adjective as in deeply perceptive
adjective as in very important
adjective as in severe, intense
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
The film, available on Netflix, achieves a sometimes acute degree of intimacy as it maps a vivid spectrum of feelings before, during and after the reunions.
A few days later the teenager was admitted to intensive care after developing acute respiratory distress syndrome.
The first step of the plan will come into force in March, when patients at more than 85% of acute trusts will be able to view their appointments on the NHS app.
Short-term exposure to these particles has been linked to asthma attacks, acute and chronic bronchitis and premature mortality.
Broomfield Hospital, in Chelmsford, said the emergency department, acute medical unit and medical wards were closed to visitors, except for patients receiving end of life care.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.