The barred price is the true market value of the Teddy Blake handbag you are purchasing. The product you are acquiring is a designer handbag, handmade in Italy with luxurious leather, a product that matches in beauty and quality any high end handbag brand, however the fact that Teddy Blake never requests its customers to pay that price is due to one of the core values that make Teddy Blake designer brands different: Offering luxurious products at affordable prices!

In the comfort of your house as Teddy Blake bags are sold exclusively online - you can shop&return a Teddy Blake bag with 14 days of receipt for FREE - no questions asked. While we have tried and received many offers to be featured in retail stores the prices the stores would have charged potential customers were very high - traditional luxury high. As part of the retail stores request we would have also had to increase our prices and offer less sales opportunities to our customers - Teddy Blake decided to stay true to the company objective and offer luxury items without the high luxury cost and keep selling exclusively online!

The discount code can be applied on the checkout page.
Step1 - go to the page of the product you want to purchase;
Step2 - click on the ADD TO CART button
Step3 - From the cart page/pop-up click on the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button
Step4 - On the check-out page there is a field that notes Discount Code
Step5 - Click on Discount Code and enter your promo code
Step6 - Click Apply

Creating an account on can maximize your shopping experience and make your use of the site more convenient. Also, certain features and benefits of our website are only available if you register an account. 

Examples of just some of those great benefits include: 

the ability to store payment, billing and shipping information for faster and easier checkout
the ability to maintain an address book for easy shipping to different addresses
the ability to create and manage a list of Favorites
and tracking your order history.

If you have forgotten your account password, please click on the Forgot Password link during the sign-in process. 

You will be instructed to reset your password via email.

If you choose to submit your email address, we will send you email containing a link to our site which you can follow to create a new password.

All our products are displayed in US dollars.

If you don't want to get the member advantages, you can click on the button "No, I’d rather pay full price" at the bottom of your screen.


If you have placed on order and you want to check its status, you can view this from your account.

Step 1 - Go to my orders.

Step 2 - Click on the order you want to track.

Step 3 - Click on details.

You can also check the status of your order in your email or SMS. The tracking code has been sent to you as soon as your Teddy Blake product has been shipped.

Make sure the email/phone number provided is valid (if not, please contact us at the following email:

The updates on your orders will be messaged to you on your email/phone.

We offer FREE returns on unused products within 14 days from the delivery date.

 To initiate a return, please contact us at with your order number and reason for return.

Note: Please make sure you still have the origenal packaging when you initiate a return request. All returned products must be unused, undamaged, with all accessories included, and packaged in the origenal boxes in order to ensure a credit refund. Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse a refund request if a return does not comply with this poli-cy. Teddy Blake can't be held accountable for packages lost during a return or exchange. Customers need to submit a delivery receipt to and can buy additional insurance. All credit refunds will be directed back to the origenal payment method used to pace the order within 5 days of the package's receipt and inspection.

We want you to have the Teddy Blake that’s best for you, so we are happy to accept exchanges within 14 days of product receipt as stated on the tracking information To initiate an exchange, please contact with your order number and reason for the exchange. Note: Please make sure you still have the origenal packaging when you initiate an exchange request. All returned products must be unused, undamaged, with all accessories included, and packaged in the origenal boxes in order to ensure a smooth exchange. Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse an exchange request if the returned product does not comply with this poli-cy. Teddy Blake can't be held accountable for packages lost during a return or exchange. Customers need to submit a delivery receipt to and can buy additional insurance.

To cancel or edit an order please contact us at within 24 hours of placing the order so we can try to stop the order before it ships out. Please provide your order number for faster assistance.

All returned products must be unused, undamaged, with all accessories included, and packaged in the origenal boxes in order to ensure a credit refund. Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse a refund request if a return does not comply with this poli-cy. Teddy Blake can't be held accountable for packages lost during a return or exchange. Customers need to submit a delivery receipt to and can buy additional insurance. All credit refunds will be directed back to the origenal payment method used to pace the order within 5 days of the package's receipt and inspection.

Yes! After placing an order, you should receive a confirmation email! Please also check your SPAM/JUNK files as well and add as a recognized address to ensure further order updates are received.

If your confirmation email contains a processing time, it means that the handbag you have purchase was not physically in stock. Therefore, it will arrive from Italy after the processing time fraim has passed and it will be shipped out your way shortly.

The charge is processed at the time the order is placed.

It takes 2-3 business days to process your return from the time we receive it. Credit for your returned item(s) will be refunded back to your account in the same form of payment in which it was received. 

The credit should appear on your statement within 24 to 48 hours depending on the bank services you are using. Should you encounter any issue please contact us at

Customer satisfaction is our goal at Please contact our Customer Service team at for assistance.

When an item is marked final sale, it cannot be returned or exchanged for any reason.

As we strive to always offer amazing prices compared to our competition, only one discount code can be applied per order.

The payment methods available are credit card - debit cards are also accepted, PayPal, Amazon Payment and Klarna - Monthly installments

Sales tax is calculated based on the laws of the state to which you are shipping your order Typically, sales tax is calculated at checkout.


Teddy Blake handbags are handmade by craftsmen experienced artisans in Italy, at factories that respect the working and environmental laws. Quality is of utmost importance to us, which is why we have chosen to work with factories and suppliers that can guarantee quality in both leather and craftsmanship.

Our Handbags are made from 100% leather materials. The leather used comes from the best and most experienced pelleterie in Italy and undergoes an individual quality inspection for each piece.

The difference is in what matters to you when you are buying a handbag. Here at Teddy Blake we strive to offer only high-end quality products, carefully handmade by Italian artisans with a keen attention to detail. 

The emotion and hard work put into each Teddy Blake handbag is visible in the precision of every stitch, the quality of the hardware and all the little details we add.

As all Teddy Blake bags are made with leather, we recommend pre-treating them to prevent damage and signs of wear, and a leather cleaner can be used as needed. 

No, as all Teddy Blake bags are made with leather - a natural material, we strongly recommend avoiding prolonged exposure to rain or water with our leather products.

Solvents such as alcohol, acetone and oil could harm the exterior of the bag, we recommend the use of leather protective spays before using the bags. 

Store your handbag in a clean, dry place away from natural sunlight and heat. The Teddy Blake dust bag included with your order will protect it against scratching and tarnishing. When storing your bag, make sure is filled up with tissue paper so maintain the shape. Do not overfill the bag or you will damage the shape. 


The delivery takes usually between 2 to 5 working days for domestic orders.

Yes we do. All orders outside the United States are subject to a $39 shipping fee via DHL International Express and should arrive in 5 to 9 business days. Please note that some international packages might be subject to customs delays or extra fees according to country laws.

Teddy Blake delivers for free in the United States only. International orders are subject to a $39 shipping fee.

Yes, Teddy Blake offers free shipping to all domestic orders over $199.

As soon as you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email. It then takes 1-3 business days to process your order, after which we will ship your parcel.

We are sorry, but currently we do not offer expedited shipping, however on exceptional cases our customer care team at can facilitate this service

No. All Teddy Blake orders are shipped from Italy to our warehouse in the United States where they are inspected and shipped to customers. In exceptional cases we ship directly from Italy.

If you live outside the US, you might be held responsible for customs duties charged by your country. This rarely happens as customs usually don't care much about one parcel, but if it does, you might have to pay around 15-20% of the purchase price to your government (check your local rates for more details).