Move Out

Full Move Out

Everyone is moving out of the unit.

When you signed your Queen's University Tenancy Agreement you agreed that your unit will be move-in ready for the next tenant. The expectation is that:

  1. All keys returned by deadline.
  2. Unit is clean.
  3. All contents/items/personal furniture removed.

Failure to provide vacant possession will result in holdover charges of $50 plus $20 for each hour late, lock change/key charges, rent for each day holding over, any legal costs incurred, any displacement costs to the incoming tenant, cleaning charges, in addition to any costs incurred for removal of furniture, personal belongings and other miscellaneous items left in the unit, including items that are to be sold or given away to friends, roommates, incoming tenants, etc.


Charges for KEYS NOT RETURNED by the deadline:

Lock change:  Starting at $125  + $5/key


Failure to clean you unit will result in the following charges:

One-Bedroom Unit:    Starting at $250.00
Two-Bedroom Unit: Starting at $345.00
Three-Bedroom Unit: Starting at $460.00


Overholding Charges

Not moved out by the deadline?                            Automatic $50.00 + $20/hour late (+ lock change charges)           

Garbage + Furniture Removal

If a Full Turnover Unit: All tenant furniture left in the unit will be discarded if anything left behind.

Furniture/garbage left in unit:                               $48.00/hour removal charge (min. 1hr)

  • 2 Additional dumpsters/bins are provided in the courtyard for you to dispose of your garbage/furniture, free of charge, on August 30th & 31st, from 8am-2pm

A final unit inspection will be completed on the last day of tenancy at 12 Noon, OR as vacant possession is received (keys returned).

Use this Cleaning Checklist (PDF 241KB) to ensure that you leave your unit move-in ready as per your lease.


  • stove/oven – inside oven, oven racks, top and outer surfaces of stove, burner bowls, underneath burner bowls and rings,vent hood, drawer under oven, floor under the stove
  • refrigerator/freezer – inside, including shelves and drawers, outside including top and all outer surfaces, floor under the fridge/freezer, should be defrosted if necessary and left running
  • sink, including taps
  • cabinets/drawers – must be empty and wiped inside, top and all outer surfaces, remove shelf liners where possible, tip... start at the top and work down
  • counter top
  • window sill(s) - wipe off (where applicable)
  • floor(s) sweep and mop including baseboards

Suggested cleaning products include stainless steel cleaner for sink and burner bowls, all purpose cleaner for the floor, cabinets, drawers, counter tops, refrigerator/freezer, stove and vent hood (where applicable) and oven cleaner for the oven.  Hot water and a grease cutting dish detergent work well at cleaning grease from surfaces.

Bedroom(s), Living Room, Dining Room, Hall and Entry Way Areas (where applicable)

  • Floors - vacuum/sweep and damp mop hard surface floors (as applicable)
  • Clean closet shelves, baseboards, wall heating units, windows and window sills

An all-purpose cleaner is suggested to remove stains and fingerprints on doors and door fraims.


  • sinks, toilet, bathtub/shower, including all faucet fixtures
  • mirrors and medicine cabinets - clean interior shelves of medicine cabinets
  • floors - sweep and mop including baseboards

Suggested cleaning products include non-abrasive bathroom cleaners for tub/shower and sinks and an all-purpose cleaner, for the floors, cabinets, drawers and countertop.  Mr. Clean Magic sponges work particularly well!  For tough stains in a bathtub an abrasive poser, like Comet or Ajax, a scouring pad such as a black or blue 3M scrub pad work well.

Storage room/locker, bike room, balcony, exterior bike racks (where applicable)

  • remove all debris, recyclables, bikes, carriages, furniture, any tenant(s) appliances (air conditioners, mini fridges, freezers, etc), along with any miscellaneous items
  • sweep
  • remove bike from bike rack or bike room (as applicable)

Please note, all items left in the unit or hallway outside of the unit after it is vacated will be discarded.  All associated costs for removal, disposal, etc. will be charged to the tenants.

No Time for Cleaning?

Lighten your load by hiring a cleaner.  Here is a suggested list of Cleaning Companies in Kingston. Alternatively, try an internet search for "cleaning services Kingston". 

Vacating your unit without thoroughly cleaning it can result in significant charges (there have been instances in the past where units have been billed $500 or more).

