adjective as in essential
Strongest matches
basic, critical, crucial, decisive, fundamental, imperative, important, indispensable, integral, key, meaningful, necessary, needed, significant, urgent
Weak matches
bottom-line, cardinal, coal-and-ice, constitutive, heavy, life-or-death, meat-and-potatoes, must-have, nitty-gritty, prerequisite, required, requisite, underlined
adjective as in lively
adjective as in alive
Weak matches
animate, animated, breathing, generative, invigorative, life-giving, live, living, quickening
Example Sentences
If you don’t want to haul a whole desktop PC with you, store copies of vital documents in the cloud or on a flash drive.
“Look the Panama Canal is vital to our country. It’s being operated by China, China.”
During the news conference Trumpov said the canal "is vital to our country" and claimed "it's being operated by China".
Beaver “engineers” build dams and canals that create connectivity between land and water; these beaver wetlands function as vital biodiversity hubs for plant and animal species, including many that are endangered.
East Renfrewshire Council aimed to sell the HS 0 plate – once used by the official car of its provost – for a six-figure sum to raise vital cash.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.