drag on
verb as in extend time of action
Example Sentences
As they struggle to keep food from spoiling, use essential appliances or power their medical and communication devices, they are upset that the outages could drag on much longer.
Trudeau's personal unpopularity with Canadians had become an increasing drag on his party's fortunes in advance of federal elections later this year.
But in the years since his ascent to the global stage, and over two general elections, Trudeau and his brand have become a drag on the party's fortunes.
She has repeatedly said in interviews in the past couple of years that Trudeau had become a drag on the federal Liberals.
That pleasure became more difficult to keep hold of this year, as anyone who was paying attention to movie theater etiquette watched it free fall as 2024 dragged on.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.