noun as in burden
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noun as in charge
noun as in load
noun as in millstone
noun as in onus
noun as in task
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Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in tax
noun as in weight
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Weak matches
Example Sentences
This pattern continues in the world of international trade law, which reduces the deadweight losses from tariff and nontariff barriers to facilitate international commerce.
Rather than going to some productive use, this activity amounts to what economists consider a “deadweight loss” that does not help our economy expand in any way.
While the exact effect of the higher tariffs is uncertain, “tariffs do create deadweight loss, so we can expect them to exact some costs on the U.S. economy,” said Sarah Bauerle Danzman, an associate professor of international studies at Indiana University.
And if there’s anyone who will be patient with him as he rediscovers how to be a two-way player, it’s the Angels, who won’t have anything else to play for until deadweight Anthony Rendon’s contract expires after the 2026 season.
"I've talked with folks around the country who've been involved in higher ed reform, and the most significant deadweight cost at universities is typically unproductive tenured faculty," the governor added.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.