Integrating Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization (EDII) in Research

Queen’s University is committed to advancing the principles of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization (EDII) in all aspects of research including the production of knowledge, equitable access to funding opportunities, and inclusive and diverse research team composition. The University recognizes that EDII policies and practices strengthen the research community, as well as the quality, social relevance, outcomes, and impacts of research. Researchers are expected to follow all applicable institutional policies, procedures and practices supporting EDII and advancing its goals within the University.

Queen’s University has proudly endorsed the Government of Canada's Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada  charter. Dimensions Canada is a national program to increase EDI within Canada's post-secondary institutions and the university research ecosystem.

Research Services has compiled a “toolkit” of useful EDII resources to help our research and innovation community implement EDII policies and practices into their respective research programs, projects and research environments.

This page is updated on an ongoing basis, so please check back often for updates.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research Modules

These modules have been collaboratively developed by:

The course has been built in three modules covering the following topics:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Research Design
  • Module 2: Developing Inclusive Research Teams
  • Module 3: Embedding EDI in Knowledge Mobilization, Knowledge Translation, and Data Management


Accessibility in Research Training Series

These modules will equip researchers at Queen’s University with the knowledge base necessary to incorporate accessibility considerations within their teams and at different stages of the research process.

The training series consists of two courses:

1. Understanding Disability and Ableism

2. Defining Accessibility and Accessible Research


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) in Research Practice: A Workshop to Develop Your EDI Action Plan

On May 2, 2023, Vice-Principal Research Portfolio hosted a workshop for Queen's Faculty to learn how to develop an action plan to embed equity, diversity, and inclusion in research programs and practices.

The full-day in-person workshop was facilitated by Aleksandra Bergier (Research Advisor, EDII, VPR Portfolio) and Leela Viswanathan (Viswali Consulting).

View session materials (  Queen's NetID required):

Additional Resources


EDI Practices for Team Composition and Training

Diversity in Research Design

Accommodation & Accessibility

Policies & Supports Regarding Leaves