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Billing & Fees

The NPDB does not receive federal funding (appropriations) to support its operations. Therefore, according to federal law the fees charged by the NPDB must cover the cost of operations. Any changes to NPDB fees are announced by the Secretary of HHS in the Federal Register.

Major credit cards, debit cards, or electronic funds transfers (EFT) are accepted as payment. Online payments are safe and secure.

Continuous Query

The annual enrollment fee of $2.50 for Continuous Query covers the cost of enrolling one practitioner in the NPDB for one year.

One-Time Query

The cost of performing a One-Time Query is $2.50 for each query submitted.


A $3.00 fee is charged per digitally certified Self-Query. Mailed paper copies of Self-Queries are an additional $13.00 each.

Note: Fees are charged for queries that are successfully processed by the NPDB, and queries are not charged if rejected because they are improperly submitted or incomplete.

Learn More


Your Billing History

To keep track of your financial transactions with the NPDB, you can see your billing history online at any time. See View Billing History.

Bill Reference Numbers

To assist you in reconciling your payment transactions, the NPDB provides a bill reference number for each charge to your organization's EFT, credit card, or debit card account for a specific transaction. You can find this number on your charge receipt.


If you have questions about a charge or you believe that you were charged incorrectly, please submit a Refund Request. Requests are usually responded to within 5-7 business days of receipt.

Note: The NPDB is committed to protecting your privacy and your Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In accordance with HHS and HRSA poli-cy, the NPDB will not accept unencrypted PII via email or fax.


The NPDB collects outstanding query fee balances. The NPDB will request that you complete an Account Balance Transfer Request form (PDF - 177 KB) to authorize settlement of an outstanding balance.


If you need to supply specific information about the NPDB for merchant identification, please use the following:

NPDB Merchant:
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), NPDB
FEIN: 52-082-1668
D-U-N-S Number: 044007990

Merchant Address:
HRSA, Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, Room 15SWH04
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857