | Thunder |
THK | Thick |
THKNG | Thickening |
THKNS | Thickness |
THKR | Thicker |
THKST | Thickest |
THN | Thin |
THNG | Thinning |
THNR | Thinner |
THNST | Thinnest |
THP | Three-Hour Rainfall Rate |
THR | Threshold |
THRFTR | Thereafter |
THRU | Through |
THRUT | Throughout |
THSD | Thousand |
THTN | Threaten |
THTND | Threatened |
THTNG | Threatening |
THTNS | Threatens |
THU | Thursday |
TIL | Until |
TIP | Until past ... (place) |
TL... | Till (followed by time by which weather change is forecast to end) |
TMPRY | Temporary |
TMPRYLY | Temporarily |
TMW | Tomorrow |
TN | Tennessee |
TNDCY | Tendency |
TNDCYS | Tendencies |
TNGT | Tonight |
TNTV | Tentative |
TNTVLY | Tentatively |
TO | To... (place) |
TOP | Cloud top |
TOPS | Tops |
TOR | Tornado Warning |
TOVC | Top of overcast |
TPC | Tropical Prediction Center |
TPG | Topping |
TR | Track |
TRBL | Trouble |
TRIB | Tributary |
TRKG | Tracking |
TRML | Terminal |
TRMT | Terminate |
TRMTD | Terminated |
TRMTG | Terminating |
TRMTS | Terminates |
TRNSP | Transport |
TRNSPG | Transporting |
TROF | Trough |
TROFS | Troughs |
TROP | Tropopause |
TRPCD | Tropical continental |
TRPCL | Tropical |
TRRN | Terrain |
TRSN | Transition |
TRW | Thunderstorm |
TRW+ | Thunderstorm with heavy rain shower |
TS | Thunderstorm without precipitation |
TSB | Technical Support Branch |
TSFR | Transfer |
TSFRD | Transferred |
TSFRG | Transferring |
TSFRS | Transfers |
TSHWR | Thundershower |
TSHWRS | Thundershowers |
TSIP | Thundersleet |
TSNT | Transient |
TSQLS | Thundersqualls |
TSRA | Thunderstorm with rain |
TSSN | Thundersnow |
TSTM | Thunderstorm |
TSTMS | Thunderstorms |
TT | Total Totals or Teletypewriter |
TUE | Tuesday |
TURB | Turbulence |
TURBC | Turbulence |
TURBT | Turbulent |
TVS | Tornado Vortex Signature |
TWD | Toward or Tropical Weather Discussion |
TWDS | Towards |
TWEB | Transcribed Weather Broadcasts Route Forecast |
TWI | Twilight |
TWO | Tropical Weather Outlook |
TWRG | Towering |
TWS | Tropical Weather Summary |
TX | Texas |
TYP | Type of aircraft |
TYPH | Typhoon |
- Weather Glossary: A's
- Weather Glossary: B's
- Weather Glossary: C's
- Weather Glossary: D's
- Weather Glossary: E's
- Weather Glossary: F's
- Weather Glossary: G's
- Weather Glossary: H's
- Weather Glossary: I's
- Weather Glossary: J's
- Weather Glossary: K's
- Weather Glossary: L's
- Weather Glossary: M's
- Weather Glossary: N's
- Weather Glossary: O's
- Weather Glossary: P's
- Weather Glossary: Q's
- Weather Glossary: R's
- Weather Glossary: S's
- Weather Glossary: T's
- Weather Glossary: U's
- Weather Glossary: V's
- Weather Glossary: W's
- Weather Glossary: X's
- Weather Glossary: Y's
- Weather Glossary: Z's
- Weather Acronyms: A's
- Weather Acronyms: B's
- Weather Acronyms: C's
- Weather Acronyms: D's
- Weather Acronyms: E's
- Weather Acronyms: F's
- Weather Acronyms: G's
- Weather Acronyms: H's
- Weather Acronyms: I's
- Weather Acronyms: J's
- Weather Acronyms: K's
- Weather Acronyms: L's
- Weather Acronyms: M's
- Weather Acronyms: N's
- Weather Acronyms: O's
- Weather Acronyms: P's
- Weather Acronyms: Q's
- Weather Acronyms: R's
- Weather Acronyms: S's
- Weather Acronyms: T's
- Weather Acronyms: U's
- Weather Acronyms: V's
- Weather Acronyms: W's
- Weather Acronyms: X's
- Weather Acronyms: Y's
- Weather Acronyms: Z's
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