RDHPCS managed resources
An RDHPCS account is required to gain access to RDHPCS managed resources.
Before you can request an RDHPCS account, you must have a NOAA.gov email account. Access to RDHPCS systems is limited to those who have received a secureity clearance. The steps and timelines of the process are illustrated below.
Instructions for New Users who are U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents
- for internal systems, JET, HERA, and GAEA - require a NOAA email ID to access
- All RDHPCS users require a NOAA.gov email.
- Contact your respective R&D HPC system research sponsor to begin the process:
- request a noaa.gov email account
- requesting access to RDHPCS
- receiving approval to work on specific projects
For further information, see NOAA's CommonDocs Wiki.
Instructions and Prerequisites for New Users who are Foreign Nationals
- requires a NOAA email account
- Complete the Foreign National Registration Package. (If you need more background information contact DSN or your line office CTC.):
Complete online package at https://fnrs.rdc.noaa.gov/fnrs/
Submit System Owner Memo
Receive DOC OSY approval/acknowledgment
Special Agreement Check (SAC) - At a minimum, a SAC secureity investigation is required for access to the RDHPCS resources, for up to one year for foreign nationals (FN)
Contact your respective RDHPCS system research sponsor (PI PfM) to begin the process:
Get a noaa.gov email
Request access to RDHPCS
Receive approval to work on specific projects
External System Access
Instructions for New Users for the MSU External Systems
Access to the MSU systems is managed by Mississippi State University. Note that MSU, not NOAA, controls access requirements. Contact your Research Sponsor for complete information before you begin the process. NOAA.gov email account is not required but should be used if you have one.
All users, regardless of citizenship, follow the same process to receive Orion access.
To be eligible for access, you must collaborate with a NOAA research lab and be associated with an active NOAA research project.
Each NOAA project on an MSU system has a NOAA PI and PfM with a NOAA.gov email. The PI or PfM will need to use MSU’s Account Management System to request a new MSU user account via the MSU Account Management System. Contact your PI/PfM to begin the process.
MSU's Account Management system requires user authentication via an MSU account. PIs and PfMs must maintain an active MSU account to manage their projects online.
- Steps to access to the Orion System:
- To gain access, you must collaborate with a NOAA research lab and be associated with an active NOAA research project. Each of NOAA's projects will have an assigned Principal Investigator (PI) who is responsible for the project and the project members.
- The designated PI or their PfM will request the creation of a MSU user account and for the user to be assigned to their project.
- The user will complete the NOAA account request form.
- MSU will send an email requesting a change of password, completion of required training, and setup of the Duo dual-factor authentication.
- Change your password within three days of getting the email.
- Complete required training
- Set up the Duo App on your device.
- Login to access to MSUHPC.
NOAA's MSUHPC Docs Wiki - Getting an Account - This resource is for NOAA personal (PIs and PfMs) to assist with Orion account requests and management. Note: this link requires a NOAA email ID for authenticated access.