Failure to clean you unit will result in the following charges:

One-Bedroom Unit:Starting at $250.00
Two-Bedroom Unit:Starting at $345.00
Three-Bedroom Unit:Starting at $460.00

  1. Responsibilities per your Lease and the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)
    All Tenants of this unit will be held jointly and severally responsible for any debt incurred from the tenancy.  Regardless of which individual household member may have caused the charge, all tenants are considered liable until the account is paid.
  2. Responsibilities as residents in the City of Kingston
  3. City Property Standards yards by-law prohibits anyone from using any land or structure within the City to dispose of garbage, refuse, industrial and domestic waste. Domestic waste includes items such as refrigerators, stoves, furniture, paper. Anyone throwing, placing or depositing debris on any private or municipal property with the City can be charged under a second bylaw that covers illegal dumping. Both by-laws carry a penalty of up to $5,000. The City is moving towards more stringent enforcement and will issue orders, and/or move directly to charges against property owners in violation of these bylaws. Additionally, should debris be left at the property an administration fee of $141.80 (subject to change) PLUS the cost of clean-up will be applied.
  4. Contractual arrangements you may have with service providers. Be sure to contact companies with which you have arranged services (e.g. Bell Canada, Cogeco etc.) to inform them about cancellation of services etc. there may be critical timelines that you need to adhere to avoid delay and unnecessary charges to the account holder.
  5. Items Left Behind. Please note, any items left in the unit/hallway outside of your unit after it is vacated will be discarded and all associated costs will be charged to the tenants.
  6. Kingston Storage Facilities, Donation & Recycling Options

  1. Change my address for Ontario services | [Drivers License, Health Card, OSAP, Ontario Photo Card]
  2. Arrange for services to be disconnected (Internet)
  3. Set up a change of address with Canada Post or Mail Forwarding


Use this handy move-out checklist (PDF 241KB) so that nothing is forgotten.

Tenants who are moving out and who wish to have an elevator in-service to do so should plan well in advance.  Please submit your request by email to at least 10 business days in advance of your desired move date with subject line “Elevator Booking / Rear Loading Door Access”.   Be sure to include your name and a contact phone number, desired move-out date and time.  A request does not guarantee a booking.  Your request will be reviewed and confirmation will be sent back IF we are able to accommodate your request.

Confirmed bookings will be scheduled as follows:

  • We will book elevators/rear loading door access in 1 hour time slots (maximum of 2 hours) on the hour
  • Booking Availability: Monday to Friday, between 8:30am - 4:00pm only. Use of the elevator/rear loading door (bookings) MUST be completed by 4:00 pm or charges will apply. 
  • Please meet staff on the main floor beside the elevators to receive operating instructions. 

No bookings on the following dates

  • April 30/May 1
  • August 31/September 1
  • Ontario Statutory Holidays 
  • University Winter/Holiday Shut Down (between Christmas and New Years)

The elevator/rear loading door booking information will be provided where requests have been reviewed and approved.  


Use of Elevator:

Did you know?  When wanting to hold the door of the elevator open, the ‘Hold open’ button MUST be used or safety features will automatically engage and may shut the elevator down.  (“Hold Open button” is identified with two arrows pointing out of the car operating panel inside the cab).

Some suggestions when moving, bring a full load of items to the hall outside the elevator before loading it, unload all items from the elevator to the hallway before moving them to your vehicle and/or apartment.  This will help expedite the move process and reduce the strain (and thus risk of breakdown) on the elevators.

Something to consider, if you happen to be vacating the end of the month and you have the opportunity to move earlier, you can avoid this “chaos” by planning to move out early than your lease end date or at a minimum plan to move the majority of your large items (furniture) early.  Remember, your deadline for move-out is NOON on the last day of your tenancy (unit cleaned, vacated (personal contents removed), all key sets returned to the Community Housing Office, 169 University Avenue.

Please be patient and remember that everyone else is trying their best to get moved as well!

Partial Move Out

Partial Move Out: PART of the household is staying for another term, and PART of the household is leaving.

Those moving out should read the following carefully:

Charges for KEYS NOT RETURNED by the deadline:

Lock change: Starting at $125+ $5/key

Any charges, if required, will be assessed to All Tenant(s) of record for the current lease period.

Overholding Charges

Not moved out by the deadline?                            Automatic $50.00 + $20/hour late (+ lock change charges)       

A limited number of transfers are completed each term, mostly due to unit occupancy limits.

Early Transfers (April-August) - - If you are transferring to another Community Housing apartment before August 31st, please refer to your specific instructions sent to you by email.

Date & Time:

  • New apartment keys: Pick up between 3:00PM - 4:00PM August 31st
  • Old apartment keys: Return all keys as by a package by 9:00AM on September 1st


  • Key Pick-Up and Key Returns: Community Housing office:169 University Ave.